FEMP Digest: Training Reminders - New ESPC Sessions and More

ENERGY.GOV - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Federal Energy Management Program

December 19, 2017

Upcoming Webcasts

Big Results in Small Places: Exploring the Untapped Energy Efficiency Potential of Small Data Centers

Live Webinar: January 9, 2018

Data traffic has grown tremendously in recent years, with no signs of slowing. Close to half of all the servers handling that data live in data centers less than 5,000 square feet; however these smaller data centers are often overlooked when it comes to energy efficiency. There are compelling benefits for deploying energy saving strategies in small data centers for institutions, state and local  governments, utilities, and private companies. Learn about why effective energy management is worth your attention in small data centers, and which low-cost, high-win strategies can reduce energy demand.

Please follow the link to register for this webinar, which is part of the Department of Energy's Better Buildings Webinar Series.

eProject Builder Demonstration

Live Webinar: January 18, 2018

FEMP and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) will present an introduction/demonstration session on eProject Builder, the ESPC project tracking and database system that is required as part of DOE's indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts. The sessions will be interactive, with both a call-in phone line and webinar portion. While all are welcome, the training will be particularly valuable for energy service companies and federal representatives involved in projects that have chosen the energy service company (ESCO) and are in preliminary assessment or investment grade audit stage of their projects. Participants will learn about the benefits of using ePB and get a walk-through of project data entry, tracking and reporting processes. The next available dates and times are:

  • Thursday, January 18, 2:00-3:30 EST

To participate in the session, you will need to log in to www.readytalk.com with "access code" 4952370 shortly before the start of the webinar. The call-in line is 866-740-1260. If you would like further information on the sessions or to receive a calendar invitation, please e-mail epb-support@lbl.gov.  

Utility Energy Service Contracts Training for Utility Representatives

Live Webinar: January 31, 2018
This webinar covers UESCs, which allow utilities to provide their federal agencies with comprehensive energy and water efficiency improvements and demand-reduction services. To enter into a UESC, federal staff, as well as utility representatives, must understand the legal parameters, contracting requirements, financing options, and other aspects of these agreements. This training is designed specifically for utility staff so they have the tools needed to better serve their federal customers. Utilities not currently offering UESCs will learn the steps involved in starting a program as well as the resources available from FEMP to help them identify, connect, and partner with the federal facilities in their service territory.  

Please follow the link to register for this webinar.

Just in Time ESPC Webinars Session 4: ESPC Implementation/Construction Period - Not Your Conventional Design, Build

Live Webinar: February 8, 2018

FEMP's Just in Time webinar series features experienced energy savings performance contract (ESPC) team members in a live question-and-answer period following a live or prerecorded webinar. Session 4 is intended for agency ESPC acquisition teams or individuals who are responsible for transitioning agency resources into the contract administration phase of the project after task order award. The webinar will focus on best practices for common issues during the implementation/construction period.

Please follow the link to register for this webinar.

Introduction to UESCs Webinar

Live Webinar: February 21, 2018 
This webinar provides attendees with an overview of the contracting options and services available from their local utility companies to engineer, finance, and install cost-effective energy and water savings projects. This training is appropriate for federal facility/energy managers, procurement specialists, utility company representatives, and representatives from other interested organizations. Participants will walk through the steps of the typical project process from the audit phase to commissioning the equipment. The webinar introduces participants to UESCs and helps them determine if this alternative financing opportunity is right for them. It also provides them with information about a variety of no-cost resources available to support their UESC project efforts through FEMP and the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Areawide Contract Program.

Please follow the link to register for this webinar.

Placing UESC Task Orders under the GSA Areawide Contract Webinar

Live Webinar: March 13, 2018

This webinar is designed for federal procurement specialists and contracting officers. The goal of this training is to provide attendees with an overview of the contracting options and services available from their local utility companies to engineer, finance, and install cost effective energy and water savings projects. Participants will walk through the typical project process under the GSA Areawide Contract, from the audit phase to commissioning the equipment. Highlights include a review of the contracting options for UESCs, best practices associated with UESC procurement steps, and information on additional resources to help federal contracting officers and procurement specialists issue these Task Orders.

Please follow the link to register for this webinar.

In-Person Events 

Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) Training

January 17-19, 2018
San Francisco, California

The main objective for the Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) Program is to raise the standards of those involved in energy assessments of data centers. Training events, lasting one or three days, prepare attendees to perform accurate energy assessments of HVAC, electrical, and IT systems, including the use of software tools. The gained skills of identifying and evaluating energy efficiency opportunities in data centers are applicable across both the federal and private sectors.

The Federal "Data Center Optimization Initiative" (DCOI) Memorandum M-16-19 states that all federal data centers shall have at least one certified Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) assigned to manage data center performance and continued optimization.

For more information about the training, including tuition fees, please visit DOE’s Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers. The cost of tuition for the training is paid directly to the training organizations. 

University of California Irvine Smart Labs Workshop

January 31, 2018
University of California Irvine (UCI)

Held in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Smart Labs Accelerator, this workshop offers participants the chance to experience firsthand the day-to-day operations of UCI’s Smart Labs Program. 

Smart Labs is comprehensive in its approach to laboratory management. It goes beyond energy retrofits, consisting of the classification of buildings and lab space,understanding the effectiveness of dilution ventilation, tuning the systems, and ensuring the systems are functioning properly.

The workshop is intended for laboratory building owners and their teams (including facility operation staff, energy managers, safety managers, upper management staff, laboratory users and researchers, and engineers). UCI and its partners will cover what they have done, who does what, how they do it, and lay out a framework to adapt for your organization.

Please follow the link to register for this workshop.

FedFleet 2018

January 30-February 1, 2018
Washington, D.C.

FedFleet 2018 will offer more than 40 unique training sessions for federal fleet managers at no cost to federal employees. Sessions topics taught by experts will cover both agency-owned and leased fleets and will include hands-on computer lab training. Attendees will have access to the Washington AutoShow exhibit hall, including FedFleet specific vendors. To register, visit www.gsa.gov/fedfleet.

Energy Savings Performance Contracting Three-Day Training Workshop: Includes a New Module on Energy Resiliency

March 6-8, 2018
Washington, D.C.

This newly updated three-day workshop educates attendees on how to implement energy and water projects through an ESPC. It includes a new module about including resiliency in your ESPC, as well as a basic introduction to and new requirements of the latest U.S. Department of Energy indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract.

Training sections include task order ordering procedures, contractor selection, energy saving technologies, building energy resiliency into your task order, measurement and verification, understanding task order schedules, pricing and financing aspects of the project, and post award contract administration. Breakout sessions focusing on technical and contracting topics provide trainees with an opportunity to learn by doing.

Please follow the link to register for this workshopRegistration is open to federal employees, DOE national labs, and state and local government employees. Others, such as DOE M&O contractors, may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

On Demand eTraining 

FEMP offers self-paced on demand eTraining courses and webinars to help federal agency personnel develop core competencies and comply with energy efficiency, renewable energy, water management and sustainability requirements. Certified FEMP trainings award continuing education units (CEUs).

FEMP Training courses are designed for federal energy and facility managers, but open to all individuals through the FEMP Training Search. Visit FEMP's Training site for a complete list of training offerings.


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This service is provided to you at no charge by DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). Visit the Web site at eere.energy.gov.