united states coast guard

18 OCT 2023

ALCGRSV 061/23
B. Title 14 U.S. Code, subsection 3752
C. 2023 Register of Officers, PSCINST M1427.1N
1. This message provides Promotion Year 2025 (PY25) guidance for
officers considering opting out of promotion selection board
consideration on the IDPL. The deadline to apply is 21 November 2023.
2. As noted in paragraph 2 of Ref (a), only officers projected to be
in-zone for consideration for promotion selection may request to
opt-out of selection board consideration if they meet the
eligibility requirements listed in paragraph 2 of Ref (a).
3. Per Ref (b), IDPL officers may not opt-out of any retention board
because retention boards are governed by a different statute than
promotion selection board opt-out.
4. In PY25, IDPL selection board opt-out is being offered for
promotions to the grade of lieutenant and lieutenant commander. Reserve
Component Managers (RCMs) are not eligible for the Opt Out Program.
5. The Coast Guard utilizes the running mate system for IDPL
officers, and Officer Signal Numbers are published in accordance
with Ref (c). Therefore, per Ref (d), PY25 IDPL selection board
opt-out is available for IDPL officers holding similar Signal Numbers
as their ADPL running mates:
a. LTJGs with a date of rank of 01 July 2023 or earlier meeting the
requirements of Ref (a) are eligible to apply to opt-out of
consideration for selection to lieutenant.
b. LTs holding Signal Numbers 3614 to 4047 meeting the
requirements of Ref (a) are eligible to apply to opt-out of
consideration for selection to lieutenant commander.
6. Extended Active Duty (EAD). This paragraph provides guidance to
Reserve Officers on EAD with an ADPL Signal Number:
a. PY25 begins on 01 July 2024 and ends on 30 June 2025.
b. Reserve officers serving on EAD in PY25, when their respective
promotion board convenes, who want to apply to opt-out and meet the
requirements of Ref (a), must follow the ADPL guidance in Ref (d).
c. Reserve officers currently serving on EAD, but whose contracts end
prior to when their respective promotion board convenes in PY25, who
want to apply to opt-out and meet the requirements of Ref (a), must
follow the IDPL guidance in this message. Per paragraph 2.b.(1)(e) of
Ref (a), professional circumstances like recently completing EAD
orders may help form the basis for an opt-out request. This is
applicable to junior officers in the Reserve who may not desire to
integrate and sign an oath as a Regular officer in the Coast Guard.
7. Officers approved by a panel to opt-out on the ADPL, and are later
released from active duty and placed on the IDPL, must submit a new
application to be considered for opt-out on the IDPL. Similarly,
Reserve officers approved by a panel to opt-out on the IDPL, and
are later placed on the ADPL, must also submit a new application to
be considered for opt-out on the ADPL.
8. Application Process. ADPL officers should apply per Ref (d).
Interested and eligible Reserve officers applying for IDPL opt-out
a. Apply via Direct Access, My Panel Submission -> Career Extension
(select Reserve-Active Component, click Search)-> OPTOUT, to be
considered as a candidate to opt-out for PY25.
Command endorsements only apply to the application memo and do not
apply to the My Panel submission.
b. Submit a memorandum to CG PSC (rpm-1) via their immediate command.
No enclosures to the application are permitted. The
application/resume shall be submitted in basic Coast Guard memorandum
format (limited to a maximum of one page, single-spaced, 12-point
text with 1-inch margins). Commands may endorse the application via
thru line endorsement or a new page endorsement (limited to a maximum
of one page, single-spaced, 12-point text with 1-inch margins).
Member memorandums must include the following:
1) A description of the broadening assignment, advanced education,
another assignment of significant value to the Coast Guard, a career
progression requirement delayed by the assignment or education, or a
qualifying personal or professional circumstance for which member is
requesting to opt-out.
2) Justification for requesting consideration to opt-out.
3) The Promotion Year deferral duration. Officers may request PY
deferral annually, or for the duration of the members broadening
assignment, advanced education assignment of significant value,
career progression requirement, or qualifying circumstances.
9. Members who request to opt-out may not be able to alter or cancel
their request after 21 November 2023, because of planning factors
implicated in the promotion process. Officers are eligible to request
to opt-out of no more than three consecutive promotion boards in a
single application. After three years, the member may compete for
promotion or resubmit a new request to opt-out for up to an
additional three years.
10. Opt-Out Applications will be evaluated by a panel of officers on a
best and fully qualified basis considering the officers service
record and qualifying personnel and professional circumstance as
stipulated in paragraph 2 of Ref A.
11. The panel is authorized to recommend the following number of
officers expected to be in zone for PY25 on the IDPL:
a. Up to 10 LTJGs being considered for LT.
b. Up to 10 LTs being considered for LCDR.
12. Candidates should expect formal notification of the status of
their application via email NLT 45 calendar days prior to the first
PY25 Selection Board.
13. POC: LCDR Josue Roman at
14. CAPT T. E. Fryar, Chief, PSC-RPM, sends.
15. Internet release authorized.