united states coast guard

30 JAN 2025

ALCGRSV 006/25
A. PY25 Schedule of Officer Personnel Boards and Panels, CG PSCNOTE 1401
B. Appointing Warrant Officers, COMDTINST M1420.1 (series)
C. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (series)
D. Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements, COMDTINST M1000.2 (series)
E. Coast Guard Military Human Resource Record (CGMHRR) System,
COMDTINST 1080.10 (series)
1. This message announces the PY25 Reserve CWO Appointment Board per
reference (A), scheduled to convene on 7 April 2025, and provides
amplifying guidance to assist interested members and their commands prepare
for the application process. Those members interested in pursuing a CWO
appointment should familiarize themselves with the contents of this
message along with the application and appointment requirements outlined
in references (B) and (C). Due to limited reserve drill periods,
applicants are highly encouraged to begin working with their commands to
start preparing their candidate resume and OER input now in anticipation
of the deadlines noted in this announcement.
2. The normal path for reserve enlisted ratings to CWO specialties is
illustrated in Table 3-1 of reference (B). Reservists applying for the
Criminal Investigator (INV) specialty shall follow the deadlines listed
below and the specific eligibility requirements listed in Article 3.H.6
of reference (B).
3. Members shall only compete for one specialty. The scope of each CWO
specialty is outlined in Chapter 12 of reference (B).
4. Eligibility requirements:
   a. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements of Chapter 3 of
reference (B), as applicable.
   b. Must have no more than 26 years of total qualifying service on
1 June 2025. Note: Years of service is based upon a member's pay base
date (PBD) as listed in Direct Access. If a member believes their PBD is
incorrect, they should request a Statement of Creditable Service (SOCS)
through their unit's servicing administrative (admin) office. More
information regarding the SOCS process can be found at the following
website: Years of service should not
be confused with the Total Qualifying Years of Service (TQS) eligible
towards a reserve retirement.
   c. The reserve component does not use a pre-scoring system for
candidates outlined in Chapter 4 of reference (B). Personnel Data Extracts
(PDE) and a pre-board eligibility list will not be available.
5. Applicants, if selected, must agree to transfer to a vacant, or
projected vacant SELRES CWO Position for a minimum of two years from the
appointment effective date. Selectees who fail to complete the initial
two-year SELRES CWO Assignment commitment shall be assigned to the
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) for the balance of their initial two-year
commitment. CWOs who complete their initial two-year commitment while
assigned to the IRR may re-compete during the next Assignment Year (AY)
for vacant SELRES CWO positions.
6. Since appointment is based upon SELRES CWO PAL vacancies, members must
be in the Ready Reserve (SELRES/IRR) on the date of appointment. Members
on Title 10, Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS), or Extended
Active Duty (EAD) must be released from Active Duty prior to appointment.
Appointees shall serve in the assigned SELRES CWO position for a minimum
of two years before pursuing voluntary Active Duty of any type (ADOS or
EAD) other than at the member's own SELRES unit.
7. Applicants for a reserve CWO appointment are required to submit a
command-endorsed panel submission in Direct Access. In addition,
applicants will submit a CWO appointment Officer Evaluation Report (OER)
and Resume in accordance with reference (B). Applicants must follow the
guidance outlined in reference (B) and in the Reserve Component Chief
Warrant Officer (RC-CWO) Appointment Guide which is posted on the
following websites:
   a. Internet:
   b. SharePoint:
8. The following policies outlined in reference (c) apply to those
selectees who decline appointment or fail to report as ordered:
   a. Selectees who decline a CWO appointment and follow-on SELRES
assignment to a position located within Reasonable Commuting Distance
(RCD) will be ineligible to re-apply for CWO appointment in the next
promotion year.
   b. Selectees who decline a CWO appointment and follow on assignment to a
position outside RCD will not incur a period of ineligibility and may
re-apply for CWO appointment in the next promotion year.
   c. Selectees who agree to a CWO appointment and follow-on assignment to
a position located outside RCD and fail to report as ordered, will incur a
two-year period of ineligibility to compete for CWO appointment and must
be immediately transferred to the IRR.
9. The following deadlines apply:
   a. 28 February 2025: Application period begins. Eligible CWO
specialties will be announced via ALCGRSV message and those specialties
with open positions will be active in Direct Access for application.
Direct Access panels will not be available for application until
specialties are announced.
   b. 18 March 2025: Deadline for applicants to have completed all
eligibility requirements per reference (B), including applicant's
e-Resume, and command's e-Endorsement. Applicants regularly scheduled 2025
Enlisted Evaluation Report (EER) must be finalized in Direct Access in
accordance with reference (D).
   c. 24 March 2025: Deadline for command prepared CWO Appointment OER
and candidate memo resume to arrive at CG PSC-RPM. Documents will only be
accepted by scanned e-mail attachment to the following CG PSC-RPM e-mail
address: with the subject line:
RESERVE CWO APPOINTMENT BOARD. Application packages received after this
date will not be accepted.
   d. 7 April 2025: Appointment Board held at CG PSC.
10. To maintain fairness to all applicants, there will be no exceptions
to the published deadlines. The applicant bears the responsibility for
detecting errors on the application. The command must forward a timely and
properly endorsed application.
11. All candidates are encouraged to review their Employee Summary Sheet
(ESS). The ESS provides a consolidated view of a member's information as
it appears in Direct Access (DA). The Employee Summary Sheet viewable in
12. All candidates are encouraged to review their official Coast Guard
Military Human Resource Record (CGMHRR) via the interactive Personnel
Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS) to verify the accuracy of
their record prior to the appointment board convening date in accordance
with reference (E). Candidates who desire to update their CGMHRR should
work with their servicing administrative staff as soon as possible to
allow for ample correction time. iPERMS link: https://iperms.mymilrecord.
13. Applicants shall ensure their contact information in Direct Access is
correct (phone, e-mail, address). Guidance on how to update your contact
information in Direct Access can be found on the following CG PPC website:
14. For questions on the CWO application process, please contact CG
PSC-RPM-1 Boards and Panels at the following email address: with subject line
15. CAPT Troy E. Fryar, Chief, Reserve Personnel Management, sends.
16. Internet release authorized.