FEMA Stakeholder Advisory: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Eligible Emergency Protective Measures

Office of External Affairs, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C. 20472








March 19, 2020
Contact: Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division
Phone: 202-646-3444



Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Eligible Emergency Protective Measures


Consistent with the President’s national emergency declaration for the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on March 13, 2020, FEMA urges officials to, without delay, take appropriate actions that are necessary to protect public health and safety pursuant to public health guidance and conditions and capabilities in their jurisdictions. 


Attached is the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Eligible Emergency Protective Measures Fact Sheet, which provides guidance on the types of emergency protective measures that may be eligible under FEMA’s Public Assistance Program in accordance with the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration in order to ensure that resource constraints do not inhibit efforts to respond to this unprecedented disaster.


If you have any questions, please contact the Office of External Affairs, Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division at (202) 646-3444 or at FEMA-IGA@fema.dhs.gov.




FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during and after disasters.


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