February 3, 2012
President Biden Addresses the Federal Workforce
President Biden released a video seeking to establish a new tone and relationship between his administration and the career workforce. While launching new initiatives, he delivered a powerful message of trust and appreciation to the federal employees.
OFPP Issues New Memo Addressing Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT)
This memorandum takes an important step to measuring the timeliness of federal procurements. The memo provides (1) a common definition of PALT and (2) steps agencies can take to incorporate modern business practices that shorten the time between identification and delivery and reduce PALT in acquisition activities.
New Opportunity Available on Open Opps
If you have used Open Opportunities in the past, to post or take opportunities or tasks, then Open Opps needs your help! For this opportunity, prior Open Opps users will be interviewed and could be featured as an Open Opps story. This is a great way to support the acquisition community and share the value of using Open Opps. Check out this opportunity now!
Attend Integrated Award Environment Stakeholder Forum on February 9 in Preparation for the sam.gov Transition
Register to participate in the Integrated Award Environment (IAE) Stakeholder Forum on February 9, from 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. ET so that you are prepared for upcoming design changes to beta.SAM.gov and SAM.gov. This Forum will provide users and stakeholders with an introduction to the new beta.SAM.gov design in preparation for the SAM.gov transition occurring in late April. The forum will also showcase improved features and functionalities of the new design, and offer a preview of the changes with the integration of SAM.gov.
Reach Out with Acquisition Today
Do you have information you would like to share with the federal acquisition community? If so, submit your article request to the Acquisition Today team using this form. Acquisition Today is published the first and third Wednesday of the month so please complete article requests at least two weeks in advance.
Pricing and Research in Rapid-Response Scenarios
Learn more about category management’s versatile tools and dashboards. On February 10 at 2 p.m. ET, the Government-Wide Category Management's (GWCM) Project Management Office (PMO) will demo how to perform pricing and market research in rapid-response scenarios (e.g. COVID). Register using Zoom and earn 1.5 CLPs at FAITAS.
COVID-19 Responses and Category Management Seminar
On February 18 at 1 p.m. ET, join speakers from across government to learn category management strategies that helped the government respond effectively to the pandemic. Speakers will include those from Government-Wide Category Management's (GWCM) Project Management Office (PMO), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and more! Register using Zoom and earn 1.5 CLPs at FAITAS.
Professional Services Category Spotlight Webinar- February 9
The All Small Business Mentor Protégé Program (ASMPP) was created in 2016 to streamline access for small businesses to access the federal marketplace, enhance the small business’s business capabilities, and increase protégé wealth and create jobs through government contracts. The ASMPP also assists mentor firms in developing and increasing their supply chains through capable small business subcontractors. The ASMPP also assists federal contracting officers to meet the congressionally mandated set-aside goals. Earn 1 CLP, register here.
Professional Service Office Hours- February 11
GSA's Professional Services Category monthly Office Hours are designed to address federal customer agency questions about professional services acquisition. Join GSA on February 11, from 1 p.m to 2 p.m. ET for this month’s webinar where you will learn how GSA's Market Research As a Service (MRAS) team can help your agency find GSA contract holders capable of meeting your procurement needs. GSA's MRAS team can help you identify suppliers, summarize their capabilities and socio-economics, and provide you with a comprehensive market place, all at no cost! Register now and earn 1 CLP!
Acquisition Today is published the first and third Wednesday of each month. If you have information that you would like to share with the federal acquisition workforce community via Acquisition Today, you may submit your article for consideration by completing this form. If you have feedback that you would like to share with FAI, please email us at contact@fai.gov. |
Any reference to, or information discussing, a specific commercial training organization, or its products, processes, or services within this Acquisition Today newsletter does not constitute or imply an endorsement by FAI, GSA, or the United States Government of the commercial training organization, or its products, processes, services, producers, or providers. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document, website, linked information, or any other information, contained in the newsletter regarding a commercial training organization do not necessarily state or reflect those of FAI, GSA, or the United States Government. All references to commercial training organizations are for information purposes only. Neither the FAI, GSA, or the United States Government, nor any of their employees, assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information from a commercial training organization's referenced information, linked information, services, products, producers, or providers. |