Do You Know the Signs of a Heat Stroke?

august 11, 2016

Travel Smartly with the FEMA App

FEMA app

Severe weather can strike anywhere at any time. The FEMA app is an essential tool to help you weather the storm, nationwide! Receive weather alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five different locations anywhere in the U.S.


The FEMA app has several features including safety tips to help you learn what to do before, during, and after emergencies. You can also prepare ahead of time with an emergency kit checklist and safety reminders.


Nearly half a million Americans already have the FEMA app. Are you one of them? If not, download the FEMA app for free on your Apple or Android device today! Encourage family, friends, and colleagues to do the same. You can use the FEMA App Social Media Toolkit to share messages, graphics, and videos across your networks.


The FEMA app is also available in English and Spanish.

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Campus Fire Safety

college students sitting outside

Going to college can be an exciting time for students and their parents, but it also brings an increased level of student responsibility while at school. According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), there were 85 fatal fires in dormitories, Greek housing, and off-campus housing from January 2000 to May 2015. These fires resulted in 118 fatalities.


Whether on- or off- campus, it’s important for students and parents to understand fire risks and life-saving preventive actions. There are several specific causes for fires in college housing including cooking, candles, smoking, and overloaded power strips.


Be fire safe! The USFA encourages students to follow these tips, including:

  • Keep your cooking area clean and free of anything that can burn;
  • Use flameless candles;
  • Check for cigarette butts, especially under cushions, after a party. 
  • Use surge protectors or power strips that have internal overload protection; and
  • Have a fire escape plan with two ways out of every room if you live off-campus.

Parents can also help promote off-campus fire safety through the “See it Before You Sign It”  campaign from the National Fire Protection Association. This campaign encourages parents to help their loved ones choose secure, fire safe housing in apartments or homes that are off-campus.

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Warning Signs: Heat Stroke

Heat stroke infographic

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heat stroke occurs when the body is unable to regulate its temperature. The body's temperature rises rapidly, sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down.

Do you know the signs of heat stroke? While warning signs may vary, symptoms may include:

  • An extremely high body temperature (above 103 degrees Fahrenheit);
  • Red, hot, and dry skin (no sweating);
  • Rapid, strong pulse; and
  • Dizziness. 

According to the CDC, if someone experiences signs of a heat stroke, have someone else call for immediate medical assistance while you begin cooling the person by: 

  • Getting him or her to a shady area; and/or
  • Immersing the person in a tub of cool water, placing him or her in a cool shower, or spraying the person with cool water from a garden hose. 

Be sure to monitor the person’s body temperature, and continue cooling efforts until the body temperature drops to 101-102 degrees Fahrenheit. If emergency medical personnel are delayed, call the hospital emergency room for further instructions. Don’t give the victim fluids to drink.


If emergency treatment isn’t provided, heat stroke can cause death or permanent disability. To learn more about this and other heat-related illnesses, visit the CDC website.


For questions about extreme heat safety, check out the CDC’s list of FAQs.

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NFPA’s Take Action Campaign: Wildfire Preparedness

Have you heard? The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has a campaign to help youth prepare for wildfires. According to the NFPA, more than eight million students across the U.S. live in a community at risk for wildfire.

Youth can play an important role in helping minimize these risks. The “Take Action” campaign has resources and projects for young adults to prepare themselves, their families, and their neighbors with wildfire planning and evacuation. There’s even information about preparing pets, too!

Get in-the-know about wildfires! Watch NFPA’s Wildfire Facts video to learn more about this hazard. Be sure to share on your social media channels.

You can also visit America’s PrepareAthon! for additional wildfire preparedness resources, including the How to Prepare for a Wildfire guide and the Prepare Your Organization for a Wildfire playbook.

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Dates for Your Calendar

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