U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 03/24/2025 04:01 PM EDTR 241909Z MAR 25 MID120001814799U
ALCOAST 138/25
SSIC 1650
A. Boat Operations and Training (BOAT), Volume I,
1. This ALCOAST announces the 2024 Boat Forces' Awards recipients.
2. CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain Trophy Award.
a. The purpose of this award is to recognize active-duty and
reserve coxswains who demonstrate sustained superior performance,
exceptional boat handlings skills, and exemplary leadership.
b. The active-duty recipient is BM2 Christian Ibarra of Maritime
Safety and Security Team (MSST) LA/LB. BM2 Ibarra demonstrated
unwavering dedication to duty, amassing over 490 operational hours,
270 of which were high-risk night hours, across 109 sorties.
Certified as a Response Boat-Small II (RB-S II) Coxswain, he played
a pivotal role in maintaining the flow of commerce through one of
the nation's largest port complex's, safeguarding $477 billion in
economic activity annually. BM2 Ibarra led 15 local patrols and
High-Capacity Passenger Vessel escorts, directly protecting over
40,000 lives. Furthermore, he led over 30 missions as a Tactical
Coxswain, working alongside the Secret Service and other
government agencies to ensure the safety and protection of the
President of the United States and the first family. His exceptional
judgment and expertise were paramount in deterring numerous vessels
from entering a Naval Vessel Protection Zone (NVPZ) in Philadelphia,
PA, safeguarding vulnerable military assets and personnel amidst a
challenging environment with protestors present.
c. The reserve recipient is BM1 Bradley Walker of PSU 308.
BM1 Walker displayed exemplary leadership in his role as Senior
Designated Trainer at PSU 308, where his decade of experience
as a Tactical Coxswain and Designated Trainer has been instrumental
in developing his peers. His dedication and expertise were
instrumental in joint underway training with the United States
Marine Corps during Operation Raven. This demanding training
significantly enhanced inter-service operational capabilities
and resulted in a marked improvement in the unit's tactical
readiness, as evidenced by the 226 underway boat hours, 8,816
underway tasks, and numerous qualifications achieved. The success
of this operation directly improved PSU 308's ability to conduct
forward-staging defense missions and enhanced the readiness of
personnel for real-world deployments. Throughout his career,
BM1 Walker has demonstrated a bias for action and a steadfast
commitment to mission excellence, consistently prioritizing safety,
efficiency, and effectiveness in all operational contributions.
d. BM1 Bradley Walker's and BM2 Christian Ibarra's outstanding
performance set a benchmark for all coxswains.
3. Fireman First Class Paul Clark Outstanding Engineer Award.
a. The purpose of this award is to recognize exemplary
active-duty and reserve boat engineers who demonstrate sustained
superior performance, proficiencies and leadership.
b. The active-duty recipient is MK3 Landon K. Dodgion of
USCGC MUNRO. MK3 Dodgion's outstanding performance onboard MUNRO is
a direct reflection of his technical proficiency and dedication to
mission success. His exceptional troubleshooting and repair work
kept MUNRO's cutter boats operational, directly enabling the
successful execution of numerous high-pressure law enforcement
operations. His engineering skills were critical in responding to
unexpected mechanical failures, ensuring mission success in
challenging environments. MK3 Dodgion's qualifications as
Pursuit Crewman on both the OTH and LRI, as well as Boarding Team
Member, directly contributed to the successful completion of seven
counter-narcotics boardings. During MUNRO's last two deployments,
he played a vital role in every law enforcement boarding,
contributing to two of the most successful Joint Interagency Task
Force South deployments in history, which resulted in the
interdiction of 30,864 kg of contraband valued at $803 million and
the apprehension of 60 suspected narco-traffickers.
c. The reserve recipient is MK1 James Lang of PSU 308. MK1 Lang
demonstrated exceptional technical expertise, setting him apart
as an outstanding technician and mentor. He provided essential
assistance to the Electronic Support Detachment, installing
and troubleshooting the new Scalable Integrated Navigation
System II (SINS 2) package on six Transportable Port Security Boats.
