FEMA Weekly May 12

FEMA WEEKLY "Helping people before, during and after disasters."



Program News


FEMA Town Hall on May 14

New Administrator Video

Please join FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell for a Virtual Town Hall from 1 to 2 p.m. ET on Friday, May 14.  This video message from Administrator Criswell outlines her priorities and vision for FEMA and our workforce.

Although time will be limited, your questions may be addressed during the session. Please submit any questions you would like to ask in advance

How to Participate:

  •    Join via FEMA Zoom.
  •     Passcode: 630287

One tap mobile:

  • +16692545252,,1616102745#,,,,*630287# US (San Jose)
  • +16468287666,,1616102745#,,,,*630287# US (New York)


  • Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 254 5252  or +1 646 828 7666  or +1 669 216 1590  or +1 551 285 1373
  • Webinar ID: 161 610 2745
  • Passcode: 630287
  • International numbers available: https://fema.zoomgov.com/u/atgUOrfcS

H.323/SIP room system:

  • H.323: (US West) or (US East)
  • Webinar ID: 161 610 2745
  • Passcode: 630287
  • SIP: 1616102745@sip.zoomgov.com
  • Passcode: 630287

When joining please be sure to include your name, FEMA program and location. All FEMA employees are invited to attend. Reservist employees are encouraged to attend; however, attendance is voluntary, and compensation is not authorized.


FEMA Welcomes 125 New FEMA Corps Members

FEMA Corps

Last month, FEMA and AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps held an onboarding event for 125 new FEMA Corps members. 

The event was organized by FEMA’s Personnel Mobilization Center Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration team at the facility in Grapevine, Texas.

These new members received introductory training in the following areas: principles of emergency management, FEMA knowledge, technical competence, professional development, career skills, problem solving and leadership skills. 

After completion of onboarding, teams deployed across the country to support several FEMA priorities. Sixteen teams are supporting COVID-19 vaccination efforts in nine states, while two teams are serving at the FEMA Distribution Center in Fort Worth, Texas and a Second Harvest Food Bank in North Carolina.

FEMA Corps is a partnership between FEMA and AmeriCorps. The FEMA Corps program is a full-time, team-based, residential service program for young professionals ages 18-26. The CARES Act, passed by Congress in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, increased the upper age limit for participation as an AmeriCorps member to 26 years.

During their 12 months of service, teams travel across the country, develop professional skills and serve communities most in need — particularly those affected by disaster.

The program also serves as a talent pipeline to bring motivated, diverse, service-oriented early-career professionals into FEMA. As of 2020, 611 FEMA Corps alumni currently work at the agency.

To learn about FEMA Corps, visit the FEMA website.


FEMA Celebrates Mother’s Day

Mother's Day

This past Sunday the nation celebrated Mother’s Day.

To mark the occasion, FEMA created several video compilations highlighting the moms of FEMA.

Take a moment to watch the videos and celebrate with us. And Happy Mother’s Day!


FEMA Releases Good Order and Discipline Second Quarter Update

Awards and Recognition Report

FEMA is committed to maintaining a highly skilled workforce to guarantee quality service to the public. The Awards and Recognition Program is designed to create an environment where employees actively and continually seek exceptional ways to do their jobs, improve organizational performance and take pride in their achievements. It also recognizes employee accomplishments, contributions and innovations in support of the agency's vision, mission and goals.

The FEMA Awards Snapshot lists awards and formal recognition, not related to annual performance appraisals, awarded during the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2021. This listing may not include DHS administered or sponsored awards.

Misconduct and Performance Accountability Report

All FEMA employees, supervisors and managers are always expected to demonstrate acceptable conduct and performance, as required by the ethical standards of conduct and other rules, regulations and applicable laws. Fairness to employees who conduct themselves properly, follow the rules and abide by the standards requires that appropriate action be taken to deal with employees who exhibit poor performance and acts of misconduct. To promote transparency, FEMA publishes this summary of disciplinary and administrative actions taken when FEMA employees failed to uphold the high ethical, moral and professional standards we share.  

The Misconduct and Performance Action Snapshot is a list of administrative actions taken during the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2021. The circumstances surrounding each case vary greatly, and disciplinary or remedial actions taken depend on the particular facts and varying degrees of aggravating or mitigating circumstances. The actions in the report are disciplinary actions by FEMA supervisors and managers. Employees have due process rights to challenge disciplinary actions against them and those actions are not final until the employees have exhausted all of the appeals they are afforded under federal law.


Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Employee Spotlights

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time to both honor and raise awareness of the diverse Asian American and Pacific Islander community, especially within our FEMA workforce. Throughout May, we are highlighting some of these individuals and the incredible work they do to help people before, during and after disasters.


Office of Policy and Program Analysis Program Manager Seong Kim.


Region 8 External Affairs Public Affairs Specialist Minh Phan.


