FEMA Technical Bulletins (TBs) provide guidance about how to comply with the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) minimum floodplain management requirements for building performance. The TBs are primarily for use by state and local officials responsible for interpreting and enforcing building codes and NFIP regulations. They are also helpful to design professionals, builders and homeowners.
The updated TBs will include information from the latest International Codes® (I-Codes®) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standards. They will also have information about best practices and input from stakeholders about a variety of issues. The TBs added the updates to improve usability, credibility and streamline content.
The updated versions of National Flood Insurance Program Technical Bulletins 3 and 6 are out now!
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NFIP Technical Bulletin 3, Requirements for the Design and Certification of Dry Floodproofed Non-Residential and Mixed-Use Buildings in Special Flood Hazard Areas in Accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program
TB 3 provides guidance on the NFIP requirements for the design and certification of dry floodproofing of non-residential and non-residential portions of mixed-use buildings.
The current version of TB 3 was last published in April 1993.
Updates include:
- Discussion of the factors and planning considerations that influence the decision-making process when determining the feasibility of dry floodproofing a building.
- Step-by-step instruction regarding dry floodproofing design requirements.
- An example about seepage calculation that illustrates how to determine if the structure can be considered substantially impermeable.
- Instructions for the National Flood Insurance Program Floodproofing Certificate
NFIP Technical Bulletin 6, Requirements for Dry Floodproofed Below-Grade Parking Areas Under Non-Residential and Mixed-Use Buildings in Special Flood Hazard Areas in Accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program
TB 6 provides guidance on the NFIP requirements for the design and certification of dry floodproofed below-grade parking areas.
The current version of TB 6 was last published in April 1993.
Updates include:
- Identification of issues specific to dry floodproofing below-grade parking areas.
- References to TB 3 for extensive guidance on design requirements.
- Updated discussion on design considerations such as protecting points of entry, managing internal flow of seepage and equalization of flood loads vertically in multi-level below grade parking areas.
For more information: Building Science | FEMA.gov