UPDATE 2: Unified Command Continues to Coordinate the Recovery of Diesel Fuel in Marina del Rey, California

united states coast guard 

News Release  

U.S. Coast Guard 11th District PA Detachment LA/LB
Contact: Coast Guard PA Detachment LA/LB
Office: (310) 521-4260
PA Detachment LA/LB online newsroom


09/21/2024 07:51 PM EDT

SAN PEDRO, Calif. — The Unified Command continues to coordinate the recovery of diesel fuel and reports no active sheening after a 105-foot yacht caught fire in Marina del Rey.
The Unified Command continues to coordinate the recovery of diesel fuel and reports no active sheening after a 105-foot yacht caught fire in Marina del Rey, California, September 20, 2024. Additionally, air monitoring is being conducted within the area. There are currently no reports of a threat to public health. (Photo by CDFW-OSPR)