united states coast guard

R 071113Z MAY 24   MID120001085700U
ALCOAST 210/24
SSIC 6200
A. DCMS Decision Memo to Establish Voluntary Resilience Coordinator
Collateral Duty Role 20240726
1. Integrated Primary Prevention (IPP) is soliciting commands of 100
or more persons to nominate one active-duty volunteer to serve as
the collateral duty Resilience Coordinator (RC). Command selected
RCs will attend Resilience Coordinator and Unit Education (ResCUE)
5-day training at either aboard Training Center (TRACEN) Petaluma
(10-15 June 2024) or TRACEN Yorktown (7-12 July 2024). Selected
personnel who complete all aspects of training, will receive a
Direct Access code signifying their certification as a RC.
2. IPP will fund travel, double berthing aboard TRACENs, and
government meals for all RCs in the two trainings. Seats are limited
to 48 persons per course, on a first come, first serve basis. IPP
personnel will assign selected RCs to closest geographic training
location, however, in certain cases, location may be determined
based on space availability.
3. The week-long ResCUE training will feature a custom US Coast
Guard curricula designed and delivered by Uniformed Services
University Health Services, Consortium of Health and Military
Performance (CHAMP).
     a. Evidence-based modules taught during the course consist of
topical areas such as physical fitness, nutrition, sleep hygiene,
primary prevention, stress management, tobacco cessation, and other
health and well-being related areas.
     b. The training objective is to provide students with the
knowledge, tools, and skills necessary to fulfill the role of the
collateral duty RC.
4. The duties of the RC include:
     a. Serve as a knowledgeable local access point for information
and referral on protective factor and resiliency building positive
behaviors and available resources.
     b. Collaborate with command, Work Life personnel, IPP staff, and
other stakeholders on educational, programming, and activity
opportunities that build and strengthen protective factors and
resiliency amongst RC's unit members.
     c. Dependent on command approval, RC may serve as local trainer
certified in Operational Stress Control 150 (OSC150), Suicide
Prevention, and other behavioral program curricula.
     d. Establish communication avenues to share pertinent health,
resiliency, and well-being related research and materials with RC's
unit members.
     e. When available and with command approval, coordinate with RC
master trainer to conduct additional RC training-for-trainers (T4T)
in the RC's local area.
5. Selected RC's must meet the following qualifications:
     a. Be an E-5/O-3 or above (exceptions made for smaller units, or
with command endorsement).
     b. Have two years remaining at a shore unit, or one year
remaining at an afloat unit (if operational commitments make this
     c. Be available to perform duties as a collateral duty.
     d. Have an interest in the topical areas and serving as their
unit's local access point for information and referral.
     e. Have an aptitude to engage in classroom and evidence-based,
detailed RC coursework, materials, and concepts.
     f. Have an approachable, objective attitude and willingness to
serve their local unit population.
     g. Be available for either of the given CHAMP-instructed TRACEN
training dates for RC initial cohort.
     h. Be available for online pre-RC training of suicide prevention
(2 hours) and OSC150 (2.5 hours) curricula. Trainings will be
offered in multiple sessions with varying dates/times to ensure
accommodation of RC's availability.
     i. Cannot have any disciplinary action in the two years preceding
command selection as RC. Anyone with a conviction, non-judicial
punishment, or punitive administrative action for sex-related
offenses at any time is ineligible to serve as an RC.
6. Application Procedures:
     a. To enroll in the RC Training, unit's Commanding Officer for
operational units or first O-6 in the member's chain of command
must submit an endorsement letter to include the RC selectee's name,
rank, location. Please include in the endorsement that RC selectee
has availability for one or both training sessions (10-15 June and
7-12 July) and has no adverse actions during the last two years.
     b. In cases where the RC selectee has completed SafeTALK Suicide
Prevention training and/or full OSC T4T course (3.5-4 day), please
attached certificates for exemption of pre-course online trainings.
     c. Please submit endorsements letters to RC@USCG.MIL no later
than Friday 24 May 2024.
     d. IPP personnel will contact all selected RCs with travel and
other pertinent information.
7. Questions can be directed to the Integrated Primary Prevention
staff at email: RC@USCG.MIL.
8. RADM Dana Thomas, Director, Health, Safety, and Work-life
(CG-1K), sends.
9. Internet release is authorized.