Spotlight on Science: PATH Study Contract Awarded, CTP Releases Five-Year Strategic Plan

Spotlight on Science

Latest News

CTP and NIDA Announce the Continuation of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study

On February 5, 2024, the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) and NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) announced the continuation of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study through the award of a contract to Westat. The continuation of the PATH Study, through this third contract, provides further opportunities for researchers to use study data to advance knowledge about tobacco use and its impact on health.

Read the Statement

CTP Releases Five-Year Strategic Plan

On December 18, 2023, CTP Director Brian King published a statement about the release of the center’s comprehensive strategic plan. The new strategic plan outlines CTP’s programmatic and workforce initiatives for the next five years.

CTP’s Strategic Plan defines five goals, 10 outcomes, and several corresponding objectives. As outlined in the goals and outcomes in the plan, the center is collectively committed to issuing impactful regulations, using robust science to inform application reviews, pursuing timely and impactful compliance and enforcement strategies, and educating the public about the risks of tobacco products. CTP will also continue to invest in staff by advancing operational enhancements and supporting the further development of the center’s highly qualified, inclusive, and high-performing workforce.

Read Dr. King's Statement

Presentation Recordings Now Available from FDA’s Public Meeting on Premarket Application Processes for Tobacco Products

Recordings from FDA’s October 23-24, 2023, public meeting on the premarket application processes for new tobacco products, including substantial equivalence (SE) reports and premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs), are now available online. This includes individual videos of all 14 presentations, Q&A with scientific staff, as well as opening and closing remarks. Transcripts for each day are also available.

Watch Presentations

Renewal Applications Filed for Swedish Match USA’s Modified Risk Tobacco Products

On November 30, 2023, FDA filed for scientific review modified risk tobacco product (MRTP) renewal applications submitted by Swedish Match USA for General Snus smokeless tobacco products.

Read the Renewal Application

PMTA Decisions

FDA continues to make decisions on PMTAs, including the following:

  • February 5, 2024: Marketing Denial Order Fontem US, LLC (blu Disposable)
  • January 22, 2024: Marketing Denial Order Bidi Vapor LLC (Bidi Stick—Classic)
  • January 19, 2024: Marketing Denial Orders Shenzhen Youme Information Technology Co. Ltd. (Suorin) and Fontem US, LLC (blu PLUS+)
  • January 16, 2024: Marketing Denial Orders Shenzhen IVPS Technology Co., Ltd (SMOK)

PMTA Marketing Decisions

More About CTP Research

Current Funding Opportunities

  • Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K01 - RFA-OD-22-023 or RFA-OD-22-024)
  • Pathway to Independence Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K99/R00 - RFA-OD-22-025 (non-clinical trial) or RFA-OD-22-026 (clinical trial))
  • Tobacco Regulatory Science (R01 Clinical Trial Optional - RFA-OD-23-017)
  • FY24 FDA Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Advanced Research and Development of Regulatory Science (FDABAA-24-00123)
  • FDA Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (R13 - PAR-23-072)

Funding Opportunities

Recent Publications by CTP Researchers 


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