Where in FEMA are Employees Most Engaged? 


Where in FEMA are employees most engaged? 

According to the results from the 2019 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) and the Supplemental Survey (SS), it turns out to be the Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate — which scored a stellar 93% on employee engagement. 

Click here to learn more about how they achieved such a high level of employee engagement. (Hint: it starts with reviewing the results from the FEVS/SS.)

2020 survey results are now available on the FEVS/SS Dashboard.


Practice Mindfulness for Better Mental Health

Mindfulness is an intentional and non-judgmental awareness of the present moment.

Practicing mindfulness — by, for example, sitting in meditation or participating in a yoga class — can help ease chronic pain, anxiety, depression and stress.

To put mindfulness into practice, the National Institutes of Health have simple tips:

Take a deep, cleansing breath.  Breathe in through your nose to a count of 4, breathing the air downward into your lower abdomen. Hold for 1 to 3 seconds. Then exhale through the mouth to a count of 5. Repeat for a few breaths to ease stress and promote a sense of calm. 

Enjoy time outside. Notice the sights and sounds around you and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. As thoughts and worries enter your mind, note them — but return to the present.

Practice mindful eating. Be aware of taste, textures and flavors in each bite. Eat slowly and without distractions, listen to physical hunger cues and eat only until you’re comfortably full.

You may want to take these tips further by beginning regular of mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, tai chi or qi gong.

Meditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation. Yoga combines physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation or relaxation. Tai chi and qi gong are centuries-old mind and body practices that involve certain postures and gentle movements with mental focus, breathing and relaxation.

Meditation and activities such as yoga, tai chi and gi gong are generally considered safe for healthy people, but check with your health provider before starting any new treatment.

To learn more, watch this short workshop from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Occupational Health WorkLife4You program. 

Federal Occupational Health’s program, WorkLife4You, promotes balance and well-being. WorkLife4You is a free service for federal employees. Learn more or sign up today.


Public Comment Period on Climate Change and Underserved Populations

Public Comment

With the increasing severity and number of large-scale disasters in recent years, that may in part be from climate change, it is essential to reevaluate the FEMA’s programs.

This reevaluation effort may help reduce unnecessary barriers to participation and effectiveness, better serve all communities, increase equity and promote preparedness and resilience.

FEMA is currently seeking public comments on President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.’s executive orders 13985, 13990 and 14008. These executive orders require agencies to assess existing programs and policies to determine the following:

  • If agency programs and policies perpetuate systemic barriers to opportunities and benefits for people of color and other underserved groups.
  • If additional agency actions are required to bolster resilience to climate change.
  • If agency programs, policies and activities address the disproportionately high and adverse climate-related impacts on disadvantaged communities.

The most useful type of feedback identifies specific programs, regulations, information collections and/or policies that could benefit from reform.

Feedback should also refer to specific barriers to participation, address how to improve risk perception, offer actionable data and specify viable alternatives to existing approaches that meet statutory obligations.

Comments can be submitted through June 21 via the Federal eRulemaking Portal, Docket ID: FEMA-2021-0011. Please follow the instructions on the page and contact the Regulations.gov Help Desk if you have technical issues.

To learn more visit the Public Comment Period on Climate Change and Underserved Populations Event Page.


FEMA Fellows Program Now Accepting Applications

The Office of the Chief Learning Officer (OCLO) is pleased to announce that the FEMA Fellows Program is now accepting applications through May 17.  

The program provides participants the opportunity to explore the role of leading change using change management principles, concepts and leader development competencies. The program incorporates strategies and techniques required to effectively plan and evaluate change within an organization.  

The fellows program is open to eligible permanent and temporary full time employees and cadre of on-call response/recovery employees at the 13-14 grade level who have been with FEMA for at least one year. The program offers a combination of developmental and practical activities that include mentoring, experiential learning, virtual coaching and competency-building exercises.

This program is fully funded by the OCLO.  

Applicants must receive approval from both their direct supervisor and the Senior Executive within their chain to qualify for the program. For more information and an application visit the Workforce Development Program.


Rising with the Phoenix: Become One of FEMA Pride’s Faces of FEMA


FEMA’s LGBTQIA+ Pride Employee Resource Group (Pride) is excited to announce its theme for this year’s Pride Month: "Rising with the Phoenix." In celebration of the month, Pride is developing the third annual "Faces of FEMA" video featuring LGBTQIA+ staff and allies to be aired during an agency-wide Pride event on June 24.

Are you interested in participating and/or sharing your story for this event? Submit a self-recorded video answering questions that will highlight the diverse LGBTQIA+ voices at FEMA and amplify the LGBTQIA+ experience.

