FDIC Web Site - Bank Data Products

The FDIC has modified a few of our data products - BankFind, Institution Directory, Statistics on Depository Institutions, Summary of Deposits,  Historical Statistics on Banking and the Report of Structure Changes - by enhancing their navigation. Below are high-level details of the enhancements that were made:

a.  A New Way to Navigate

Users can now seamlessly navigate between these web products using an enhanced menu. The new menu options (Banks, Reports & Analysis, Reference Tables, Data Download, Help, and BankFind) separate the parts of the applications by functionality, thus providing a more intuitive way to select a task. 

b.  Streamlined Access to your Query

The old "home pages" for each product have been removed, while the information on those pages should be easier to find.  Current bookmarks will be redirected to the new locations.

Examples include:

“Details and Financials” is a new option that enhances Institution Directory (ID) by providing users with a more efficient way to search. Users will notice a simplified look-and-feel while benefiting from enhancements such as search refine and display features.

Statistics on Depository Institutions - The distinct functions of the Statistics on Depository Institutions (SDI) application are directly accessible from the new enhanced menu under logical menu options such as: Comparison and Standard Industry Reports are under the Reports & Analysis menu option, and Quarterly and Custom Financial Data Downloads are located under the Data Download menu option.

Summary of Deposits (SOD) functions are now directly accessible from the new enhanced menu under logical menu options such as: Branch Office Deposits-Find Office under the Banks menu option, Deposit Market Share Reports under the Reports & Analysis menu option, Deposit Summary Tables under the Reference Tables menu option, and the Branch Office Deposits Download under the Data Download menu option. 

c.  Help Pages are Consolidated

Help for all applications is now conveniently located under the Help tab on the new enhanced menu. This gives the user quick assistance throughout the applications. Help pages will also open in new browser tabs so that users do not lose or have to backtrack to their work. 

Bank Data Guide - The Bank Data Guide is a quick reference tool for many of the structural, financial and economic products that are available on the FDIC web site.

Please contact us with any questions, suggestions or requests.