FTA is encouraging transit agencies to help notify their workers and riders about the time-sensitive need to renew their Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage.
Many public transportation riders rely on Medicaid or CHIP for health coverage and transit passes/fares for non-emergency medical transportation. Prior to the pandemic, states were required to renew coverage for people with Medicaid or CHIP coverage at least once a year and to disenroll individuals who no longer qualified for coverage. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress acted to ensure Americans did not lose access to critical health care by preventing states from terminating a person’s Medicaid coverage, even if they no longer qualified.
With the public health emergency over, federal law requires all states to restart processes for Medicaid renewals. Early data from April indicates that a large number of people are unaware of this change and are losing their coverage despite still being eligible.
Transit agencies and partner organizations are encouraged to help get the word out to people enrolled in Medicaid that they may be required to take action to remain covered. Key messages include reminders to update contact information with state Medicaid agencies, and promptly respond to the Medicaid renewal form when it comes in the mail.
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) developed a Communications Toolkit with numerous multi-lingual outreach and education materials that transit agencies and other partners can use. Suggested actions for transit agencies include:
- Post fliers (English, Spanish, Tribal communities) in transit stations, stops, or inside vehicles
- Include cards (English and Spanish) when mailing transit passes to riders
Invite and allow state Medicaid agencies and partner organizations to hold renewal drives at transit stations
- Highlight renewal efforts on social media using prepared graphics and/or educational videos
- Share renewal resources with their transit workforce, and disseminate resources to local employers participating in transit benefits programs
Register and join the White House led Train-the-Trainer Webinar on August 1, 2023 at 1:30 PM ET
Thank you for your continued role in assuring access to quality, affordable health coverage.