united states coast guard

20 SEP 2024

ALCGRSV 060/24
A. Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements, COMDTINST M1000.2 (series)
B. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (series)
C. Body Composition Standards Program, COMDTINST 1020.8 (series)
1. The following personnel may be advanced to the rating/paygrade indicated
effective 1 October 2024 provided the requirements of Refs A-C are met:
Rank   Name                     DEPTID   SPOID
AET1   Jonathan Pearson         045402   002420
BM1    Courtnee Roberts         000753   038079
BM1    Jake Blaser              000753   038079
BM1    David Brindley           000467   041675
BM1    Nicholas Hardesty        000467   041675
BM2    John Stolfa              000361   002667
BM2    Thomas Price             048896   042312
BM2    Ryan Hanrahan            038611   045431
BM2    Zachary Baxter           000241   002420
GMC    Nicholas Alexander       038616   045431
GMC    David Wooten             007897   042311
GM1    Kyle Travaglini          007607   046604
HS1    Joshua Downey            044030   006420
ISCS   Brian Shajari            049082   042822
ISC    Mallory Boyd             002296   042822
IVC    Steve Bechtold           004512   042822
IVC    Nelson Landa             000713   042822
IV1    Lucas Hvasta             000715   042822
ME1    Jimmy Martinez           000280   046604
ME2    Caleb Beebe              000322   042030
ME2    Jonathan Gillan          007290   045431
ME2    Riley Baroh              038683   038079
ME2    Eric Hunt                007863   042191
ME2    Benjamin Cabana          000471   042822
MKC    Jason Armstrong          038611   045431
MKC    Noah Jackman             038672   042599
MK1    Nicholas Hildebrandt     000467   041675
MK1    Alexander Esqueda        007897   042311
MK1    William Chestnut         007215   042632
MK2    Tyler Pierson            007722   042311
MSTCS  Matthew Cote             007482   045431
MSTC   Amanda Boone             007302   042822
MSTC   Wesley Maddock           007558   042312
MSTC   Andrew Vinard            007273   045431
MST1   Brian Hanson             006416   046604
MST1   Joseph Rosscorbett       007859   042191
MST1   Seth Grayson             004664   042822
MST1   Meghan Kies              038134   010093
MST2   Ian Gough                007235   042256
MST2   Katie Lang               008818   042822
SKCS   Kari Brubaker            049371   042599
SKC    Alyssa Murphy            007753   042311
YNCS   Lisa Aviles              038322   042599
YNC    Brian Hence              042822   042822
YNC    Travis Hunt              000574   006420
YNC    Leia Marquez             009018   042311
YNC    Mirralle Bennett         038638   041675
YNC    Leonard Mastrogiacomo    038617   045431
YNC    Emily King               036265   042030
YN1    Laysha Johnson           042050   046017
YN1    Sarahi Perez             007496   041675
YN1    Justin Oreizi            038646   042311
YN1    Carli Perez Butler       007644   046604
YN1    Nicholas Diamond         007283   045431
YN2    Jacqueline Dahdal        007648   002667
2. The Commanding Officer’s (CO) recommendation for advancement (Ready)
must be maintained for the period from recommendation to advancement. In
addition, E-7, E-8, and E-9 candidates must not have an unsatisfactory
conduct mark on an enlisted evaluation for 24 months prior to the terminal
eligibility date. Personnel failing to maintain the CO’s recommendation
(Ready) for this period shall be invalidated from the Reserve Service Wide
Exam (RSWE) and Reserve Master Chief Advancement Panel (R-MCAP) in which
they participated. Personnel who have been invalidated must be recommended
and qualify again through a new RSWE or R-MCAP competition.
3. COs shall immediately notify those members eligible for advancement and
take the appropriate administrative action. COs may withhold or cancel
advancements of ineligible personnel IAW Ref B and Art. 3.A.1 of Ref C.
When an advancement is withheld or cancelled, the COs shall immediately
notify Pay & Personnel Center (ADV) by email via AOIX at CMD-SMB-CG-PPC
and info CMD-SMB-CG-PSC. Please note C2OIX does not transfer to AOIX.
4. Per Article 3.A.10 of Ref A, personnel in certain ratings must meet
security clearance requirements for advancement.
5. COs shall ensure personnel advancing to pay grades E-7 thru E-9
obligate required service prior to advancement per Article 3.A.21.c
of Ref A.
6. The rank order number for each individual identified for advancement in
the ERAA is no longer indicated. The RSWE Advancement Eligibility List
containing the original rank order number may be found on the Pay and
Personnel Center (PPC) SharePoint site:
/sites/ppc/SitePages/PPC-Advancements.aspx. This ERAA, to include unit
designations, will be made available at the above PPC SharePoint site.
7. Upon approved advancement, members are authorized to update their
rank as it appears in the Global Address List (GAL) from the Self-Service
portal at This can be done as a
standard user without requiring admin-privileges. Rank updates do not
require a call to CGFIXIT or submission of a CGFIXIT Ticket. A self-help
tech-tip guide on how to update your rank in the GAL may be found at the
following SharePoint site:
8. POCs for this message are:
CWO2 Orber Pereira, email:, phone: 202-795-6514
YNC Rebecca Davis, email:, phone: 202-795-6500
9. CAPT T. E. Fryar, Chief, CG PSC-RPM, sends.
10. Internet release authorized.