Furthermore, his collaboration with contractors in swinging
compasses and calculating deviation tables on unit assets was
instrumental in ensuring precise navigation and operational safety,
directly contributing to the PSU 308 effectiveness in anti-terrorism
and force protection roles. MK1 Lang's dedication and leadership
were evident in his provision of critical engineering support for
the Waterways Security Division, enabling the successful completion
of 42 missions, 548 underway boat hours, and 3,586 underway
man-hours. This notable achievement, accomplished by a reserve unit
operating with only 33 personnel, highlights his exceptional ability
to maximize resources and maintain operational readiness.
d. MK1 James Lang's and MK3 Landon K. Dodgion technical acumen,
expertise, and commitment set a benchmark for all boat engineers.
4. Master Chief Jack Downey Award.
a. The purpose of this award is to recognize units in four
categories (Station, Advanced Competency Station, Aids to Navigation
Team, and Non-Station/ANT) who have exemplified the finest traits of
a Boat Forces unit.
b. The "Station" Award recipient is Station Chatham.
Station Chatham demonstrated exemplary mission performance
throughout 2024, exceeding operational standards despite
unprecedented personnel shortages. The unit conducted 78
Recreational Boating Safety boardings, ensuring the safety of
mariners and crucial fishing law compliance in Station Chatham's
Area of Responsibility. During 2024, Station Chatham responded to
33 SAR cases, resulting in 37 lives saved and approximately
$2.5 million in property saved. Notably, on July 22, 2024, a
Station Chatham crew responded during high-risk hours to a vessel
collision, providing critical first aid and rapidly evacuating the
victims to higher medical care. Furthermore, on August 17, 2024, a
Station Chatham crew demonstrated superior skill and risk
management in rescuing two individuals from a capsized vessel amidst
turbulent waters and breaking seas. Station Chatham personnel
consistently exhibited unwavering dedication and professionalism
throughout the year, exceeding expectations in challenging
c. The "Advanced Competency Station "Award recipient is Station
Miami Beach. Station Miami Beach distinguished itself as a leader in
operational excellence, executing 1,300 underway hours across a
diverse range of missions, including Search and Rescue (SAR),
Counter Drug/Alien Interdiction Operations, Ports Waterways and
Coastal Security (PWCS), and Recreational Boating Safety. The unit
expertly conducted 259 SAR cases, resulting in 121 lives saved and
227 lives assisted, demonstrating a significant impact on boating
safety in the South Florida maritime community. Station Miami Beach
expertly conducted 93 High-Capacity Passenger Vessel (HCPV) escorts
and managed 275 maritime security patrol zones, safeguarding the
largest and busiest cruise port in the world. These efforts ensured
the efficient transit of $61 billion in annual commerce and the
safe passage of over eight million passengers. Furthermore, the
station spearheaded the response to the unprecedented surge of
migrants, partnering with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to
apprehend 204 undocumented migrants attempting illegal entry.
d. The "Aids to Navigation" Award recipient is Aids to Navigation
Team (ANT) Sabine. ANT Sabine demonstrated exemplary dedication and
operational excellence, accumulating 880 mission hours, including
291 underway hours and 424 hours dedicated to land-based Aids to
Navigation (ATON) activities. The team expertly maintained 317
primary and 80 secondary aids across the Sabine-Neches and Calcasieu
Waterways, critical maritime corridors encompassing some of the
nation's most important ports. ANT Sabine responded to 171 aid
discrepancies and conducted 158 routine aid servicing operations,
consistently ensuring the safety and efficiency of maritime traffic.
Furthermore, the unit demonstrated its commitment to innovation by
developing an organic repair solution for the Calcasieu East Jetty
Light 42, saving the Coast Guard $75,000 while ensuring the light's
continued operation. ANT Sabine's rapid response to the aftermath of
Hurricane BERYL, deploying a Trailerable Aids to Navigation
Boat (TANB) and crew to assist ANT Galveston, enabling the Port of
Houston to reopen just 36 hours after landfall, and highlighting
the unit's exceptional readiness and commitment to mission success.
e. The "Non-Station/ANT" Award recipient is MSST New York.
