united states coast guard

R 222324Z JUL 24  MID120001290568U 




ALCGENL 305/24 


A. Military Assignments and Authorized Absences Manual, COMDTINST M1000.8A  





1. This SITREP kicks off AY25 for the IS rating. 

2. All members in a paygrade to billet mismatch, double encumbered, above the Service Wide Exam (SWE) advancement cut, Supplemental list, and tour complete in AY25 are eligible to be transferred. 

3. Members are highly encouraged to contact the IS Assignment Officer (AO) for assignment counseling to discuss AY25 guidance, career aspirations, career progression, professional development, and expectations for a realistic eResume per the career counseling timeline below. 

4. Assignment information updates, roadshow information and a listing of unexpected vacancies when appropriate can be found on the IS AO SharePoint page at ref (B). 

5. General assignment guidance  

a. Slating: The IS Assignment Officer (AO) will utilize a traditional slating process for AY25. All members interested in applying for afloat billets will submit e-Resumes earlier in AY25. All remaining members will submit their e-Resumes NLT 15 Dec 2024. This will allow members who applied but did not earn an afloat assignment a chance to submit an updated e-Resume for remaining available positions. This approach will aid all members in submitting a more competitive e-Resume based on available billets in AY25. Members should review the IS Assignments SharePoint Page Teams and SharePoint for future IS SITREPS at ref (B).  

b. Advancement: The Coast Guard advances members to fill vacancies. Accordingly, members and commands are reminded that as outlined in ref (A), personnel who compete for advancement must be prepared to be reassigned to fill vacant positions at the next higher paygrade. Members who will take the Aug 2024 SWE and are at or above the published cut, should apply for positions at the pay grade to which they will advance.  

c. Fleet-Ups and Extensions: The AO will continue to maximize fleet-up and extension opportunities in AY25 where available on a case-by case basis. Commands should communicate fleet-up opportunities and extension endorsements through their command concerns. The AO will maximize fleet-up opportunities and approve extensions where available on a case-by-case basis in accordance with ref (A). Once a position has been shopped on the official shopping list, members will be required to compete for an extension and shall submit a command endorsed eResume according to the timeline below. 

d. Direct Access (DA) is the primary tool for AOs to advertise open or newly established positions. The Unofficial Shopping List is a snapshot of expected vacancies posted in DA and its intended purpose is for commands to view and validate position vacancies. Members eligible for rotation should in no 

way assume it is official or submit eResumes during its release. Members are encouraged to use it for research purposes only. 

6. Career Management 

a. E-Resume: It is difficult to define a realistic e-Resume across all paygrades, so it is highly recommended that members take advantage of the AO assignment counseling (01 May - 01 Aug). This is available to all IS members, not just those that are tour complete. Members not tour complete in the AY are advised that EPM-4 is available for Career Counseling outside the AY and all year long. EPM-4 SharePoint Page: EPM-4 Enlisted Career Advisory Branch ( 

b. Members should always craft their e-Resume to reflect a diverse career path. No member should try, or expect, to remain in one mission set or geographic area for an entire career. Members should list as many positions as possible on their e-Resume that they would be willing to go to. Members also need to take into consideration their assignment priority (AP) and rank when selecting the number of positions to apply for. Tour complete members who submit an unrealistic e-Resume or do not earn an assignment will either receive a list of remaining positions to rank order or will be assigned to a service need position.  

7. Special Assignments: All members are highly encouraged to pursue at least one Special Assignment during their career. These career broadening assignments provide members valuable opportunities to represent their ratings, network, and learn about other operational and mission support activities, making them ideal candidates for future assignments to highly visible leadership and management positions (e.g. Silver Badge or School Chief). Members that are interested are encouraged to review the Special Assignments Kick-off message and the Special Assignment SharePoint Page at:  

8. Women Afloat assignments vary from year to year depending upon the requests received. In addition to normal AO counseling, all women are highly encouraged to contact the Women Afloat Coordinator listed at the bottom of this message.  

9. Command Endorsements: As outlined in ref (A), some positions require a command endorsement. It is imperative that each member works with their command to ensure that they meet the specific requirements of the position they are applying for and that a command endorsement is included with the e-Resume submission. Failure to include a command endorsement will automatically disqualify a member from competing for the desired position.  

10. Early Afloat: Members applying for early afloat positions will submit eResumes earlier in AY25. Members interested in competing for afloat positions listed in DA, should ensure they meet all prerequisites and endorsements, if needed as per ref (A). Afloat positions that are listed in DA will be slated during this time and any leftover afloat positions will then be shopped with all other billets after early slating has been completed. 

11. IS AY25 Timeline - Updated in accordance with ref (F) 

01 May – 01 Aug 2024: Members contact AOs for career counseling  

01 Aug 2024: Command Concerns due  

01 May – 31 Aug 2024: AOs conduct PAL validation  

15 Oct 2024: Unofficial shopping lists published, commands validate shopping list. Note: Fleet-ups and extensions will not be executed at the time the unofficial shopping list is released. 

15 Nov 2024: Official shopping list published. 

22 Nov 2024: eResumes due for Early Afloat.  

15 Dec 2025:  eResumes due for members in all assignment priorities. 

31 Mar 2025: All AY25 orders issued.  

12. Timeline changes and additional information will be communicated through future SITREPS at ref (B). 

13. POCs:  

a. IS AO: CWO John Rangel (202) 795-6583 

b. Women Afloat Coordinator: EMC Sharina Komen (202) 795-6573  

14. Released by: LCDR N. Kenney (202) 795-6593 

15. Internet release authorized.