united states coast guard

R 191244Z MAR 24   MID600117288965U
ALCOAST 128/24
SSIC 1650
A. Boat Operations and Training (BOAT), Volume I, COMDTINST 16114.32
1. This ALCOAST announces the 2023 Boat Forces' Awards recipients.
2. CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain Trophy Award.
    a. The purpose of this award is to recognize exemplary
active-duty and reserve coxswains who demonstrate sustained superior
performance, exceptional boat handlings skills, and exemplary
    b. The active-duty CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain Trophy
recipient is BM2 Christian Lorenzo of Station Maui. BM2 Lorenzo's
dedication and exemplary leadership shone brightly during high-risk
missions in a dynamically challenging operating environment.
Certified as a Response Boat-Small II (RB-S II) and Response Boat
Medium (RB-M) Coxswain, he led 167 sorties, accumulating 281
underway hours, and played a pivotal role in saving or assisting 15
lives while recovering over $1.6M in property. A defining moment in
BM2 Lorenzo's career occurred during the Western Maui Wildfire
response where he and his crew rescued 12 lives amidst the chaos.
Responding to a distress call on the evening of August 8, 2023,
which reported 100 people stranded in the water due to the raging
fire in Lahaina, he navigated the RB-M with precision despite
formidable challenges such as heavy smoke and strong winds. His
adept piloting skills, combined with local knowledge, facilitated
the successful rescue of survivors from a sailboat and a break wall,
providing essential medical attention along the way. Despite facing
an engine casualty, BM2 Lorenzo expertly maneuvered through debris,
ensuring the safe passage of survivors and crew to shore.
    c. The reserve CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain Trophy
recipient is BM1 Dillon Durando of Station Fort Lauderdale. BM1
Durando's dedication and exemplary leadership were evident in his
rigorous training of basic and advanced qualifications on the
Special Purpose Craft-Law Enforcement (SPC-LE) and RB-M. He ensured
the unit's operational readiness by certifying six boat crewmembers,
six tactical crewmembers, five pursuit crewmembers, three coxswains,
six pursuit coxswains, and one designated trainer (DT)/Opposing
Force (OPFOR). Petty Officer Durando's commitment to the service and
Boat Forces community is unmatched, as evidenced by his volunteering
for 11 sets of orders in 2023 at Station Fort Lauderdale.
Recertifying as a non-compliant vessel pursuit DT/OPFOR and tactical
coxswain, he facilitated crew training to meet the station's mission
requirements for High-Capacity Passenger Vessel escorts in Port
Everglades. Throughout his time, he amassed 212 underway hours over
the course of 89 sorties, including Counter Drug and Alien Migrant
Interdiction Operations as a pursuit coxswain, and Ports, Waterways,
and Coastal Security (PWCS) patrols as a tactical coxswain. Notably,
he served as patrol commander during 10 High-Capacity Passenger
Vessel escorts.
    d. BM1 Dillon Durando's and BM2 Christian Lorenzo's outstanding
performance sets a benchmark for all coxswains.
3. Fireman First Class Paul Clark Outstanding Engineer Award.
    a. The purpose of this award is to recognize exemplary
active-duty and reserve boat engineers who demonstrate sustained
superior performance, proficiencies and leadership.
    b. The active-duty Fireman First Class Paul Clark Outstanding
Engineer Award recipient is MK2 Donavan Carley of USCGC BENJAMIN
DAILEY. MK2 Carley epitomizes the qualities of an expert technician,
dedicated humanitarian, and visionary leader. With a robust skill
set, he holds qualifications ranging from non-compliant vessel
pursuit crewmember, boarding officer, and engineer of the watch.
This encompasses basic and advanced damage control, as well as in
port officer of the day duties. Dedicated to knowledge
dissemination, MK2 Carley serves as a valuable member of the
Engineering Training Team, where he imparts expertise in Engineer of
the Watch, Basic/Advanced damage control, and boat crew operations.
His commitment has led to the accreditation of 17 boat crewmember
qualifications. As boat engineer and pursuit crewmember, MK2 Carley
played a pivotal role in intercepting nine illegal Mexican fishing
vessels within U.S. waters. These operations resulted in the
confiscation of over 9,000 lbs. of illicit catch and the
apprehension of 33 foreign nationals. MK2 Carley's proactive efforts
significantly contributed to advancing the strategic goals to combat
illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing in the Gulf of Mexico,
thereby safeguarding a billion-dollar U.S. commercial fishing
    c. The reserve Fireman First Class Paul Clark Outstanding
Engineer Award recipient is MK1 Reed Berger of Station San Juan. MK1
Berger exemplifies a unique blend of technical prowess, expertise,
and unwavering dedication, setting him apart as an outstanding
technician, mentor, and resolute leader. MK1 Berger boasts an
impressive array of qualifications, including SPC-LE boat
crewmember. He has played a pivotal role as an instructor for
active-duty and reserve boat crew college sessions at Sector San
Juan, contributing significantly to the certification of 14 members.
