united states coast guard

R 081800Z MAY 24 MID120001091271U
ALCOAST 212/24
SSIC 1650
1. I am pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Commodore
Viggo C. Bertelsen, Jr. and Vice Admiral John P. Currier Auxiliary
Integration Awards. Bravo Zulu to the following:
    a. Enhanced Mission Support Award - Coast Guard Training Center
Cape May: Training Center Cape May seamlessly integrated
Auxiliarists in food preparation positions. Auxiliary Culinary
Assistants delivered more than 750 hours of direct support, helping
prepare over 10,700 meals for 2,900 graduating recruits and their
families. Auxiliarists also provided more than 350 hours of valuable
seamanship and line handling instruction to recruits, greatly
augmenting Coast Guard instructors and ensuring all recruits
received this important training before entering the fleet.
    b. Enhanced Operations Award - Sector Eastern Great Lakes:
The Auxiliary played a major role in Sector Eastern Great Lakes'
mission success by contributing nearly 700 hours of underway
operational support and providing more than 1,090 hours of
communications watchstanding. Auxiliarists also helped ensure
Private Aids to Navigation (PATON) were operational throughout
the Sector's area of responsibility. They completed over 450 PATON
verifications which led to 70 being taken offline and significantly
enhanced safety for the region's recreational boating public.
    c. Applied Innovation Award - Sector Key West: Sector Key West
creatively and effectively merged the Auxiliary and advanced
technology. It leveraged certified Auxiliarists to deploy Unmanned
Aircraft Systems (UAS) that significantly helped support its migrant
interdiction, search and rescue, pollution response, recreational
boating safety, and public affairs missions throughout its area of
    d. District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX) of the Year: This
recognition was not awarded for 2023.
2. Honorable mention goes to the following nominees by category:
    a. Enhanced Mission Support Award - Sector San Francisco:
The Auxiliary was integrated in several impressive ways including
augmentation of the Electronic Support Detachment Alameda and Civil
Engineering Unit Oakland where they provided valuable assessments of
electronic measures and communication and emergency power systems.
    b. Enhanced Operations Award - Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach:
Auxiliarists extensively assisted Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach in
the planning, execution, and safety of large-scale events including
Los Angeles Fleet Week, Torrance Armed Forces Day, and Point Mugu
and Pacific Air Shows that were viewed by over one million
spectators. They also provided invaluable support to the Sector's
Command Center, life raft inspection program, and regional cutters.
    c. Applied Innovation Award - Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth
City: Air Station Elizabeth City creatively incorporated
Auxiliarists and their facilities to improve its watchstanding,
training, and community outreach efforts. This included development
of an assistant operations duty officer training program that freed
up Coast Guard pilots for additional flight duty and training as
well as establishment of the Auxiliary University Program at
Elizabeth City State University.
3. I applaud the exceptional actions of all awardees and nominees.
Your integration of the Auxiliary in diverse and productive ways has
considerably increased Coast Guard mission efficiency through
resourceful augmentation.
4. Plaques for the Commodore Viggo C. Bertelsen, Jr. and
Vice Admiral John P. Currier Auxiliary Integration Awards will be
sent to the cognizant DIRAUX for coordination of appropriate
5. The nine-member selection panel thoroughly reviewed and
deliberated all nomination packages. Panel members were:
    a. CAPT Troy Glendye, CG-BSX
    b. COMO Mary Kirkwood, Auxiliary Vice National Commodore
    c. CDR Kelli Dougherty, CG-INV-1
    d. LCDR Callan Fless, CG-BSX-2
    e. LCDR Kurt Walker, CG-81
    f. BMCM Travis Park, CG-BSX-12
    g. YNC Sandra Pearson, CG-DCMS-DPR-6
    h. Mr. Steve Minutolo, CG-BSX-11
    i. Ms. Juliet Hudson, CG-PSA
6. POC: LT Chris Booth, COMDT (CG-BSX-11), at 202-372-1056 or
7. RDML W. R. Arguin, Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy
(CG-5P), sends.
8. Internet release is authorized.