united states coast guard

ALCGPSC 079/24 
A. Military Assignments and Authorized Absences, COMDTINST M1000.8A  
B. U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Competency Qualification Manual, 
C. Deployable Specialized Forces (DSF) Tactical Operations Manual, 
1. Overview: CG-721, PSC-OPM, and PSC-EPM will conduct the Tactical 
Operator (TO) candidate screener on 31 Aug to 06 Sep 2024 for members 
interested in assignment to TO positions at MSRT(s) and TACLET(s). 
This screener will identify those candidates with the skills most likely 
to succeed in the qualification process and create a more effective 
and responsive assignment process for these positions. CG-721 will host 
the screener at Special Missions Training Center (SMTC) at Camp Lejeune, 
NC. Those applicants who volunteer for the screener will participate 
in a series of events designed to identify candidates most likely to 
succeed in the TO qualification process. The screener will be safe and 
professional, with each event designed to assess the candidates in the 
areas of historically high attrition.  
A. Major Changes from Previous TO Screeners: This year marks the first 
time Junior Officers may attend this screener as part of a workforce 
innovation trial. This trial will determine if the screener will net 
an improvement in Junior Officer qualification rates at MSRTs and TACLETs 
as it has with the ME workforce. Additionally, a limited number of 
BMs/MKs/GMs will be permitted to attend the screener (discussed further in para 3(a)). 
2. TO Description: TOs are required to complete the 12-week Tactical 
Operations Course, conduct up to and including opposed boardings day 
and night, using Close Quarter Combat (CQC) techniques and advanced 
waterborne and airborne insertion techniques. MSRT TOs are capable of 
conducting boarding operations in a Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and 
Radiological (CBRN) contaminated environment. TACLET TOs are capable 
of counter-drug, migrant interdiction and Illegal Unregulated Unreported 
Fishing boardings up to the non-compliant level. Initial qualification 
and proficiency training for tactical operations is physically and mentally 
demanding. DSF-TO is a core competency for the Maritime Enforcement 
Specialist (ME) rating and this process provides personnel not assigned 
to a core unit the opportunity to serve at an MSRT or TACLET to receive 
the core competency.
NOTE: For MEs currently serving in Special Assignment and/or CSEL positions, 
successful completion of the screener is required for advancement to 
E8 and E9 if the member does not currently possess the DSF-TO Competency. 
3. Eligibility: All officers, O-1 through O-3, and all MEs not in receipt 
of AY24 PCS orders are eligible to apply. Prior DSF or Tactical Operator 
experience is not needed. Members attending the TO Screener may be selected 
for assignment to TO positions at MSRT or TACLET. Graduates of the Tactical 
Operator Course with the DSF-TO competency are not required to attend 
the screener to receive assignment to MSRT/TACLET; members fitting this 
description will submit for orders under the normal assignment process.  
A. BM/MK/GM participation: This year's screener will also be a workforce 
innovation trial of evaluating potential BM/MK/GM candidates for TO 
positions. If successfully screened, assigned and qualified, these candidates 
will change from their legacy rating to the ME rating. No more than 
ten BMs, ten MKs, and five GMs may have an opportunity to participate 
in the Screener. 
NOTE: Participation in the screener will be required in lieu of the 
Change in Rating process to become an ME, due to the critical staffing 
challenges for these ratings. 
4. Application: To apply for the screener, candidates must submit an 
application to PSC-OPM-2 via email to 
or to PSC-EPM-2 via email to, 
no later than 10 July 2024. Volunteering for the screener does not guarantee 
attendance. CG-721 will make the final decision on personnel authorized 
to attend the screener. The e-mail application shall consist of the below 
A. Medical: Candidates must have DD FORM 2807-1, Report of Medical History, 
reviewed and signed by a Medical Officer. The signed form will be attached 
to the application email; candidates should be watchful of appropriately 
protecting their medical information when electronically transmitted. 
Members will also include their DOD ID number in their application email 
to allow for medical pre-screening via MHS Genesis. Members will confirm 
if their medical record has been scanned into MHS Genesis or if they 
maintain a hard copy medical record. 
B. Command Endorsement: Applicants must receive a command endorsement 
as part of their application. Commands should understand that an endorsement 
to attend the screener may result in rotation in AY25. At a minimum, 
commands shall confirm member eligibility for assignment to DSF duty 
IAW reference (a), and specifically confirm the member has taken and 
passed the Physical Fitness Assessment IAW reference (b) within the 
past two months.  
