Æther Volume 1 No 3 Released!

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Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower

Volume 1 No 3

The Fall 2022 issue of Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower is live! This quarter, we are pleased to feature the 2022 Strategic Vision of the Chief of Staff of the French Air and Space Force and articles that explore aspects of presidential authority, air and space strategy and theory, and foreign basing in Africa. Thank you for taking the time to read this issue of the journal. And as always, we welcome considered, well-researched feedback on our content. Our website has further details.

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From the Editor

Letter from the Editor
Laura M. Thurston Goodroe

Senior Leader Perspective 

Deter-Defend-Defeat: Succeed in 3D
General Stéphane Mille

Policy, Strategy,
and the

Military Necessity: Policy-Capability Tensions
Thomas R. Burks

Persian Gulf War: A Type I Approach to Conflicts
David J. Lorenzo

The National Defense Strategy as a Genre: Dynamic and Adaptable or Constraining Creativity?
Philip Hayek


Military Theory
and Strategy

Studying Airpower: Eight Essential Themes for Practitioners
Heather P. Venable

Clausewitz in Space: Friction in Space Strategy and Operations
Randall E. Carlson and Ron Gurantz



Port in the Desert: Djibouti as International Lessor
Jessica Borowicz

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