TTP funding from the Coronavirus Relief and Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021

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Federal Highway Administration

Office of Tribal Transportation Bulletin

Coronavirus Relief and Supplemental Appropriations Act

The recent “Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021” authorized an additional $114,568,862 for activities eligible under the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP). FHWA applied a small administrative takedown, as allowed by the Act, which leaves a balance of $114,454,293 for distribution under the TTP formula as Tribal Shares.

The Act does not provide for the usual set-asides for Safety, Bridge, Planning or Program Management and Oversight (PM&O). All funding will be distributed as Tribal Shares in accordance with 25 CFR 170.201. Reporting requirements stated in 25 CFR 170.240 will apply to the use of these funds.

Additional information will be provided when the funds are made available.