Latest News
CTP Announces Its Next Director of Office of Science
CTP is pleased to announce that Dr. Matthew Farrelly has been selected as the next Director of CTP’s Office of Science. Dr. Farrelly comes to CTP from RTI International, where he served as Chief Scientist and Director of the Center for Health Analytics, Media, and Policy.
An All-Center Approach: CTP’s Response to the Reagan-Udall Foundation Evaluation Report
On Feb. 24, CTP Director Brian King published a statement summarizing the center’s plans to address the evaluation recommendations, including CTP’s approach, responses to the recommendations, and next steps.
FDA Authorizes Modified Risk Tobacco Product
On Mar. 16, FDA authorized U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company (USSTC) to market its Copenhagen Classic Snuff, a loose moist smokeless tobacco product, as a modified risk tobacco product (MRTP). This product is a pre-existing tobacco product that has been marketed in the U.S. for years without modified risk information.
FDA Releases New Ads, Including First Focused on Mental Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking Among Youth
The FDA’s “The Real Cost” Youth Cigarette Prevention Campaign launched two new ads and, for the first time, will focus on the negative mental health effects of cigarette smoking and withdrawal in an ad. One ad – “Auctioneer” – highlights the fact that cigarette withdrawal can lead to anxiety, and the other ad “Said Every Smoker Ever” – highlights the fact that 3 out of 4 teens who smoke will continue to smoke into adulthood.
PMTA Decisions
To date, FDA has made determinations on more than 99% of the nearly 26 million deemed products for which applications were submitted, including authorizing 23 new e-cigarette products and devices, and issuing refuse to accept (RTA) letters, refuse to file letters, or marketing denial orders for millions of products.
FDA continues to make decisions on premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs), including the following:
March 17, 2023: Marketing Denial Orders R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company (Vuse Replacement Cartridge Menthol 4.8% G1 and Vuse Replacement Cartridge Menthol 4.8% G2)
Jan. 26, 2023: Marketing Granted Orders Philip Morris Products S.A. (Marlboro Sienna HeatSticks, Marlboro Bronze HeatSticks, and Marlboro Amber HeatSticks)
Jan. 24, 2023: Marketing Denial Orders R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company (Vuse Vibe Tank Menthol 3.0% and Vuse Ciro Cartridge Menthol 1.5%)
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study Updates
Wave 6 Restricted-Use Files Released
FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) and NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) released the Wave 6 Restricted-Use Files (RUF) from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. Wave 6 files contain data collected between March 2021 and November 2021, including questionnaire data, tobacco Universal Product Code (UPC) data, and state identifier data.
Latest Biomarker Data Files available
The PATH Study Biomarker Restricted Use Files (BRUF) now include data from the Wave 1 Biomarker Core and the Wave 4 Biomarker Core, a cohort of participants who were youth as of Wave 4 and provided biospecimens in Waves 4 and 5. Researchers can now access new and updated data files from the PATH Study.
Additionally, the PATH Study RUF has been updated to include Wave 5.5 and PATH Study Adult Telephone Survey (PATH ATS) Ever/Never Reference Data for all participants. Members of the research community are encouraged to apply for access to the RUF and BRUF. The Restricted-Use and Public-Use Master Linkage Files have each been updated to reflect the new RUF files and the current availability of biospecimens in the Biospecimen Access Program (BAP).
The BAP webpage provides information on how to access the urine, serum, plasma, and genomic DNA (gDNA) collected from adult PATH Study participants during Wave 1 (2013 – 2014) and urine collected during Wave 2 (2014 – 2015), Wave 3 (2015-2016), Wave 4 (2016-2018), and Wave 5 (2018-2019).
More About CTP Research
Current Funding Opportunities
NIH Tobacco Regulatory Science Program (TRSP) Notices of Funding Opportunities
Recent Publications by CTP Researchers
This newsletter serves as a digest of the latest announcements and stories out of CTP. It is a complement to our CTP Connect newsletter and CTP News e-blasts.