MSST New York demonstrated exceptional mission performance in 2024,
conducting 31 high-consequence operations and providing 2,396 hours
of critical Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security (PWCS) support.
This included 18% of the Coast Guard's total fixed security zone
activities for the year, highlighting the unit's significant
contributions to national security. The team provided protection
for the President and Vice President of the United States for
41 days, often on short notice, consistently achieving mission
objectives in these no-fail scenarios. MSST New York also rapidly
deployed in response to the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in
Baltimore, Maryland, showcasing their readiness and ability to adapt
to emerging situations. The unit's operational elements provided
critical support, including maritime security for dignitaries,
enforcement of safety zones, and ensuring the uninterrupted flow of
commerce, ultimately saving $464 million in potential lost revenue.
f. Stations Chatham and Miami Beach, ANT Sabine, and MSST
New York have exemplified the finest traits of Boat Forces units by
demonstrating Mission Performance, Leadership and Partnership,
Community Outreach, Crew Professional Development, and Safety.
5. Each year it is extremely difficult to select only one recipient
per category from the superb group of units and members who are
nominated for the Boat Forces' Awards. The Office of Boat Forces is
pleased with the number of exceptional nomination packages that were
submitted and commend all those who took the time to acknowledge the
many outstanding coxswains, engineers, and units throughout the
Boat Forces community.
6. The following are the 2024 CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain
Trophy nominees:
BM1 Robert M. Fluke - Station Chatham
BM1 Thomas Sansocie - MSST Honolulu
BM1 Taylor McElroy - PSU 308 (Reserve)
BM2 Nicholas J. DiJoseph - Station San Diego
BM2 William L. Erskine - Station Quillayute River
BM2 Dakota McArthur - Station Fort Lauderdale
BM2 Brandon McCabe - CGC ISAAC MAYO
BM2 Peyton R. Morrow - Station Saginaw River
BM2 Joshua Muller - MSST Houston
BM2 Jordan P. Post - Station New York
BM2 Logan Sled - CGC MUNRO
7. For the full 2024 Boat Forces CDR Ray Evans Outstanding
Coxswain Trophy recipients' narratives of accomplishments please
visit the Office of Boat Forces SharePoint site:
(Copy and Paste Below URL into Browser)
8. The following are the 2024 Fireman First Class Paul Clark
Outstanding Engineering Award nominees:
MK1 Daniel Naumann - Station Fort Lauderdale
MK1 Eulan L. Williams - MSST Houston
MK2 Villarreal Martinez - Station Marblehead
MK2 Benjamin D. Miller - Station San Diego
MK2 Michael T. Quigley - Station New York
MK2 Aiden Warner - MSST Honolulu
MK3 Jack E. Ramey - Station Portsmouth
9. For the full 2024 Fireman First Class Paul Clark Outstanding
Engineering Award recipients' narratives of accomplishments please
visit the Office of Boat Forces SharePoint site:
(Copy and Paste Below URL into Browser)
10. The following are the 2024 Master Chief Jack Downey Award
a. Station.
Station Belle Isle
b. Advanced Competency Station.
Station Houston
Station New Orleans
Station Port Canaveral
Station San Diego
c. Aids to Navigation.
ANT New York
ANT Pensacola
ANT St. Pete
d. Non-STA/ANT.
MSST Honolulu
MSST Houston
MSST San Francisco
TCY Training Branch
11. For the full 2024 Master Chief Jack Downey Award recipients'
narratives of accomplishments please visit the Office of Boat Forces
SharePoint site:
(Copy and Paste Below URL into Browser)
12. Presentations of the 2024 Boat Forces Awards will be coordinated
13. POC: LT Chris Fuentes, COMDT (CG-7311) at:
14. RADM S. N. Gilreath, Assistant Commandant for Capability
(CG-7), sends.
15. Internet release is authorized.