united states coast guard

ALCGPSC 060/24
1.Eligible Officers, Chief Warrant Officers (CWOs), and Marine Science
Technicians (MSTs) are strongly encouraged to apply for the Marine Industry
Training Program. This is a specialized training program that allows Coast
Guard members to conduct internships with maritime industry organizations,
build partnerships with stakeholders, and harvest industry best practices to
bring back to the Service.
2.Industry training is accomplished through short-term (4-6 months) or
one-year internships. Short-term internships are conducted from April to
September in conjunction with the transfer season. One-year internships are
conducted from June to June. Internships are conducted in the region of the
follow-on assignment and training plans will directly support the stated
objectives and current initiatives of the sub-program office. One-year
internships will yield a Duty Under Instruction (DUINS) OER.
3.All candidates must be active-duty officers in grades O2 through O4, CWO2/3,
or MSTs in grades E5, E6, or E7. Reservists on Extended Active Duty, as
detailed in paragraph 9 of ref (b), are also eligible to apply. All candidates
must be tour complete in Assignment Year 2025 (AY25) but may request a waiver
as outlined in refs (b) and (c). Officer waiver requests shall be submitted
using the My Panel Submission application with DA Code PGWAIV. The nature of
the waiver should be included in the member comments of the DA submission,
which requires a command endorsement in DA. Refer to ref (c) for more
information on this process. Members in field or staff tours may apply.
4.Merchant Marine Industry Training (MMIT): Available to officers with vessel
inspections backgrounds. MMIT participants study the impacts of prevention policy
and learn how to create mutually beneficial solutions to Coast Guard and
marine industry challenges. Ideal MMIT applicants have at least three years of
Prevention Operations experience and have been assigned CG-OAP113. Past
participants have conducted their training with ocean shipping companies, offshore
oil industry companies, autonomous vessel companies, passenger vessel companies
and classification societies. MMIT selectees should anticipate a follow-on tour
in the Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC), as an Inspections
Division Chief, or Journeyman Marine Inspector. COMDT (CG-CVC) is specifically
looking for trainees interested in alternative fuels
(methanol, ammonia, hydrogen, fuel cell), autonomous vessels, cybersecurity,
shipboard manning, and Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA).
5.Investigations Industry Training (IIT): Available to Officer and CWO Investigating
Officers. IIT participants broaden their professional experience and knowledge
through intensive exposure to other investigative entities, as well as merchant
vessel and marine industry operations. Past participants have conducted training
with the National Transportation Safety Board, Department of Justice, Federal Aviation
Administration, and State Pilot Associations. IIT applicants are required to have at
least three years of Prevention Operations experience and have been assigned, or meet
the requirements of, CG-OAP121. IIT selectees can anticipate a follow-on tour in the
Office of Marine Casualties and Investigation Analysis (CG-INV), Investigations National
Center of Expertise (INCOE), Suspension and Revocation National Center of Expertise (SRNCOE),
or as Sector Senior Investigating Officer (SIO)/Investigations Division Chief, or District (dpi).
6.Port Safety and Security Industry Training (PSSIT): Available to Officers and MSTs.
PSSIT participants expand their knowledge of commercial port and facility operations,
novel/alternative fuels, and emerging technologies through interactions
with Port Authorities, Federal Agencies/Centers of Excellence, Regulated facilities,
and Cybersecurity companies. Ideal officer PSSIT applicants have at least three years
of experience in Prevention Operations, including conducting or overseeing facility
and/or container inspections. Officer selectees can anticipate assignment to the Office
of Port and Facility Compliance (CG-FAC), District (dpi), or as Sector/MSU Inspections
Division Chief, or Waterways Management Division Chief. Ideal enlisted PSSIT applicants
have at least six years of operational experience and have been assigned the Facility
Inspector competency. Enlisted selectees can anticipate assignment to an Inspections
Division position at a Sector, MSU, or MSD.
7.Marine Environmental Protection Industry Training (MEPIT): Available to Officers, CWOs,
and MSTs with backgrounds in marine environmental response and protection. MEPIT participants
gain insight into domestic and international pollution preparedness, response, and mitigation
operations from a federal, state, and industry perspective. Ideal officer/CWO MEPIT applicants
have at least three years of Response Operations experience and have been assigned, or meet the
requirements of, CG-OAR15. Ideal enlisted MEPIT applicants have at least six years of
operational experience and have been assigned the Federal On-Scene Coordinator's Representative
or National Strike Force Response Supervisor competency. MEPIT selectees can anticipate a
follow-on tour at the National Strike Force, District Response Advisory Team, Office of Marine
and Environmental Response Policy (CG-MER), or Sector/MSU Incident Management or Emergency
Management Force Readiness Divisions.
8.Waterways Management Industry Training (WWMIT): Available to Officers and MSTs with waterways
management backgrounds. WWMIT participants expand their knowledge of emerging technologies
and gain insight into issues that impact the Marine Transportation System. Previous internships
include the Army Corps of Engineers, SpaceX, and various offshore wind companies. Ideal officer
WWMIT applicants have at least three years of Prevention Operations experience and have either
CG-OAP10J, CG-OAF112, or CG-OAF122. Ideal enlisted WWMIT applicants have at least six years of
operational experience and have earned the Waterways Management Representative competency.