Sample topics:

  • How does your identity as an LGBTQIA+ person help you fulfill FEMA’s mission?
  • Describe your favorite Pride Month celebration memory

You can also contribute photos highlighting your lives and experiences as a member or ally of the LGBTQIA+ community. Use these submission guidelines to get started on your video and/or photos submission.

Pride is also looking for panelists for our June 24 event. If you would like to volunteer for the panel, send an e-mail to Pride or Alison Kent. The deadline is close of business on Wednesday, May 26.

Questions? Contact FEMA Pride.


Job Corps Emergency Management Advance Training Program

Last year FEMA and the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Job Corps signed a memorandum of understanding that created the Job Corps Emergency Management Advance Training Program.

The program consists of about 12 weeks of advanced emergency management training for Job Corps students to become mission-ready emergency management specialists and site inspectors. The program also helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers and assists them with finding jobs.

In our April 28 article about the first graduate of the program, Thaddaeus Vasquez, the contact information was incorrect. If you would like to learn more, please contact kelly.wiley@fema.dhs.gov. Young Americans interested in Job Corps can reach out to jobcorps.gov.



News You Can Use


Are Your Mobile Apps Restricted?


Mobile device security is more than just iOS releases and MobileIron (soon to be Intune) updates—it’s also about you.

To help limit information technology (IT) security threats originating from FEMA-issued mobile devices and in compliance with FEMA's IT policy, the Office of the Chief Information Officer recently launched the Restricted App SharePoint Site. On this site, you will find information on types of mobile applications (apps) that are restricted and a centralized listing of restricted apps. From gambling to gaming, the site can tell you exactly which apps are not acceptable for FEMA use.

The site enhances FEMA’s collective IT security awareness efforts by also providing users with convenient links to the FEMA Acceptable Use Standard for Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) and the Rules of Behavior as part of the DHS Sensitive Systems Policy (4300A).

You are critical to ensuring our mobile devices remain secure: please familiarize yourselves with this site and ensure none of the restricted apps are on your devices. If you have questions, please contact FEMA-OCIO-Mobile-App-Management@fema.dhs.gov.


Reminder for Mandatory Annual Training Requirements

Pursuant to the Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2008 federal agencies are required to deliver annual mandatory Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act training.

In addition, Executive Order 13518 mandates that agencies provide annual Veterans Employment Training while the DHS Office of Special Counsel mandates that supervisors complete whistleblower training.

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act: describes the many protections and benefits available to current and former non-career veterans, reservists and national guard members.

  • Mandatory for: managers, supervisors, HR professionals, senior executives and employees who currently serve in the Reserves, National Guard or Ready Reserve.

Veterans Employment Training: provides information and tools to become more familiar with the process and advantages of hiring veterans.

  • Mandatory for: managers, supervisors, HR professionals and senior executives.

OSC Supervisory Whistleblower Training Prohibited Personnel Practices: intended to help educate DHS Federal Supervisors on prohibited personnel practices (especially whistleblower retaliation), rights and remedies available under the law, and making disclosures of government wrongdoing.

  • Mandatory for: managers and supervisors

Completion Date: All training must be complete by July 31, to comply with reporting requirements.





DHS Accessibility Day

DHS Accessibility Day, “Enhancing the User Experience Through Accessible Technology” will take place May 12 - 13. 

This free two-day, digital event will bring together people with disabilities, accessibility professionals and allies within DHS to enhance the user experience through accessible technology. You can register for the event on the DHS site.


ADR Lunch and Learn Café Series – Training Announcements

Lunch and Learn

Throughout 2021, the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Division within the Office of Chief Counsel is hosting four interactive Lunch and Learn Café Series webinars.

Join the ADR Division for the second webinar, Remaining Engaged While Working Remotely, from 1 to 2:30 pm. ET today, May 12.

Participants will learn how to stay connected while working in a virtual environment.

To Participate:

  • By Zoom
    • Meeting ID: 161 397 4019
    • Password: 988917
  • By phone:
    • Dial: 551-285-1373
    • Password: 988917

Additional webinars later in the series include:

  • August 25: Knowing Your Core Values and Why it Matters!
  • Oct 6: Shifting the Narrative: What’s Your Story in Conflict? 


May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month


In celebration of AAPI Heritage Month, the AAPI FEMA Employee Resource Group (FERG) partnered with the Office of Equal Rights to sponsor a FEMA-wide event from 2 to 3 p.m. ET on Thursday, May 13.  Visit the AAPI SharePoint site to learn more.

To participate: 

  • Join via Zoom
  • Meeting ID: 160 934 2717
  • Password: AAPI 
  • Dial In:669-254-5252 or 646-828-7666 
  • CART captioning & ASL will be available in the Zoom event.

All FEMA employees are invited to attend. Reservist employees are encouraged to attend; however, attendance is voluntary, and compensation is not authorized.

If you have any questions, send an email to the AAPI FERG at FEMA-AAPI-Inbox@fema.dhs.gov.