Moreover, MK1 Berger demonstrated exceptional leadership skills as
the section lead engineer, playing a critical role in ensuring the
timely completion of a vital maintenance project. His adept
coordination with Coast Guard Civil Engineering Unit, Puerto Rico's
Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (DRNA), and Customs
and Border Patrol Air and Marine facilitated access to Coast Guard
property in support of Operation SCAN EAGLE in Roosevelt Roads,
Puerto Rico. As a result of MK1's efforts, numerous individuals were
apprehended, and a smuggling vessel, along with narcotics valued at
over $8.5M, were seized.
    d. MK1 Reed Berger's and MK2 Donavan Carley's technical acumen,
expertise, and commitment sets a benchmark for all boat engineers.
4. Master Chief Jack Downey Award.
    a. The purpose of this award is to recognize units in four
categories (Station, Advanced Competency Station, Aids to Navigation
Team, and Non-Station/ANT) who have exemplified the finest traits of
a Boat Forces unit.
    b. The Master Chief Jack Downey "Station" Award recipient is
Station Charlevoix. Station Charlevoix not only met but surpassed
operational standards by conducting 423 Recreational Boating Safety
boardings and responding to 33 search and rescue incidents, among
which was the successful emergency rescue of a distressed sailing
vessel. One remarkable instance occurred when Station Charlevoix
swiftly responded to a distress call from a sailing vessel taking on
water. Demonstrating unparalleled proficiency, station personnel
utilized the RB-M's damage control kit to rapidly construct an
emergency plug, effectively stopping the water's ingress. Their
decisive actions facilitated the rescue of four distressed mariners
and the safe tow of the vessel to the nearest haul-out facility. In
recognition of their unwavering dedication and professionalism,
Station Charlevoix was honored as the Ninth Coast Guard District's
"Outstanding Station" for Operation Dry water 2023, having contacted
138 vessels and issued 33 citations during the annual National
Boating Under the Influence Awareness and Enforcement Campaign.
Furthermore, Station Charlevoix significantly enhanced the Coast
Guard's presence in Northwest Michigan. They supported over 20
marine events, including the prestigious National Cherry Festival.
Additionally, they implemented an ice rescue program for a local
fire department and helped develop an Active Shooter Response Plan
for a remote island community of 650 year-round residents located
nearly forty miles offshore."
    c. The Master Chief Jack Downey "Advanced Competency Station"
Award recipient is Station Portsmouth Harbor. Showcasing exceptional
performance in mission execution within the Port of New Hampshire,
the station dedicated over 1,000 underway resource hours supporting
45 search and rescue missions, completing 320 combined recreational
and commercial vessel boardings and eight (PWCS) escorts of both
liquified petroleum gas tankers and U.S. Navy nuclear submarines.
Demonstrating operational prowess, Station Portsmouth Harbor is the
only First District unit maintaining dual advanced competencies in
Heavy Weather and PWCS. Maintaining a dedicated Law Enforcement
team, members of the unit spearheaded high-profile operations.
During Southeast New England's 2023 Operation Safe Eight, crews
decisively led 53 commercial fishing vessel safety boardings,
resulting in over 10 safety and fisheries violations. Over the
July 4th weekend, crews coordinated with local agencies while
executing 53 recreational boardings in a three-day period in support
of Operation Dry water. Station Portsmouth Harbor's reliance on
strong partnerships was instrumental in the success of multiple
missions conducted throughout the year. Station members coordinated
and planned a multi-day search and rescue training curriculum for
over 120 attendees from 18 partner agencies, culminating in a
simulated multi-agency on-water mass casualty response.
    d. The Master Chief Jack Downey "Aids to Navigation" Award
recipient is Aids to Navigation Team (ANT) South Portland.
Showcasing exceptional mission performance, the unit amassed 2,290
underway hours while diligently maintaining 415 primary and 350
secondary Aids to Navigation (ATON) spanning from New Hampshire to
Maine. In the face of formidable challenges posed by record storms
and historic flooding, they maintained an impressive 99.5% aid
availability rate. Following the onslaught of Hurricane LEE and
Tropical Storm PHILLIPE, ANT South Portland took charge of post-
storm assessments, swiftly rectifying over 60 ATON discrepancies.