NOTE: Physical fitness is the leading cause of personnel failing the 
screener and, in some cases, injuries. Each Command's pre-evaluation 
is an essential part of ensuring that their candidates are prepared 
for the physical rigors of this process. 
5. Screening Process: The screener will include MSRT/TACLET overview, 
classroom, field, weapons, tower and water events, along with physical 
fitness and boarding scenarios that simulate the TO qualification pipeline. 
Candidates shall arrive physically prepared to pass the standard Maritime 
Law Enforcement Physical Fitness Assessment and shall be capable of 
completing 5 chin-ups and 5 pull-ups IAW reference (c). Members will 
be evaluated by representatives from CG-721, PSC, TACLET and MSRT SMEs 
to provide a recommendation to PSC-EPM-2 and PSC-OPM-2 on each candidate's 
likelihood of successfully completing the qualification process. PSC-EPM-2 
and PSC-OPM-2 will take the results of the screener into consideration 
when making TO assignment decisions. Completion of the screener does 
not mandate assignment to MSRT or TACLET. All personnel who receive 
orders to TO positions will report IAW the normal AY25 assignment season.  
NOTE: Failure to pass the Physical Fitness Assessment or the 5 pull-up/5 
chin-up evaluations will result in a member being removed from the screener 
and immediately returned to their units.  
NOTE2: The 1.5-mile run will be required during the administration of 
the Physical Fitness Assessment.  
6. Waivers: Members who attend the screener have an increased probability 
of assignment to MSRT/TACLET. Members unable to attend the screener 
due to operational requirements or other reasons should contact the 
CG-721 POC to request a waiver. Waivers and recommendations for assignment 
for those unable to attend will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
Application procedures for current and/or previously qualified enlisted 
TOs will be released via SEPCOR. Officers who were previously qualified 
as TOs, either as an enlisted member or as an officer, need not apply 
to the screener and should follow standard AY25 processes as laid out 
by PSC-OPM-2. 
7. Medical screening process: If a candidate's medical record has not 
yet been scanned into MHS Genesis, they will be required to hand carry 
their medical record to the screener, where it will be reviewed by a 
Medical Officer throughout the screener. Additional information will 
be passed via the Screener Welcome Aboard message emailed to candidates.  
8. Candidates are highly encouraged to utilize the TO Screener Recommended 
Workout Plan prior to arrival. The six-week plan can be found at the 
following CG Portal Sites:  
CG-7213 Tactical Deployable Specialized Capabilities - MSRT Program (  
Maritime Enforcement Specialist - Physical Training - All Documents (  
9. Funding: All TDY expenses will be funded by CG-721. Candidates will be berthed onboard SMTC.  
10. Shopping list and E-resume instructions will be provided SEPCOR.  
11. Timeline:  
A. 10 JUL 2024: Application packages are due to PSC-OPM-2 or PSC-EPM-2.  
B. 10 JUL-15 AUG 2024: Candidate DD Form 2807-1 reviewed and determination 
made on eligibility to attend the screener.  
C. NLT 15 AUG 2024: Orders issued for candidates to attend the TO Screener.  
D. 30 AUG 2024: Candidates arrive SMTC.  
E. 31 AUG 2024: Screener begins.  
F. 06 SEP 2024: Screener concludes, candidates depart SMTC.  
G. 01 APR 2025: PSC-EPM-2 issues all enlisted orders IAW AY25
H. 01 APR 2025: PSC-OPM-2 issues all officer orders IAW AY25 timeline. 
I. Summer 2025: Selected personnel report to MSRT or TACLET.  
12. Points of contact:  
A. CG-721: Mr. K. T. Nagie, 202-372-2667  
B. EPM-2 CAC 1: LCDR T. Seleznick, 202-795-6576  
C. EPM-2 ME AO: MLES2 A. Martinez, 202-795-6617 
D. OPM-2 Response Ashore AO (O-3 and below): LCDR C. Giguere, 202-795-6460 
E. ME RFMC: MECM R. Patterson, 202-372-1342  
F. MSRTE CMC: MECM A. Overheim, 757-421-1895  
G. MSRTW CMC: MECM B. Larkin, 619-336-2107  
H. TACLET SOUTH CMC: MECM D. Ramirez, 832-474-2872 
I. TACLET PACIFIC CMC: MECM S. Easley, 757-348-4453 
13. RDML R. E. Dash, Commander, Personnel Service Center, sends.