U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 09/29/2023 12:44 PM EDTR 291626Z SEP 23 MID120000489699U
ALCOAST 367/23
SSIC 1570
A. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28D
B. Reserve Duty Status and Participation, COMDTINST 1001.2A
C. Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2 (series)
D. Financial Resource Management Manual (FRMM), COMDTINST M7100.3F
1. This message announces key dates, responsibilities, and policies,
in accordance with REFs (A) through (D), for commands and Selected
Reserve (SELRES) members when scheduling all reserve drill types in
FY24. Drill types include Inactive Duty Training (IDT), Readiness
Management Periods (RMP), Additional Training Periods (ATP), and
Additional Flying and Flight Training Periods (AFTP). Pay for duty
performed that is not in compliance with this message or REFs (A)
through (D) may be subject to recoupment.
2. SELRES members may complete drills throughout FY24 (01 October
2023 to 30 September 2024), with particular attention to critical
dates and scheduling deadlines in paragraph 8. Reserve training
for position-based competencies is the priority. The first three
quarters of the FY (October through June) represent the broadest
scheduling flexibility. Fiscal Year closeout requirements reduce
flexibility in the fourth quarter (July through September). Members
and commands must make every effort to finalize drill schedules in
advance to minimize changes and waiver requests during the fourth
3. IDT:
a. SELRES members are authorized up to 48 paid IDT drills.
SELRES members who perform more paid IDT than authorized will
be in an overpaid status, and drills will be corrected to without
pay (points only) and pay recouped.
b. SELRES members must follow local unit/District (dxr)/PAC-13
guidance regarding IDT berthing.
c. With command approval, SELRES members may batch drills and
perform drills in excess of the quarterly allocation of 12 paid IDT
drills as long as drills are scheduled by the 30 June scheduling
deadline in paragraph 8. In addition to command approval, SELRES
members who request IDT berthing must have approval from their
servicing District (dxr)/PAC-13 prior to scheduling and batching
IDT drills.
d. Members serving on active duty for a full calendar month are
not eligible to perform or make up drills for that month, IAW
Chapter 2.A.2.a.(4) of REF (B). Example: BMC Smith performs active
duty from 15 November 2023 to 15 January 2024. BMC Smith cannot make
up the four (4) IDT drills missed in December, but remains eligible
to complete drills for November and January. The authorized paid IDT
drill cap for BMC Smith is adjusted to 44 drills.
e. SELRES members leaving the Service voluntarily (retirement or
discharge) or involuntarily (non-selected for promotion,
non-continued, etc.) may only complete the number of drills
corresponding to their separation date. Example: CDR Smith is not
selected for retention and is required to leave active status
NLT 30 June. CDR Smith may complete a maximum of 36 paid IDT drills
(four drills per month) for the period 01 October 2023 to
30 June 2024 and is subject to the limitations of paragraph 3.d.
4. ATPs:
a. SELRES members assigned to Port Security Units (PSU), Maritime
Expeditionary Security Groups (MESG), Maritime Expeditionary
Security Squadrons (MSRON), and Combatant Commands (COCOM), which
includes Joint Staff South, are authorized to perform ATPs with pay
in FY24 without a waiver from COMDT (CG-R82). Up to 12 ATPs may be
initially allocated to a SELRES member to meet unit training
(1) Each PSU is authorized a maximum of 1,500 ATPs. After PSU
training plans are adjudicated by local commands, unused ATPs may be
reallocated to SELRES members within the same command who have used
their 12 ATPs and need to complete additional training requirements.
A maximum of 36 ATPs may be performed in a fiscal year by any member
(2) Each MESG and MSRON is authorized up to 100 ATPs. After
MESG and MSRON training plans are adjudicated by local commands,
unused ATPs may be reallocated to SELRES members within the same
command who have used 12 ATPs and need to complete remaining
training requirements. A maximum of 36 ATPs may be performed in a
fiscal year by any member IAW REF (B).
(3) Each COCOM, including Joint Staff South, is authorized up
to 12 ATPs for each member permanently assigned to the unit. After
training plans are adjudicated, unused ATPs may be reallocated to
SELRES members within the same command who need to complete
remaining training requirements. A maximum of 36 ATPs may be
performed in a fiscal year by any member IAW REF (B).
b. Districts (dxr) are allocated ATPs to cover their geographic
Area of Responsibility (AOR), including DCMS and Boat Forces units,
as outlined below. Districts are required to track all ATP
authorizations and shall not exceed the allocations below. The
maximum of 36 f ATPs may be performed in a fiscal year by any member
(1) Districts 1, 5, 7, and 8: 500 ATPs
(2) Districts 9, 11, and 13: 250 ATPs
(3) Districts 14 and 17: 50 ATPs
c. ATPs authorized in paragraphs 4.a through 4.b that are not
scheduled in Direct Access by 30 June will require approval by COMDT
(CG-R82) and are subject to funds availability. ATP requests that do
not meet the criteria shall be sent to COMDT (CG-R82).