Their decisive actions enabled the reopening of ports within a mere
24 hours. Moreover, the unit forged valuable partnerships, notably
collaborating with Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod for lighthouse
maintenance and post-storm verifications. ANT South Portland
spearheaded the development of innovative synthetic mooring systems
and active participation in personnel-sharing programs. Their
contributions extended to the implementation of a web-based
administrative tracker, highlighting their dedication and continual
improvement. Community engagement remains the cornerstone of the
unit's success; their participation in local events, organization of
military appreciation nights, and facilitating public access to
historic lighthouses are shining examples of their unwavering
commitment to their community.
    e. The Master Chief Jack Downey "Non-Station/ANT" Award
recipient is Maritime Safety and Security Team (MSST) Houston. MSST
Houston's exemplary mission performance is showcased by 30 global
deployments and a cumulative duration of 331 days away from
homeport, deploying 708 crews, contributing over 1,600 operational
underway hours. Noteworthy missions included high-profile events
such as the State of the Union Address, United Nations General
Assembly, and NASA/Space-X launches. During a critical 90-day
period, MSST Houston played a pivotal role in addressing the
nation's migrant influx along the U.S. and Mexico border. Their
efforts included completing 144 patrols, saving or assisting 20
lives, and interdicting 530 non-U.S. citizens. Moreover, the team
engaged in community outreach by establishing Texas' inaugural
Coast Guard Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JRPTC) program.
Demonstrating exceptional readiness, the unit surpassed operation
training requirements by 75%, secured agreements for additional
weapons ranges, and achieved 100% weapons certification for new
members within three months. Safety remained paramount, evidenced
by over 24K mishap-free vehicle/trailering miles, rigorous high-risk
water survival training sessions, and successful inspections.
    f. Stations Charlevoix and Portsmouth Harbor, ANT South
Portland, and MSST Houston have exemplified the finest traits of
Boat Forces units by demonstrating Mission Performance, Leadership
and Partnership, Community Outreach, Crew Professional Development,
and Safety.
5. Each year it is extremely difficult to select only one recipient
per category from the superb group of units and members who are
nominated for the Boat Forces' Awards. The Office of Boat Forces is
pleased with the number of exceptional quality nomination packages
that were submitted and commend all those who took the time to
acknowledge the many outstanding coxswains, engineers, and units
throughout the Boat Forces community.
6. The following are the 2023 CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain
Trophy nominees:
    BM1 Alexander Cortes - MSST New York
    BM1 Keith Coddington - MSST Houston
    BM1 Joel Behr - Station Southwest Harbor
    BM2 Jerret Gosnell - USCGC VIGILANT
    BM2 Christopher Ourzdine - MSST Cape Cod
    BM2 Zachary Collins - Station Monterrey
    BM2 Drew Ferguson - Station Islamorada
7. For the full 2023 Boat Forces CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain
Trophy recipients' narratives of accomplishments please visit the
Office of Boat Forces SharePoint site:
(Copy and Paste Below URL into Browser)

8. The following are the 2023 Fireman First Class Paul Clark
Outstanding Engineering Award nominees:
    MK1 Ryan Jessup – Station Fort Lauderdale (Reserve)
    ET1 Juan Velasquez – MSST Houston
    MK2 Zackry Watson – USCGE RELIANCE
    MK3 Michael Medina – MSST Cape Cod
    MK3 David Barber – Station Islamorada
9. For the full 2023 Fireman First Class Paul Clark Outstanding
Engineering Award recipients' narratives of accomplishments please
visit the Office of Boat Forces SharePoint site:
(Copy and Paste Below URL into Browser)

10. The following are the 2023 Master Chief Jack Downey Award
    a. Station.
        Station Tybee
    b. Advanced Competency Station.
        Station Belle Isle
        Station Brant Point
        Station Castle Hill
        Station Islamorada
        Station Maui
        Station Menemsha
        Station Miami
        Station Monterey
        Station Point Judith
        Station Port Canaveral
        Station Seattle
        Station Woods Hole
    c. Aids to Navigation.
        ANT Woods Hole
    d. Non-STA/ANT.
        MSST Cape Cod
        MSST New York
11. For the full 2023 Master Chief Jack Downey Award recipients'
narratives of accomplishments please visit the Office of Boat Forces
SharePoint site:
(Copy and Paste Below URL into Browser)

12. Presentations of the 2023 Boat Forces Awards will be coordinated
13. POC: BMC Michael Dames, COMDT (CG-7311) at:
14. RADM T. C. Wiemers, Assistant Commandant for Capability (CG-7),
15. Internet release is authorized.