The Analytics Hub Launches New Data Playbooks Section to Support Reproducible Research and Dissemination: Monday Minute for July 30, 2018


The Analytics Hub Launches New Data Playbooks Section to Support Reproducible Research and Dissemination

Components of a Data Playbook

Figure 1: A graphic describing the components of a Data Playbook

Every day, analysts at FEMA are tasked with answering important questions that touch on any number of topics, from mitigation, response, and recovery analyses to human capital and budgets. Many of these questions require the same preliminary analytic steps, such as calculating the number of disaster declarations in the past year or adjusting previous obligation amounts for inflation. Others may request a refresh of numbers supplied during a previous data call. In an effort to reduce duplicative efforts and provide reproducible analyses, the Analytics Hub now features a “Data Playbooks” section.

[Read more to learn how to use and contribute Data Playbooks]

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EDW Image

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)

The Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) stores regular snapshots of data from certain Agency source systems, for use in reporting and analysis. The EDW supports IA, Human Capital, Mitigation, PA, OCFO, Grants Program Directorate, Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP), Declarations, Planning, National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) and the Automated Disaster Assistance Management System (ADAMS). FEMA employees and contractors can access the EDW through assigned data stewards.

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