MSIB Vol XXIII Issue 062 Oil Discharge – Gulf of Mexico in vicinity of South Pass, LA Update 1

united states coast guard

Oil Discharge – Gulf of Mexico in vicinity of

South Pass, LA Update 1

Sector New Orleans continues coordinating response operations to the discharge of oil at approximate position 29o 17.3’ N, 088o 43.0’ W near Outer Continental Shelf Lease Block Main Pass 143 which is approximately 20 NM east of the entrance to Pass A Loutre.

On November 18, 2023 oil sheen was observed immediately West of Southwest Pass and is projected to continue offshore following a line South, Southwest. Active on-water vessel oil recovery and skimming operations are taking place 24 hours per day. Transiting vessels should maintain lookouts for oil spill recovery vessels operating in the area. 

There are currently no navigation restrictions for vessels entering or exiting the LMR or offshore. Vessels should conduct proper route assessment and coordinate closely with their agent and attending pilot association for additional guidance. Vessels calling on the Lower Mississippi River or Port Fourchon should monitor for and report any contamination of their hulls to Sector New Orleans Command Center at (504) 365-2545. 

A claims phone line has been established at (228) 273-2400. 

This situation remains dynamic, and changes should be expected as further assessment and oil spill recovery operations develop.

Updates will be disseminated via VTS email distribution, and/or Safety Broadcast Notice to Mariners. For further information, contact:

Sector New Orleans Command Center (24 hour): (504) 365-2545

Vessel Traffic Service (24 hour): (504) 365-2514, VHF FM Ch. 05A, 12, 67

Sector New Orleans Waterways Management: (504) 365-2280 or



Captain of the Port New Orleans




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