Verification Scan Code for Merchant Mariner Credentials
U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 09/19/2024 09:33 AM EDT
Verification Scan Code for Merchant Mariner Credentials
On September 18, 2024, the U.S. Coast Guard began issuing Merchant Mariner Credentials (MMCs) with an embedded credential verification scan quick-response (QR) code.
The QR code, located in the upper-right corner of each MMC photograph/personnel page, can be scanned using a smart phone camera. The unique code, when scanned, will open the U.S. Coast Guard’s Homeport credential verification page of the mariner associated with the MMC. This new feature will allow you to quickly and easily determine the validity of the credential in hand without the need for any data entry beyond the initial code scan.
To validate an MMC without a smart phone, use the U.S. Coast Guard’s credential verification tool (MMLD Credential Verification ( For a document search, select “MMC” as the document type and enter the document number. On the new MMC, the document number can be found on the cover beneath the corresponding barcode and will have the prefix “Z”.
If you have any questions, contact the NMC Customer Service Center by e-mailing or calling 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662).
/B. W. Clare/
Bradley W. Clare
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard
Commanding Officer