FEMA Releases Podcast During Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month


FEMA Podcast: Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Operations

During March, we are proud to recognize Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month – a campaign to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life and the barriers they face. Learn more about the importance of including people with disabilities in disaster planning and operations on the latest episode of the Before, During and After podcast. 

Podcast Cover DDAM2024

FEMA’s Office of Disability Integration and Coordination Sherman Gillums Jr., Ed.D. and Acting CEO of the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities Robin Troutman discuss the importance of partnership and planning. 

"[Partnerships] are even more critical to build prior to disasters, to ensure there's a trust bond that exists that makes communication and navigating the voids of uncertaintythat are typical in disastersa lot easier to deal with," says Gillums.

FEMA's Office of Disability Integration and Coordination recently released a new version of its training course IS-368.A, titled "Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Operations," which provides an overview of information and strategies to include people with disabilities during preparedness, response and recovery efforts.

To listen to the podcast, visit Before, During & After | FEMA.gov.

To take the training, visit FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-368.A: Including People With Disabilities in Disaster Operations.


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