united states coast guard

R 120249Z JUL 24 MID120001277312U

ALCGENL 295/24
B. Damage Controlman (DC)
C. PATFOR SWA SharePoint
D. General Messages - 186-24_ALCGENL.
E. General Messages - 231-24_ALCGENL.
F. PCSINST 1300.1B - Overseas Screening
G. Women Afloat (
1. This SITREP kicks off Assignment Year (AY) 2025 for the DC rating.
2. All members in a paygrade to billet mismatch, double encumbered, above
the Service Wide Exam (SWE) advancement cut, Supplemental list, and tour
complete in AY25 are eligible to be transferred.
3. Members are highly encouraged to contact the DC Assignment Officer (AO)
for assignment counseling to discuss AY25 guidance, career aspirations, career
progression, professional development, and expectations for a realistic eResume
per the career counseling timeline below.
4. Assignment information updates, webinars, and roadshow information and a
listing of unexpected vacancies when appropriate can be found on the DC AO
SharePoint page at reference (B).
5. General assignment guidance:
a. Slating: The AO will always use reference (A) when selecting members
for transfer. Sea duty candidates are identified as E4s and E5s with less than
12 months rated sea time, and E6s with less than 36 months rated sea time.
b. Command Endorsements: It is imperative that each member works with
their command to ensure they meet the specific requirements for positions
that require an endorsement and that an appropriate endorsement is
included with the eResume submission. Failure to include an
appropriate endorsement will prohibit a member from earning positions.
Refer to reference (A) for additional guidance on endorsements.
c. Fleet-Ups and Extensions: Commands should communicate fleet-up
opportunities and extension endorsements through their command concerns.
The AO will maximize fleet-up opportunities and approve extensions where
available on a case-by-case basis in accordance with reference (A). Once a
position has been shopped on the official shopping list, members will be
required to compete for an extension and shall submit a command endorsed
eResume according to the timeline below.
d. Direct Access (DA) is the primary tool for AOs to advertise open or newly
established positions. The Unofficial Shopping List is a snapshot of expected
vacancies posted in DA its intended purpose is for commands to view and
validate position vacancies. Members eligible for rotation should in no
way assume it is official or submit eResumes during its release. Members
are encouraged to use it for research purposes only.
6. Patrol Forces Southwest Asia (PATFORSWA) assignments will be advertised
in a separate solicitation message. Specific requirements and the application
process will be covered in the solicitation. Members that are already
interested can find additional information at reference (C).
NOTE: The AO will provide assignment counseling to PATFORSWA members
who are tour complete in AY25 to ensure full understanding of the compressed
timelines, if desired.
7. Women Afloat assignments vary from year to year depending upon the
requests received. In addition to normal assignment counseling, all women
are highly encouraged to contact the Women Afloat Coordinator listed at
the bottom of this message and visit reference (G).
8. Advance Ship System Instruction and Support Team (ASSIST):
The ASSIST is a group of dedicated, skilled, and technically qualified
senior enlisted (E7 through E9) engineering technicians assigned to the
Surface Force Logistic Center (SFLC). The team is comprised of DCs,
Machinery Technicians, and Electrician’s Mates. The team provides
deployable technical support and instruction to cutter crews and SFLC
product line support. It is designed to establish and maintain organic
subject matter expertise of the most complex fleet machinery and control
systems Hull, Machinery, and Electrical maintenance requirements.
Emphasis is placed on the maintenance of more advanced and complex systems,
infrequent or unusual casualty repairs that are beyond the current technical
capability of unit personnel. ASSIST members perform extensive travel in
support of their duties. Members requesting assignment to ASSIST in AY25
must have a minimum of 5 years of rated sea time and will be required to
obtain a Command endorsement verifying they meet the minimum requirements
for Special Duty Assignment IAW reference (A). The endorsement must also
identify if a member possesses a government travel card in good standing.
9. Advancement: Members and commands are reminded that as outlined in
reference (A), members will submit an eResume within 30 days of their name
appearing above the SWE initial or revised advancement cuts. Commands must
be prepared for members to be reassigned to fill any authorized position
at the next higher paygrade. Members placed on the DC2 Supplemental
Advancement List will be treated as if they are above the cut for
advancement and shall submit an eResume.
10. Early OCONUS: Members applying for early OCONUS positions will submit
eResumes earlier in AY25. Members interested in competing for OCONUS
positions listed on the DC SharePoint page at reference (B),
should ensure they meet all prerequisites as per reference (E).
Only positions that are listed as overseas at reference (B) will be
slated during this time. Non OCONUS positions will not be considered
on this eResume. Refer to the DC SharePoint page at reference (B)
additional guidance.
11. DC AY25 Timeline:
01 May - 01 Aug 2024: Members contact AO for career counseling.
01 May - 31 Aug 2024: AOs conduct PAL validation.
01 Aug 2024: Command Concerns due.
TBD: PATFORSWA eResume deadline (PATFORSWA solicitation will update this deadline).
15 Oct 2024: Unofficial shopping list published. Commands validate shopping list.
15 Nov 2024: Official shopping list published.
01 Dec 2024: eResumes due for AP1, AP2, E9s, and Early OCONUS.
09 Dec 2024: Orders issued for AP1, AP2, E9s, and Early OCONUS.
20 Dec 2024: eResumes due for all remaining all remaining DCs rotating in AY25.
31 Mar 2025: All AY25 orders issued.
12. AO POCs:
a. DC AO: CWO4 Chris Corbett,
b. Women Afloat Coordinator: EMC Sharina Komen
13. Released by: LCDR Simon Sekitoleko
14. Internet release authorized.