FDIC Announces Community Banking Conference "Strategies for Long-Term Success"
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FDIC Announces Community Banking Conference "Strategies for Long-Term Success"
Media contact: Julianne Fisher Breitbeil (202) 898-6895 jbreitbeil@fdic.gov |
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today announced it will bring together community bankers, regulators, researchers, and others for a conference on community banking on April 6 in Arlington, Va. As part of the FDIC's Community Banking Initiative, the conference will explore strategies for long-term success in the community banking sector.
The conference will feature keynotes from both FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg and Vice Chairman Thomas M. Hoenig, as well as panel discussions focused on successful community bank business models, key regulatory developments, opportunities and challenges in managing technology, and ownership structure and succession planning.
"Community banks play a vital role in the U.S financial system and economy, providing critical banking services in small towns, rural communities, and urban neighborhoods across the nation," Gruenberg said. "This conference is about looking forward to the challenges and opportunities facing community banks and strategies for success."
As the lead federal regulator for community banks, the FDIC monitors industry trends and provides technical assistance in a variety of ways, including training videos, research, and workshops.
Seats are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The meeting will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET at the FDIC's L. William Seidman Center located at 3501 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22226.
To register for the event, see an agenda, or learn more, go to the conference homepage. Media wishing to attend may also register on the same page.
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Congress created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 1933 to restore public confidence in the nation's banking system. The FDIC insures deposits at the nation's banks and savings associations, 6,182 as of December 31, 2015. It promotes the safety and soundness of these institutions by identifying, monitoring and addressing risks to which they are exposed. The FDIC receives no federal tax dollars—insured financial institutions fund its operations.
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