5. AFTPs: Only SELRES officers assigned to aviation positions in a
flight status are authorized to perform AFTPs in FY24 without a
waiver from COMDT (CG-R82). AFTPs are authorized, IAW with REF (B),
for primary aircrew members conducting aircrew training, to attain
and maintain aircrew flying proficiency, and to sustain required
readiness. A Direct Access change request is pending implementation
to add AFTP as a duty type in the dropdown selection for drill
scheduling. If AFTP is not an available choice at the time of
scheduling, the drill must be scheduled as an ATP. COMDT (CG-711),
in conjunction with COMDT (CG-R82), must work with field units to
ensure AFTP usage does not exceed the total AFTP allocation of
1,152. The AFTP cap for each SELRES officer in a flight status is
48, subject to restrictions in paragraphs 3.d. and 3.e.
6. RMPs:
a. Each SELRES member is authorized two paid RMPs in FY24, unless
otherwise noted below. The two paid RMPs may be used for any purpose
listed in Chapter 2.A.2.c.(1)(a)-(d) of REF (B). RMPs for pay will
be a minimum of four hours in duration and RMPs without pay must be
a minimum of two hours in duration. Only one RMP may be performed by
an individual in one calendar day. RMPs completed that are not in
compliance with this message and applicable policy are subject to
cancellation and pay recouped IAW Chapter 2.A.2.c.(5)(c) of REF (B).
(1) SELRES members who take the October 2023 Reserve
Service-wide Exam (RSWE) are authorized one additional RMP for pay
unless the SELRES member is already scheduled to perform duty on the
same day.
(2) Additional RMPs for CDAR-directed screenings, OMSEP
medical appointments, weight compliance medical appointments, and
command-directed medical screenings, as outlined in Chapter
2.A.2.c.(1)(e)-(g) of REF (B), may be approved by the member's
command subject to the requirements of paragraph 10.
b. Only PSC-RPM can authorize RMPs for medical appointments in
connection with a Notice of Eligibility (NOE).
c. SELRES members may be authorized non-paid RMPs for recruiting
efforts. The unpaid RMPs must be scheduled and command approved in
Direct Access in advance of SELRES member reporting for duty and be
a minimum of two hours in duration, exclusive of travel to and from
site. The number of RMPs performed in a fiscal year by any member
will not exceed 36, and only one RMP may be performed by an
individual in one calendar day.
7. Management Responsibilities: Timely and accurate scheduling,
approval, and processing of drills and pay is a key tenant of taking
care of our people.
a. Scheduling drills.
(1) Drills should remain in a pending status (i.e. scheduled
but not approved by a supervisor) to enable members to reschedule
drills without having to request a waiver. All drills must be
scheduled in Direct Access prior to a member reporting for duty. All
berthing requirements as set by the member's District (dxr)/PAC-13
must also be met prior to the member reporting for duty.
(2) Members, supervisors, and Reserve Force Readiness System
(RFRS) staffs shall refer to the Direct Access user guides to
schedule, edit, and complete drills. The Direct Access User Guides
are available on the Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) website at:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)
b. Approving and processing drills.
(1) SELRES members must notify their supervisor upon drill
(2) Supervisors must ensure drills are validated and placed
in a "completed" status in Direct Access within two working days of
drill completion.
(3) SPOs must process payment within three working days of
receiving notification that drills were placed in a "completed"
status in Direct Access.
(4) Drills that remain in a "scheduled" status more than ten
days past the duty date are subject to cancellation.
c. Monitoring and validating drills.
(1) Accurate and timely processing of drills for payment,
cancellation, or rescheduling is a command responsibility. To
strengthen internal controls and oversight of Reserve Training
funds, Area/District (dxr)/PAC-13/DOL-1 and field level RFRS staffs
shall regularly (at least monthly) review scheduled drills to ensure
drill periods are being requested and executed IAW this ALCOAST and
REFs (A) through (D). A scheduled drill report can be run in Direct
Access using query name: “CG_IDT_SCHD_RPT”. The Direct Access user
guide “Schedule a Query” is available in the Reports and Queries
section on the PPC website at:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)
(2) Area/District (dxr)/PAC-13/DOL-1 and RFRS staffs shall
take action on the past due drills to ensure payment or
cancellation. COMDT (CG-R82) will post a quarterly drill validation
report containing all past due drills remaining in a scheduled
status for the previous quarter(s). Past due drills remaining in
a scheduled status after the completion of the quarterly validation
will be cancelled. The quarterly drill validation report is
available to Area/District (dxr)/PAC-13/DOL-1 and field level RFRS
staffs on the Reserve Quarterly Validation Microsoft Teams site.
