united states coast guard

R 101044Z JUN 24   MID120001193661U
ALCOAST 243/24
SSIC 5350
1. On Wednesday, June 19th, the Coast Guard and our Nation celebrate
Juneteenth National Independence Day, or Juneteenth, a blending of
"June" and "nineteenth". This commemoration acknowledges the
emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States.
2. More than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was
signed, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, on June 19,
1865, to announce that the more than 250,000 African Americans still
held in bondage in the state were free. In the period that followed,
African Americans attempted to purchase land, start businesses, run
for political office, and advocate for a more just and equal
society. Juneteenth embodies freedom and also hope for a strong,
undivided future Nation. Though Juneteenth is rooted in Texas
events, its implications were sweeping. The date was designated a
federal holiday in 2021. The national recognition of Juneteenth aims
to acknowledge the foundational and often forgotten contributions of
its formerly enslaved community. It presents a time for focusing on
the pre-Emancipation period's enduring effects on the lives of
Americans of every race today. According to historian Lonnie Bunch
III of the Smithsonian Institution, Juneteenth is "an opportunity to
both look back but to look ahead to make sure that the notion of
freedom and the fragility of it is always protected and celebrated."
3. Ms. Opal Lee, a retired teacher, was heavily influential in the
establishment of the holiday. At age 89, she began walking from her
home in Ft. Worth, TX to Washington, DC in 2.5-mile increments to
draw public and Congressional attention to the significance of the
date to American history. Her walks represented the two-and-a-half
years it took the Emancipation Proclamation to reach Texas. In 2022,
Ms. Lee's remarkable contribution was recognized with a Nobel Peace
Prize nomination, and just last month, she received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom for her instrumental role in establishing
Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
4. The Coast Guard is resolute in its commitment to ensure dignity,
respect, and equal opportunity. It is incumbent upon each member of
the workforce to contribute to a workplace climate that aligns with
our Core Values. We all have a role in fostering a workplace that
ensures all can achieve their full potential. I encourage commands
and units to learn, celebrate, and reflect upon Juneteenth and its
significance, particularly in recognizing that it is a vital part of
American history.
5. To learn more about Juneteenth, visit:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

6. POC: COMDT (CG-00H), Mr. Edward Stoker, 202-372-4519,
7. ADM Linda L. Fagan, Commandant (CCG), sends.
8. Internet release is authorized.