You are subscribed to What's New at CBER for the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
The following links have been updated recently:
Posted: 10/16/2023
 We will launch a #crowdsourcing campaign Oct 30th to gather ideas on major advances in product development for CBER-regulated products including novel products and product manufacturing methods to emerge in the next 3-10 years. PREVIEW QUESTIONS AND GET MORE INFO NOW. https://fda-cber.ideascalegov.com
Workshops, Meetings & Conferences
Public Workshop: Biomarker-driven Drug Development for Allergic Diseases and Asthma; Public Workshop
February 22, 2024
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Development and Readiness Pilot (CDRP) Program
FDA will begin accepting requests to participate in year two of the CDRP on October 2, 2023
Request for Comments
Draft Guidance on Manufacturing Changes
New draft guidance on manufacturing changes and comparability for human cellular and #GeneTherapy products. Listen to this recorded webinar for a high-level overview and submit comments to the docket by November 13, 2023: