FEMA Advisory: FEMA Updates Community Resilience Exercise Guide (November 9, 2021)

FEMA Advisory

FEMA Updates Community Resilience Exercise Guide    

FEMA releases updates to the Long-Term Community Resilience Exercise Resource Guide, a "one-stop-shop" for any jurisdiction or organization interested in using a climate-focused exercise to better understand their long-term risk and evaluate actions to mitigate them. 

Exercises provide an effective forum for the public to develop a common understanding of risk, assess current capabilities, and identify preparedness gaps and other needs to be addressed through future planning. The guide is helpful for planning and conducting scenario-based exercises. It uses different time horizons and levels of climate risk to help visualize the future and evaluate options for constructive action to adapt to climate changes already occurring and those to come. This guide equips users with:

  • A dictionary with common terms to ensure a shared understanding of climate-related terminology and principles before an exercise.
  • Tools and templates for planning and conducting climate-focused exercises.
  • Resources including funding opportunities, risk assessments and training programs.

The guide offers the latest Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) guiding principles, new discussion prompts specific to climate change and social justice, and noteworthy resources from across the interagency. 

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