March 3, 2021
The Periodic Table of Acquisition Innovation Breaks New Ground
Now, more than ever, acquisition community members are using the Periodic Table of Acquisition Innovations, a government-wide acquisition knowledge management portal, to share business practices and technologies used across the Federal government. Use the samples and artifacts in the Periodic Table to help you re-imagine your next acquisition in a more innovative way. Check out NASA's recent entry called "Releasing the Selection Decision Document" in the Post Award category. Submit your innovation today!
LEAP Joins the Mission Support Leadership Program
The Leadership Excellence in Acquisition Program (LEAP) is now part of the Partnership for Public Service’s new Mission Support Leadership Program (MSLP). Acquisition professionals have the chance to join counterparts from Human Resources in a program that delivers important leadership skills and builds on connections among other professionals. For more information and application instructions, see the MSLP flyer. Apply by March 29, 2021 to take advantage of this opportunity!
Professional Services Office Hours March 11
GSA Professional Services and Human Capital Categories (PSHC) offers optional, no-cost scope reviews. Register to learn how PSHC can help you determine which GSA contracting solution best supports your professional and human capital service needs. Join GSA on March 11, 2021 at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. ET to learn more about PSHC and earn 1 CLP!
Earn CLPs with FAI's New Mobile App
FAI is pleased to announce the release of a new mobile app! The FAI Acquisition Challenge, which includes three modules: Price Analysis (3 CLPs); Contracting Quiz (2 CLPs); and Program/Project Management Quiz (2 CLPs) is now available on Android and iOS (Apple). Download the FAI Acquisition Challenge from the Google Play or Apple App Store today and start earning CLPs on the go!
OFPP Issues Memo Addressing Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT)
This memorandum takes an important step to measuring the timeliness of federal procurements. The memo provides (1) a common definition of PALT and (2) steps agencies can take to incorporate modern business practices that shorten the time between identification and delivery and reduce PALT in acquisition activities.
1102s - Do you Track Your Experience?
Contracting Professionals can track their job experiences using the 1102 Experience Development Tool on the "Tools" page of FAI.gov. Download the Excel spreadsheet to your desktop to view over 100 tasks, documents, contract strategies, and categories that you can track during your career. This information can be helpful when applying for new positions, applying for FAC-C Certification, or even identifying your personal skill gaps.
Government-wide Acquisition Workforce Key Initiatives
FAI Cornerstone OnDemand (FAI CSOD) Replacing FAITAS in June!
FAI CSOD will provide Acquisition Workforce (AWF) members with a modern training and certification platform that is reliable and consistently updated based on best practices. In partnership with the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and AWF leaders and members across government, FAI has been preparing FAI CSOD for the benefit of the AWF. The FAI CSOD Change Management Playbook outlines the benefits, features, roles, and timelines