U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 01/28/2025 06:30 AM EST27 JAN 2025
ALCGRSV 005/25
A. Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements, COMDTINST M1000.2(series)
B. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28(series)
C. Body Composition Standards Program, COMDTINST 1020.8 (series)
1. The following personnel may be advanced to the rating/paygrade indicated
effective 1 February 2025 provided the requirements of Refs A-C are met:
AMTC Christopher Kiser 002418 002420
AST1 Caleb Halle 036465 038079
BMCM John Lawton 006123 002371
BM1 Anthony Hardesty 000467 041675
BM1 Taylor Staff 006796 042822
CMSC Huynh Nguyen 049082 042822
CMSC Richard Haynes 049082 042822
CMSC Ryan Soper 044450 042822
CMSC Mattheu Kelsch 049483 042822
CMS1 Kyle Thompson 049483 042822
CMS1 Jonathan Gatell 049483 042822
CMS1 Ian Johnson 049082 042822
CMS1 Kyle Ford 049082 042822
CMS1 Isaiah Jones 049483 042822
GM2 Christopher Salyer 007537 046604
GM2 Timothy Mccall 036152 042311
HSC Christopher Himmelrick 006828 046017
HSC Alexandria Chretien 038678 042599
HSC Cole Olvera 007519 042191
HS1 Andrew Simmons 038688 038079
HS1 Katrina Aronoff 043999 045431
HS1 Jasmine Mason 042634 042632
HS1 Homero Pandula 042634 042632
HS2 Andrew Stempki 007448 042191
HS2 William Rupp 038638 041675
HS2 Collin Adkins 007855 042191
ITC Robert Brown 047950 042822
ITC Kellen Davis 044195 042030
ITC Stuart Mcquillen 044199 042191
MECS Zachary Houghton 007809 042822
MECS Jonathan Lakose 000323 042030
MEC William Livingston 038612 045431
MEC David Kelley 038653 042191
MEC Kyle Gorham 038612 045431
MEC Christopher Thatcher 000543 042311
MEC Jeremy Bousman 007863 042191
MEC David Xavier 002344 002667
ME1 Andrew Sachs 007107 038079
ME1 Nathan Emborski 000272 041675
ME1 Nicholas Coyle 038653 042191
ME1 Kevin Dougherty 007274 045431
ME1 Daniel Wakeman 007527 046604
ME1 Josef Singer 007220 042632
ME1 Daniel Jefferson 007341 042632
ME1 Ryan Bradley 046959 042599
ME1 Denry Ko 000648 042632
ME1 Jeffrey Munson 000721 042191
ME1 Colin Itzko 038673 042599
ME1 Dannye Jones 004677 042822
ME1 Quinn Bowyer 007341 042632
ME1 Ruben Dumeng 007542 046604
ME1 Zachary Wallis 007760 042311
ME1 Jeffery Sexton 006444 006420
ME1 Travis Claycomb 007341 042632
ME1 Caleb Sobie 038653 042191
ME1 Royal Hoang 038663 042632
ME1 Robert Sudler 038633 041675
ME1 Cole Chapoton 038623 046734
ME1 David Kelly 000741 006420
ME1 Trevor Zelenock 038653 042191
ME1 Charles Relph 038663 042632
ME1 Lawrence Battiste 038643 042311
ME1 Maxwell Lawson 038633 041675
ME2 Michaelena Scanniello 038623 046734
ME2 Manuel Vazquez Santiago 000445 041675
MK2 Jonathan Taylor 000362 002667
MK2 Gabriel Familathe 000648 042632
MK2 Andrew Mccloskey 006444 006420
MK2 Robert Kelly 000629 042256
MK2 Charles Henckler 038611 045431
MK2 Hunter Ramirez 038662 042632
MK2 Trenton Brown 000466 042311
MK2 Derek Furtado 006942 045431
MK2 Andrew Cobb 007498 041675
MK2 Shane O'Brien 038611 045431
MK2 Martinez Allen 000251 002420
MSTCS Benjamin Pendleton 007485 045431
MSTC Lori Trammell 008336 042898
MSTC Lauren Taylor 007232 042256
MSTC Brian Bannen 007485 045431
MSTC Christopher Woo 036456 038079
MST1 Bryan Hansen 007187 041675
MST1 Jacob Malkowski 007589 042030
MST1 Vanhxay Bouheuangviseth 007502 041675
MST1 Brian Schmidt 007726 042311
MST2 Robert Mandato 007286 045431
OS2 Scott Lamourie 038684 038079
OS2 Benjamin Nguyen 038664 042632
OS2 Jaylyn Vo 038684 038079
PACS Paul Dragin 004647 042822
YNCS Keagan Herring 004686 042822
YN2 Semaj Brown Robinson 007317 006420
2. The Commanding Officer’s (CO) recommendation for advancement (Ready)
must be maintained for the period from recommendation to advancement. In
addition, E-7, E-8, and E-9 candidates must not have an unsatisfactory
conduct mark on an enlisted evaluation for 24 months prior to the terminal
eligibility date. Personnel failing to maintain the CO’s recommendation
(Ready) for this period shall be invalidated from the Reserve Service Wide
Exam (RSWE) and Reserve Master Chief Advancement Panel (R-MCAP) in which
they participated. Personnel who have been invalidated must be recommended
and qualify again through a new RSWE or R-MCAP competition.
3. COs shall immediately notify those members eligible for advancement and
take the appropriate administrative action. COs may withhold or cancel
advancements of ineligible personnel IAW Ref B and Art. 3.A.1 of Ref C.
When an advancement is withheld or cancelled, the COs shall immediately
notify Pay & Personnel Center (ADV) by email via AOIX at CMD-SMB-CG-PPC
and info CMD-SMB-CG-PSC. Please note C2OIX does not transfer to AOIX.
4. Per Article 3.A.10 of Ref A, personnel in certain ratings must meet
security clearance requirements for advancement.
5. COs shall ensure personnel advancing to pay grades E-7 thru E-9
obligate required service prior to advancement per Article 3.A.21.c
of Ref A.
6. The rank order number for each individual identified for advancement in
the ERAA is no longer indicated. The RSWE Advancement Eligibility List
containing the original rank order number may be found on the Pay and
Personnel Center (PPC) SharePoint site: https://uscg.sharepoint- This ERAA, to include
unit designations, will be made available at the above PPC SharePoint site.
7. Upon approved advancement, members are authorized to update their
rank as it appears in the Global Address List (GAL) from the Self-Service
portal at This can be done as a
standard user without requiring admin-privileges. Rank updates do not
require a call to CGFIXIT or submission of a CGFIXIT Ticket. A self-help
tech-tip guide on how to update your rank in the GAL may be found at the
following SharePoint site: https://uscg.sharepoint-
8. POCs for this message are: CWO2 Orber Pereira, email:, phone: 202-795-6514 or YNC Rebecca Davis,
email:, phone: 202-795-6500
9. CAPT T. E. Fryar, Chief, CG PSC-RPM, sends.
10. Internet release authorized.