New USDOT Report finds transit maintenance backlog of $90 billion and growing; calls for immediate action

This week, the U.S. Department of Transportation published the latest Conditions & Performance report on the status of the nation’s roadway and transit systems. USDOT’s analysis shows a nearly $90 billion backlog in maintenance of transit assets across the country – a backlog that is projected to grow to $122 billion over the next 20 years if current levels of maintenance funding are kept at existing levels.


The report, a joint effort of the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration, provides a comprehensive look at the condition of assets such as railcars, tracks, and transit buses. In addition, the report highlights increased demand for transit service in recent years, which makes investments in state of good repair even more critical.


“This report shows the impact of the lack of investment in infrastructure,” said Acting Federal Transit Administrator Carolyn Flowers. “The results of that neglect can be seen throughout our country as both reliability and safety suffer. We must increase investment in public transportation nationwide, because we must take immediate action to bring our transit infrastructure into a state of good repair and provide the world-class service that Americans deserve.”


For more information, see the press release here and read the full report here.


Conditions and Performance chart