November 20, 2019
Register Today for Spotlight Webinar on Contract Closeout
Join the government-wide Professional Services Category (PSC) for a “spotlight” webinar about the important topic of contract closeout on December 5, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Closing contracts in a timely manner can help to limit the government’s exposure to risks by identifying and recovering improper payments to contractors and avoiding paying interest fees when the government does not pay contractors on time. Spotlight webinars are designed to share sound acquisition practices and are open to the federal acquisition workforce. Plus you can earn CLPs. Register today.
Your Opportunity to Give Feedback to GSA Federal Marketplace
You can help with GSA's Federal Marketplace Strategy! The Digital Experience team, a Federal Marketplace initiative, is looking for COs, PMs & CORs to help GSA improve the buying experience. If this sounds interesting and you would like to contribute, please email federalmarketplace@gsa.gov. With your input, GSA will create a better digital presence to meet your needs in the acquisition journey! As a bonus, you’ll earn 0.5 CLP for just giving feedback.
Available FY2020 FAI Instructor-Led Training
FAI has added an incredible array of FAC-C, FAC-COR, FAC-P/PM, and continuous learning instructor-led trainings for FY2020 via online and in the classroom. This link lists all class offerings for which there are seats available. Along with the courses necessary for certification, course offerings also include new subjects such as Cybersecurity for Contracting Professionals, Intermediate Agile Techniques for Contracting Professionals, Information Technology Acquisition, Advanced COR, COR Refresher, and Agile Project Management for the Federal Environment.
Acquisition Gateway Dashboards and Tools Update
The November, 2019 update to Acquisition Analytics tools were updated this month, with improvements in three major areas: new data, new calculations that enable additional cost avoidance data, and a new methodology for processing and classifying IT data. LEARN MORE
FY2020 HCaTS DPA Trainings Set
Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA) training to use the Human Capital and Training Solutions (HCaTS) contracts has been set for FY 2020. The next training webinar is December 12 at 1:00 p.m. ET. HCaTS DPA training registration is available in the FAITAS Course Catalog under course ID FCL-GSA-0081. Upon completion of the training, 1 Continuous Learning Point will be credited through FAITAS. If you are unable to register through FAITAS, please visit www.gsa.gov/hcats.
Sign Up for Next OASIS DPA
The next OASIS Delegation of Procurement training webinar is December 4, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Register today to learn how to use this Best-in-Class contract.
Instructor-Led Training for Federal Employees in Alaska!
The Interior Acquisition Institute (IAI) at DOI University is providing low cost acquisition training for federal and tribal employees located in Columbia-Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Join IAI from December 2019 through March 2020 in 3 locations in Anchorage! Register today in FAITAS.
Acquisition Today is published the first and third Wednesday of each month. If you have information that you would like to share with the federal acquisition workforce community via Acquisition Today, you may submit your article for consideration by completing this form. If you have feedback that you would like to share with FAI, please email us at contact@fai.gov.
Any reference to, or information discussing, a specific commercial training organization, or its products, processes, or services within this Acquisition Today newsletter does not constitute or imply an endorsement by FAI, GSA, or the United States Government of the commercial training organization, or its products, processes, services, producers, or providers. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document, website, linked information, or any other information, contained in the newsletter regarding a commercial training organization do not necessarily state or reflect those of FAI, GSA, or the United States Government. All references to commercial training organizations are for information purposes only. Neither the FAI, GSA, or the United States Government, nor any of their employees, assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information from a commercial training organization's referenced information, linked information, services, products, producers, or providers.