united states coast guard

R 182233Z JUN 24

ALCGENL 260/24
A. Military Assignments and Authorized Absences Manual, COMDTINST M1000.8A
B. SNIPES Place - Home (
C. Assignments Branch (EPM-2) (
1. This SITREP kicks off Assignment Year (AY) 2025 for the MK rating:
a. All members who are tour complete in AY25 should take time to consider their
career aspirations, career progression, professional development, and seek
guidance from mentors. Commands should begin evaluating readiness impacts,
preparing AY25 command concerns, and should counsel tour complete members to
ensure they are ready and available for worldwide assignment. In addition,
commands should identify all members nearing the end of their enlistment to
review reenlistment eligibility and career intentions for continued service.
2. MK Assignment Officers (AO) will utilize the following slating process for
a. Assignment Priority (AP) 1, AP2, EPO candidates, and E9s will submit eResumes
early in AY25. All remaining MKs will submit their eResumes NLT 15 Dec 2024.
This will allow members who applied for but did not earn an assignment a chance
to submit an updated eResume for remaining available positions. This approach
will aid all members in submitting a more competitive eResume based on available
billets in AY25. Members should review the Snipes Place Teams page and the
Snipes Place SharePoint site for future MK SITREPs at reference (B).
b. E6 to E4 AP3 and below: Members E6 and below that have less than 36 months
of rated sea time are considered sea duty candidates in AY25 per reference (E)
and are highly encouraged to craft eResumes that include all cutter
opportunities. E6 and below members with more than 36 months of sea time will
be considered for follow on sea duty assignments after all members in need of
sea time to advance have been assigned.
3. Advancement:
a. The Coast Guard advances members to fill vacancies. Accordingly, members and
commands are reminded that as outlined in reference (A), personnel who compete
for advancement must be prepared to be reassigned to fill vacant positions at
the next higher paygrade. Members who will take the 2024 Service Wide Exam, and
are at or above the published cut, should apply
for positions at the pay grade to which they will advance. If a member is close
to the cut and tour complete, the member should delay submitting their eResume
until the published deadline. Members who come above the cut in AY25, are in a
pay grade to billet mismatch, or double encumbered should consider themselves
tour complete in AY25 and submit an eResume, except for members covered under
First Tour Stability or a part of the Major Cutter Engineer Technician program.
4. Fleet-Ups and Extensions:
a. E6 to E4: MK AOs will continue to maximize fleet-up and extension
opportunities in AY25. Command endorsements are required for all extension
requests. Fleet-ups for members in non-command cadre positions will be
maximized. Commands should communicate both fleet-up opportunities and
extensions with recommendations through their AY25 Command Concerns.
b. E9 to E7: All AY25 tour complete E9 to E7s will be required to compete for
any desired extensions IAW reference (A) by placing their current position
as their number one pick on their eResume. Commands should communicate both
fleet-up opportunities and extensions for E9 to E7s with recommendations
through their AY25 Command Concerns.
5. Career Management:
a. It is difficult to define a realistic eResume across all paygrades, so it is
highly recommended that members take advantage of the AO assignment counseling
(01 May - 01 Aug). This is available to all MKs, not just those that are tour
b. Members should always craft their eResume to reflect a diverse career path.
No member should try, or expect, to remain in one mission set or geographic area
for an entire career. Members should list as many positions as possible on their
eResume that they would be willing to go to. Members also need to take into
consideration their AP and rank when selecting the number of positions to apply
for. Tour complete members who submit an unrealistic eResume or do not earn an
assignment will either receive a list of remaining positions to rank order or
will be assigned to a service need position.
c. Members that complete back-to-back assignments afloat or ashore should expect
an assignment to a different unit type. Failure to apply for positions in a
different unit type can cause a delay in assignment decisions. Career and
mission diversity will continue to be the cornerstones of developing a
well-rounded senior MK workforce.
d. Members E6 and below should seek diverse assignments to be eligible for all
assignments at E7 and above positions. In addition to the 36 months sea time
requirement, members should complete a tour at a boat forces unit prior to
advancing to E7. Members without prior boat forces experience are ineligible for
assignment to boat forces units as E7 and above.
e. All members are highly encouraged to pursue at least one Special Assignment
during their career. These career broadening assignments provide members
valuable opportunities to represent their ratings, network, and learn about
other operational and mission support activities, making them ideal candidates
for future assignments to highly visible leadership and management positions
(e.g. Silver Badge or School Chief). Members that are interested are encouraged
to review reference (F) and the Special Assignment SharePoint site at: Special
Assignments - Home (
f. Women Afloat assignments vary from year to year depending upon the requests
received. In addition to normal AO counseling, all women are highly encouraged
to contact the Women Afloat Coordinator listed at the bottom of this message
and visit the Women Afloat SharePoint site at: Women Afloat (
6. General assignment guidance:
a. As outlined in reference (A) some positions require a Command endorsement.
