A Strategic Approach to Project Bundling Webinar Series
As part of FHWA’s Every Day Counts (EDC) Project Bundling initiative, the EDC team will launch a new series of Project Bundling webinars in June focused on the project development process to help agencies answer these questions:
What is project bundling? Develop an understanding FHWA’s approach to project bundling compared to the common industry approach.
Why bundle projects? Understand your agency’s vision, mission, and goals, and whether bundling might serve those goals and stakeholders.
When and how should an agency bundle projects? Program projects early in the planning process to bring the greatest opportunity to address agency and stakeholder goals.
The six webinars will highlight business processes and rules, programming, planning, environmental analysis, preliminary design, project delivery decisions, and construction as they relate to Project Bundling. Register Today.
Project Bundling: What Does Success Look Like?
June 15, 2021 2:00 ET
It is important that an agency’s leadership define, in enough detail, what their overall program strategic vision is, as well as their project bundling goals and objectives. This is followed by creating and tracking actionable steps towards achieving these goals and objectives. Additionally, the desired end state and what a successful bundling practice looks like needs to be determined. These goals and objectives should be connected or aligned with other agency goals. This webinar will provide a tool for creating an improvement plan to strategically approach project bundling. Register
Project Bundling: The Business Process
August 17, 2021, 2:00 ET
The goal of the EDC-5 Project Bundling initiative is to make bundling a routine agency business process. Ideally, agencies would have guidance or rules for assessing the potential benefit of bundling a set of projects. This webinar will provide guidance on how to employ ‘business rules’ consistently and strategically so bundles are identified as early as possible, preferably to be included in the State’s Transportation Improvement Program, or STIP. Register
Project Bundling: Planning and Capital Programming
October 19, 2021 2:00 ET
Evaluation of projects for bundling is best done strategically and early in the transportation planning process to gain economies of scale throughout project development. Ideally, from a planning perspective, identifying the set of candidate projects suitable for funding and bundling will occur before the projects are listed in the STIP. This webinar highlights how capital programming (also known as capital improvement planning by local agencies) is done, along with methods for identifying candidate projects, such as using asset management systems. Register
Project Bundling: Preconstruction
January 18, 2022, 2:00 ET
Delivering a bundled project depends on several factors—which project delivery method is chosen, what effort is necessary to secure environmental determination and permits, which risks the agency has responsibility for, and other factors specific to the agency. This webinar will highlight the steps to setting up a strategic bundling program as outlined in the FHWA Bridge Bundling Guidebook and in the Advanced Project Bundling Quick Start Reference.
Project Bundling: Local Agency Partnering
March 15, 2022, 2:00 ET
Project bundling can happen across agencies. States may create bundled projects with local agencies and local agencies may bundle projects with other local agencies. For example, the San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission is encouraging member agencies to bundle paving projects to expand treatment options not feasible in small quantities. This webinar will focus on case studies and model agreement templates for strategic partnerships.
Project Bundling: Construction and Contract Considerations
May 17, 2022, 2:00 ET
Project bundling can create some unique contract-related issues. In this webinar, we will demonstrate how you can address construction contract issues such as common specifications, common design standards, payment provisions, responsible parties, and demonstrate model contracts. We will present case studies demonstrating how all project delivery methods have been strategically used for successful bundled projects to reduce cost and save time.
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