Additionally, the DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, the Asian American and Pacific Islander Network and the DHS AAPI Special Emphasis program managers are proud to co-sponsor an event at 1 p.m. ET on May 17. This event will feature keynote speaker Transportation Security Administration Domestic Aviation Operations Assistant Administrator Susan Tashiro.

To participate:

Connect via audio bridge: 800-786-7015 and/or via Adobe Connect.              

If you require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate, please send an email to accommodations@hq.dhs.gov.

Reservist employees are encouraged to attend; however, attendance is voluntary, and compensation is not authorized.


African American FERG 2021 Leadership Board Elections

The African American FEMA Employee Resource Group is excited to announce the 2021 leadership board elections. The board will help lead the group and will partner across the agency to engage, educate and empower FEMA employees on issues impacting African Americans and all staff.  Candidates for FERG board positions may be self-nominated or be nominated by a colleague.

While all employee types are eligible to run, supervisory approval is required. All nominations must include the individual’s name and a brief statement explaining why they would be a valuable addition to the leadership board.

The deadline for election nominations is May 17.


Keep the Vaccine Portal Updated 

Have you received ​​your first and/or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine? If so, please update your status in the DHS Vaccine Portal even if you received the vaccine from a source other than the DHS Vaccine Program.​ If you have any issues using the portal, please send an email to FEMA-COVID-Vaccine@fema.dhs.gov​.​ ​​​

Waiting for an Appointment? 

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) continues to schedule appointments for employees who opted into the program. Employees will be contacted by VHA to schedule appointments via phone, email or text message. 

Get the Vaccine 

No matter where you go, please consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Use VaccineFinder.org​ to search for a participating pharmacy in your area.​


Webinars on Creating Accessible Documents


The Office of the Chief Information Officer Section 508 Program is conducting weekly webinars on accessibility topics. To register for a webinar, visit the Section 508 Training Calendar or contact the FEMA Accessibility Help Desk. For more information on the Section 508 Program and its services, visit the 508 Accessibility Resource Center.


FEMA Forward Employee Resources


Visit the FEMA Forward SharePoint site to learn the latest information about what FEMA is doing, and what you can do, to address COVID-19. Updates, critical information and resources include:

If you have questions or suggestions, please send an email to FEMA-COVID19@fema.dhs.gov.


Reservist Connection


Dear RABy: Government Issued Equipment

Dear RABy is a question and answer feature the Reservist Advisory Board (RAB) uses to address questions from reservist employees.  Do you have a question for the Reservist Advisory Board other ideas/examples from previous deployments that you thought really helped? Send it to FEMA-RAB@fema.dhs.gov and it may be featured in an upcoming FEMA Weekly.


I am traveling out of the country with my church group this summer, can I take my cell phone to stay in touch with my cadre and agency news?

Although FEMA wants you to stay informed, taking ANY FEMA issued equipment outside U.S. Territories and or Protectorates, is Prohibited. You must leave any government issued equipment and identification at home.

You must also submit a copy of your itinerary and a completed DHS Form 11043-1, Notification of Foreign Travel, to your Cadre Coordinator.

Any FEMA representative that is required to work outside the United States on agency business must also follow these guidelines. In addition, any equipment (cell phone, laptop) that they require is issued for limited use, has passed additional Security protocols and has limited capabilities.

Visit the Reservist Advisory Board Page to catch up on the most recent RAB activities.


Do You Know Your Incident Management Cadre Coordinator?

Incident Management (IM) Cadre Coordinators are responsible for the operational readiness and strategic coordination of the Incident Management Workforce.  FEMA IM cadres are diverse groups of FEMA employees that perform disaster-related duties during FEMA incident operations. Visit the Cadre Coordinator SharePoint page for a listing of the 23 IM Cadre Coordinators.


Do You Know Your Incident Support Cadre Coordinator?

Incident Support (IS) Cadre Coordinators are responsible for the management of personnel who respond to the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC).  Among other duties, these cadre coordinators are responsible for rostering, recruitment, training, job aid and position task book maintenance. The five Cadres support the NRCCs mission of disaster response and incident stabilization.

IS Cadre Coordinators:

Visit the NRCC IS Cadre Portal for more information.


Your Professional Development


USA Jobs
Department Training Opportunities
DHS Leader Development Competency Cafés


Detail and Rotation Opportunities


Open Until Filled



About FEMA Weekly


The Office of External Affairs publishes FEMA Weekly each Wednesday. Questions or comments about FEMA Weekly can be emailed directly to the Office of External Affairs


All FEMA employees are encouraged to submit stories, upcoming events and announcements; particularly stories about our values, guiding principles and mission in action. Articles should be 200 words or less. Submissions are due by close of business the Wednesday prior to the edition. Articles submitted after that date and time will be considered for the following edition.