Advancing Science: The Official Newsletter of the NIJ Director

Welcome to the latest issue of Advancing Science, the official newsletter from my desk as NIJ Director, where I share the latest thoughts and happenings around NIJ. Please consider subscribing to future issues if you haven’t already done so.

Director's Newsletter

I’m thrilled to share that the NIJ National Conference will be returning on May 23 – 25, 2023 in Arlington, VA, after an 11-year hiatus!

The conference will feature NIJ-sponsored research with a focus on ensuring these investments translate into actionable changes in policies and practices.

The full agenda and registration are forthcoming, so in the meantime be sure to subscribe to NIJ’s events list to be the first to know when updates are available.


Director's Newsletter

It was truly an honor to present NIJ’s new research initiatives at this year’s American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. I wanted to share a concise recap of my presentation with you, which signals the research priorities that NIJ is targeting in the coming year.

It’s worth noting that key talking points from this presentation will be directly reflected in NIJ’s FY23 solicitations on the horizon, so consider this a hint to start lining up your research ideas, partnerships and data sharing agreements now!


Director's Newsletter

I’d like to take a moment to share a couple of articles that I recently penned, each reiterating critical components of NIJ’s research vision. “Getting the Most Out of Research Partnerships” published in Correction’s Today’s Nov/Dec issue, offers my first-hand perspective on how engaging both correctional staff and people who are incarcerated in research can produce more valid, impactful, and actionable findings.


More recently, Police Chief magazine published “Harnessing the Power of Data-Driven, Inclusive Research,” which discusses how inclusive research processes can drive on-the-ground improvements in policing practices.


Director's Newsletter

And related to the corrections community, I’ll be participating in “Beyond Recidivism: Defining and Measuring Success After Incarceration,” a livestream event on Monday, December 12 starting at 10:00 AM EST. This forum features findings from the National Academies of Sciences report The Limits of Recidivism: Measuring Success After Prison and directly involves currently incarcerated individuals and community members who have a shared interest in expanding post-release success.

Be sure to tune in and join us for this engaging community event!


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