It is imperative that each member work with their command to ensure that they
meet the specific requirements for the positions they apply for and that a
Command endorsement is included with the eResume submission when required.
Failure to include a Command endorsement will automatically disqualify a member
from competing for the desired position.
b. Patrol Forces Southwest Asia (PATFORSWA) assignments will be advertised in
a separate solicitation message. Specific requirements and the application
process will be covered in the solicitation. Members that are already interested
can find additional information at the following SharePoint site: PATFORSWA
( AOs will provide assignment counseling to members competing
for EPO positions, and PATFORSWA members who are tour complete in AY25 to ensure
full understanding of compressed timelines, if desired.
c. Potential position reprogramming: EPM-2 receives numerous requests to fill
billets being proposed for reprogramming. EPM-2 can only assign members to
approved positions. Commands and program managers should anticipate billet
reprogramming requests and ensure requests or approvals align with the
assignment season to capitalize on a robust candidate pool and adequately
address the intended position reprogramming action (e.g. rate change, location
change). Direct Access is the primary tool EPM-2 and AOs have to advertise open
or newly established positions. Vacant positions may also be found at reference
d. Advance Ship System Instruction and Support Team (ASSIST): The ASSIST is a
group of dedicated, skilled, and technically qualified senior enlisted
(E7 through E9) engineering technicians assigned to the Surface Force Logistic
Center (SFLC). The team is comprised of MKs, Electrician's Mates (EM), and
Damage Controlmen. The team provides deployable technical support and
instruction to cutter crews and SFLC product line support. It is designed to
establish and maintain organic subject matter expertise of the most complex
fleet machinery and control systems Hull, Machinery, and Electrical maintenance
requirements. Emphasis is placed on the maintenance of more advanced and complex
systems, infrequent or unusual casualty repairs that are beyond the current
technical capability of unit personnel. ASSIST members perform extensive travel
in support of their duties. Members requesting assignment to ASSIST in AY25 must
have a minimum of 5 years of rated sea time and will be required to obtain a
Command endorsement verifying they meet the minimum requirements for Special
Duty Assignment IAW reference (A). The endorsement must also identify if a
member possesses a government travel card in good standing.
e. EPO combined MK and EM screening and assignment process for AY25 is covered
in reference (G) and additional information can be found at reference (B), under
EPO Panel Guide. To be considered for an EPO position, members in AP1, AP2, and
E9s are reminded to list all desired EPO positions at the top of their eResume
bove any general duty positions. All AP3 to AP6 EPO candidates will list only
EPO positions on their eResume when submitting at the EPO eResume deadline and
will have an opportunity to resubmit an eResume if they do not earn an EPO
7. MK AY25 Timeline:
01 May - 01 Aug 2024: Members contact AOs for career counseling.
24 Jul 2024: Panel Submissions due for EPO screening.
01 Aug 2024: Command Concerns due.
01 May - 31 Aug 2024: AOs conduct PAL validation.
31 Aug 2024: EPO screening results released.
TBD: PATFORSWA eResume deadline (PATFORSWA solicitation will update this
15 Oct 2024: Unofficial shopping list published. Commands validate shopping
15 Nov 2024: Official shopping list published.
22 Nov 2024: eResumes due for AP1, AP2, E9s, and all members desiring to compete
for EPO positions.
06 Dec 2024: Orders issued for EPO, AP1, AP2, and E9s.
15 Dec 2024: eResumes due for all remaining MKs rotating in AY25.
31 Mar 2025: All AY24 orders issued.
8. Timeline changes and additional information will be communicated through
future SITREPs on the Snipes Place Teams page and the Snipes Place SharePoint
site at reference (B).
9. AO POCs:
a. CWO Ryan Phillips: D5, PATFORSWA and MK A School (202) 795-6597,
(MKCS Joshua Michael (202) 795-6589 after 22 Jul).
b. CWO Christopher Wolf: D1 and D7 (202) 795-6598.
c. CWO Ryan Phillips: D8 and D9 (202) 795-6597.
d. CWO Nicholas Johnson: D11, D13, D14 and D17 (202) 795-6502.
e. Women Afloat Coordinator: EMC Sharina Komen (202) 795-6573.
10. Released by: LT J. Loewenstein.
11. Internet release authorized.