Officer selectees can anticipate assignment to a Sector/MSU WWM Division Chief, MSU Prevention
Department Head, District (dpw), or the Office of Waterways & Ocean Policy (CG-WWM). Enlisted
selectees can anticipate assignment to a WWM Division at a Sector/MSU.
9.Participants will be selected by the Prevention & Response Advanced Education Panel for each
of the five sub-programs. The following is the breakdown of industry training quotas:
i. MMIT: One 1-yr quota
ii. IIT: One 1-yr quota
iii. PSSIT: One 1-yr quota
iv. MEPIT: One 1-yr quota (officer/CWO)
v. WWMIT: One 1-yr quota
i. PSSIT: One short-term quota
ii. MEPIT: One short-term quota
iii. WWMIT: One short-term quota
10.Officer applicants are required to submit a My Panel Submission in Direct Access by following
the guidance in refs (b) and (c). Of note, applying for one or more Marine Industry Training
Program does not count against the limit of applying for up to three PG/ADV ED programs. The
5 Marine Industry Training programs are separated into two categories: Prevention Industry
Training (DA Code is PREVIT: Includes MMIT, IIT, PSSIT, WWMIT) and Response Industry Training
(DA Code is RESPIT: includes MEPIT). DA comments in the My Panel Submission will not be considered
outside of rank-order preferences in PREVIT. Unlike previous years, a training intention plan or
personal narrative are not authorized in member comments for Industry Training. Command endorsements
may contain up to 500 characters and comport to requirements outlined in ref (b). Consult ref (c)
for example comments and prohibited language. The officer quotas will be filled during the course
of the OPM-1 PG Panel schedule. Results for Marine Industry Training will be posted in the
OPM-1 comprehensive PG/Adv Ed results message.
11.Enlisted applicants for the MEPIT (DA Code: MEPITE), PSSIT (DA Code: PSSITE), and WWMIT
(DA Code: WWMITE) programs are required to submit a My Panel Submission in Direct Access by
following the guidance located in ref (d). The enlisted quotas will be filled during the
EPM panel. Selection to these programs will not result in a commission.
12.Upon selection, members should contact the relevant sub-program manager and assignment
officer. Assignment discussions should reflect the intended program elements and work in
concert with the fellowship intended. The selectees will work with the sub-program
manager and Assignment Officer to determine the best location and follow-on tour
to support the curriculum and focus of the training while aligning service needs
and career progression wickets. For the 1-year quotas, selectees should expect
to begin training in the summer of 2025 and report to their next assignment in
the summer of 2026. For short-term quotas, selectees should expect to begin
training in the spring of 2025 and report to their next assignment in the fall of 2025.
a.Officer DA Application: 20 May 2024
b.OER submissions due to OPM-3: 19 May 2024
c.Enlisted DA Application: 12 July 2024
14.OER Submission: Applicants intending to submit an annual or semi-annual OER ahead of
the panel shall adhere to the OER submission deadline of 19 May 2024. LCDR Applicants
must submit their annual OER, End of Period (EOP) 30 April 2024, should arrive to OPM-3
no later than 19 May 2024. LT Applicants are authorized an adjusted EOP of 30 April 2024
for the annual OER with delivery to OPM-3 no later than 19 May 2024. LTJG Applicants are
authorized a Boards and Panels OER with an EOP no earlier than 03 May 2024 with delivery
to OPM-3 no later than 19 May 2024.
15.Industry Training incurs obligated service of approximately 18 months for short-term
quotas and three years for one-year Training Allowance Billets (TAB).
16.After reviewing all references, any questions regarding the processing of Marine
Industry Training Program applications should be directed to for officers,
or for enlisted personnel.
17.General questions regarding the Marine Industry Training Program should
be directed to CG-741, specifically to LCDR Robert Gay.
18.Direct Access Codes for My Panel Submission:
a. Officer:
ii. RESPIT (includes MEPIT)
iii. PGWAIV (for all eligibility waiver requests)
b. Enlisted:
19.For sub-program specific questions, contact:
a.MMIT: LT Steve Conde
b.IIT: LCDR Laura Fitzpatrick
c.PSSIT: LCDR Samuel Rodriguez-Gonzalez
d.MEPIT: LT Allison Wrieden
e.WWMIT: LCDR David Bourbeau
f.Officer Application Process in DA:
g.Enlisted Application process in DA: CSCM Nicolas Wright, EPM-1
20.Enlisted members may also contact the MST Rating Force Master Chief, MSTCM Bryan Griffiths
to discuss this program.
21.A comprehensive PG Shopping list and real-time updates can be found at the
OPM Adv Ed SharePoint site:
22.CAPT Mathew S. Fine, Shore Forces (CG-741) endorses, RDML R.E. Dash, Personnel Service Center, sends.
23.Internet release authorized.