Collaborative Hydraulics: Advancing to the Next Generation of Engineering (CHANGE)
 Photo by John Gussman
2D Hydraulic Modeling User's Forum
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June 17th Web Meeting Recording:
Understanding the Importance of Hydraulic Controls and Mesh Resolution in 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Hydraulic modelers,
Thanks to all who could participate in today's web meeting, we greatly appreciated the participation and amount of questions. If you missed it, just click the 'Watch Now' image to watch the recording through Adobe Connect. The presentation slides can be downloaded from the FileShare pod within the Adobe web room. If we did not get to your question, please reach out to Laura or I directly. Otherwise, we will try to address many of these topics in the next webinar.
In this webinar Scott Hogan gave a presentation on 2D modeling mesh resolution and hydraulic controls. The presentation uses a case study to compare the results of different mesh resolutions with measured data, including the use breaklines to represent hydraulic controls and the differences between SRH-2D and HEC-RAS 2D.
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If you have specific questions or additional topics to be discussed, please contact
Schedule NHI Training Sessions
Virtual Training Sessions . The online 2D modeling course (NHI 135095V) is available and has been taught numerous times in the past six months. Additional courses get scheduled based on host requests and often have public seats available, but they go quick. To review the currently scheduled courses, just click on the Online Training graphic for more information and then click 'View Sessions' for registration options.You may consider hosting a course if the availability doesn't meet your needs. Please feel free to contact Scott Hogan with questions.
Please note that this is the normal 3-day 135095 in-person course, modified to a 4-day course for online delivery.
Download Free Software
Download a FREE copy of the SMS Graphical User Interface and SRH-2D.
Once the software is installed, go to the Menu-Help-Register. Select 'Request a license', which takes you to the Aquaveo page. The 'Request Community' option is free and does not require a license code. All DOTs and FHWA employees should select the Govt' License option.
Reviewers License: Anyone who reviews models rather than develop them, can request a free ‘pro’ version of SMS from Aquaveo. Before requesting a license, reviewers must complete the form at the following link and submit it to Aquaveo.
Tutorials and Training Available
Access the FHWA-NHI SRH-2D Training Videos.
Additionally, there are more videos available here for those who are new to 2D hydraulic modeling.
Access Previous Webinars
Access the web recordings and presentation slides for previous 2D Hydraulic Modeling User's Forum Meetings.
Following is a list of topics that have been covered.
Webinar Date / Topics Covered
July 15, 2015 - SRH-2D Model Development August 26, 2015 - Managing information in SMS and reviewing results for adequacy April 27, 2016 - Mesh Development and Review February 2, 2017 - Evaluating bridge scour with 2D model results April 19, 2017 - SRH-2D Boundary Conditions June 21, 2017 - Developing Terrain Data August 31, 2017 - Back to the Basics for mesh development October 18. 2017 - Potential mesh stability issues and solutions January 25, 2018 - CDOTs 2D modeling experience March 1, 2018 - Nevada DOT terrain mapping with UAVs May 31, 2018 - Bridge and Culvert Best Modeling Practices August 20, 2018 - Minnesota Data Collection and Model Calibration November 14,2018 - 2D Hydraulic Model Review January 17, 2019 - New features in the SMS SRH2D interface March 14, 2019 - SRH-2D Model Development Overview June 18, 2019 - Importing and Compiling Terrain Data August 8, 2019 - Presenting and Exporting Results November 14,2019 - 2D Hydraulic Modeling Reference Document Overview February 20, 2020 - 2D Hydraulic Model Review - Terrain Data April 4, 2020 - 2D Hydraulic Model Review - 2D Mesh May 13, 2020 - 2D Hydraulic Model Review - 2D Boundary Conditions and Materials July 16, 2020 - 2D Hydraulic Model Review - Hydraulic Structures December 1, 2020 – What’s new in SMS 13.1 and SRH-2D 3.3 March 2, 2021 - 2D Hydraulic Model Review - Model Controls (3D Bridges)
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