July User Call moved to 7/16

The July user call is being moved to Tuesday, July 16th 2024, at 2:00pm ET.

Previous recordings may be found at https://www.epa.gov/e-manifest/monthly-user-calls-hazardous-waste-electronic-manifest-e-manifest .

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  • 5/31 Production Release 
  • Available to Sign Service
  • UI link Service updates
  • Next Production Release 8/2
  • Search API
  • In Preprod Now
  • Updated by
  • Search Service updates
  • Label/Description Key Pairs and owning Site ID
  • You can search on just the label and/or description as well
  • For example:
  • Label “Profile #”
  • Description “MyGenWasteProfile1”
  • Transporter Order 
  • Search by Quick Sign Date
  • Correction Requests
  • Did you know?
  • Multifactor Authentication in Preprod
  • Agency goal coming for industry facing CDX applications: Projected 8/3 most users will see on 8/5
  • Released in Preproduction on 6/3.
  • 5/31 last production deployment until 8/2
  • System to System: Should not affect API IDs and Keys
  • While the actual API IDs and Keys shouldn't be affected, the accounts that own the IDs and keys will need to be migrated to Login.gov.
  • Upcoming Development
  • Electronic adoption enhancements in UI and API services
  • Electronic Manifesting Updates
  • If interested in discussing electronic manifesting, reach out to markley.kyle@epa.gov.
  • User Submitted Questions
  • Questions