(3) District (dxr)/PAC-13 funds managers shall continuously
monitor their IDT berthing accounts, especially when authorizing
batched drills, and provide funding concerns to the appropriate POCs
identified in paragraph 11. Inactive duty berthing shall be
scheduled IAW REF (B), including the double occupancy requirement
in IAW Chapter 2.7.c. of REF (B).
8. Scheduling Deadlines.
a. 01 October 2023: Scheduling commences for all FY24 drill
b. 30 June 2024: All paid drills must be scheduled in Direct
Access. Waivers in Q4 will be approved IAW paragraph 10.b. District
(dxr)/PAC-13 staffs may require an earlier scheduling deadline.
c. 01 September 2024: Deadline to submit additional drill
9. Rescheduling:
a. 01 October 2023 through 30 June 2024: Drills may be
rescheduled at member and/or command discretion. Notification
to reschedule must be provided to the servicing District
(dxr)/PAC-13, if IDT berthing has been authorized or is requested.
b. 01 July 2024 through 30 September 2024 (fourth quarter):
Paid drills in a pending status (i.e. scheduled but not approved by
a supervisor) may be rescheduled by the member. Drills scheduled by
anyone other than the member will automatically be placed in an
approved status and will require a waiver to reschedule. Guidance
on how to reschedule a drill after the 30 June deadline is available
on the PPC website at:
(Copy and Paste URL below into Browser)
Self Service - Inactive Duty for Training (IDT).pdf (
Requests to reschedule paid drills in an approved status requires
COMDT(CG-R82) intervention and shall follow the waiver process
outlined in paragraph 10.
c. SELRES members who fail to follow rescheduling requirements
risk cancellation of duty or performance of duty without pay (for
points only).
10. Waivers:
a. Requests for additional drills during the fourth quarter
(01 July 2024 through 30 September 2024) require COMDT (CG-R82)
waiver authorization to unlock drill dates in Direct Access. The
waiver process is currently being updated and will be published
no later than 31 May 2024 to the COMDT (CG-R82) SharePoint site at:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)
b. Waivers for members who experience system issues, as listed
below, that prevent scheduling drills by 30 June will be approved by
COMDT (CG-R82) in the fourth quarter. A maximum of 04 drills per
month (06 for PSUs, MESGs, MSRONs, and COCOMs) will be authorized
(1) End of enlistment;
(2) Training pay (TRAPAY) category issues (e.g., member was
in A-school);
(3) New accessions;
(4) RELADs;
(5) RMP for PHA/Dental exams occurring in the fourth quarter;
(6) RMPs in conjunction with PSC-RPM approved medical
c. Waiver requests for members who fail to schedule IDT by the
30 June deadline and do not meet the requirements above may be
denied by District (dxr)/PAC-13/DOL-1. Every effort will be made
to approve ATP waiver requests to meet emergent training
opportunities in the fourth quarter for members who scheduled IDT
by the 30 June deadline.
d. Unpaid drills may be scheduled/rescheduled without a waiver
or COMDT (CG-R82) intervention.
11. Area/DOL-1/District (dxr)/PAC-13 POCs responsible for managing
the administration of this ALCOAST across their areas of
responsibility are:
a. LANT-1: CDR John Hughes,
b. PAC-1: CDR Michael Meyer,
c. DOL-1: CDR Jasmine Barnard,
d. PAC-13: LCDR Todd Smith,
e. D1 (dxr): LCDR Veronica McCusker,
f. D5 (dxr): CDR Andrew Brennecke,
g. D7 (dxr): CDR Greg Peck,
h. D8 (dxr): CDR Diana Harris,
i. D9 (dxr): CDR Eric Meaders,
j. D11 (dxr): CDR Victoria Taylor-Davis,
k. D13 (dxr): CDR Karen Hewes,
l. D14 (dxr): LCDR Jacqueline Bethel,
m. D17 (dxr): LCDR David Holden,
12. COMDT (CG-R82) Point of Contact: CDR Jarod Ross,
13. CAPT Rebecca A. Drew, Acting Assistant Commandant of Reserve
(CG-R), sends.
14. Internet release is authorized.