15 DEC 2022
ALCGRSV 066/22
A. Enlistments, Accessions, Evaluations and Advancements Manual, COMDTINST M1000.2(series)
B. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28(series)
C. Body Composition Standards Program, COMDTINST 1020.8(series)
1. The following personnel may be advanced to the rating/paygrade
indicated effective 01 January 2023 provided the requirements of Refs
A through C are met:
AET1 Christopher Clay 000561 046017
AET1 Kyle Bloom 002418 002420
AET1 Betty Sciscoe 047617 042632
AET1 Daniel Hamilton 000768 006420
AET2 James Atwater 000657 041675
AET2 Gregory Jacquet 038134 010093
AET2 Tommie Wade 000768 006420
AMT1 Joshua Felter 047617 042632
AMT1 Matthew Turcotte 000568 045431
AMT1 Nathaniel Voudren 000211 042191
AMT2 Christian Reed 047617 042632
AMT2 Jaime De La Cruz 047617 042632
BMCS Brittney Sonnier 000244 042311
BMCS Adam Nichols 000006 042822
BMCS Ian Yaffe 000388 045431
BMC Matthew Howard 000157 042632
BMC Michael Miller 000285 046604
BMC Michael Gavola 000157 042632
BMC Amanda Rousseau 006828 046017
BMC Jonathan Shine 038662 042632
BM1 Shane Parent 000199 042191
BM1 Nickolas Wilkinson 038642 042311
BM1 Oliver Tallyn 000242 002420
BM1 Gavin Kershaw 000242 002420
BM1 Peter Kapur 000619 046017
BM1 Robert Asp 006828 046017
BM1 Rees Odonnell 000534 042191
BM1 Joseph Carbury 002817 010093
BM1 Kristopher Young 000367 045431
BM1 Kennith Paige 000693 046017
BM1 Joshua Lipsey 048900 042312
BM2 Seth Hurley 038622 046734
BM2 Christopher Marquez 038622 046734
CS1 Jonah Baskin 007856 042191
ETCS Rhett Sampson 038634 041675
ETCS David Peterson 000199 042191
ETC Caleb Laura 004551 042191
ETC Reuben Contreras 038666 042632
ETC Carmine Coscia 004546 045431
ET1 Daniel Flanagan 041686 041675
ET1 Kyle Montgomery 044199 042191
GMC Steven Wells 007481 045431
GMC Brian Glynn 043909 042822
GM1 Dustin Potter 005005 041675
GM1 Anthony Bianco 038637 041675
HSCS Stephanie Solari 010093 010093
HS1 Whittney Austin 007299 042822
HS1 Robert Cullen 043999 045431
HS1 Alexandria Chretien 038678 042599
HS1 Zachary Love 038617 045431
HS1 Marten Zagunis 038688 038079
HS1 Nolan Kinne 007519 042191
IS2 Scott Maybury 036246 045431
IS2 Jessica Meaders 007531 046604
IS2 Heather Capeles 038624 046734
ITCS Sean Gauslin 038674 042599
ITC Vincent Castaldi 038306 042599
ME1 Diego Rivera 007902 042311
ME1 William Bohannon 000278 046604
ME1 Steven Furry 000409 042191
ME1 Jimmy Rodriguez 000590 041675
ME1 Brittny Thompson 049082 042822
ME1 Megan Ramage 000640 046604
ME1 James Branch 038663 042632
ME1 Oscar Kramp 000011 041675
ME1 Patrick Harvey 000241 002420
ME1 Patrick Mangold 006444 006420
ME1 Jack Kornberg 000409 042191
ME1 Robert Schonlaw 000240 042311
ME1 Christian Sowers 000534 042191
ME1 Curtis Moser 000133 038079
ME1 Ariel Morel 000590 041675
ME1 John Schroepfer 007542 046604
ME1 Kevin Perkins 038643 042311
ME1 John Guerra 000543 042311
ME1 Ashleigh Garrity 038623 046734
ME1 Jose Barreto 000264 041675
ME1 Jacob Gaunt 002190 042822
ME1 Jason Woods 038653 042191
ME1 Gregory Caserta 000364 045431
ME1 Zack Harkness 007760 042311
ME1 Mehran Azizian 038673 042599
ME1 Daniel Kaltenbach 000539 042191
ME2 Morgan White 007107 038079
ME2 Kenneth Aud 007107 038079
ME2 Kyler Bohner 000545 002420
ME2 Andrew Guastavino 000678 045431
ME2 David Degideo 038612 045431
ME2 Kenneth Rodriguez 007290 045431
MKCS Andrew Steele 038666 042632
MKC Robert Davidson 007897 042311
MKC William Hernandez 000011 041675
MKC Lance Welsh 000281 041675
MKC Steven Gonzalez 000361 002667
MKC Dwight Atkinson 038799 046017
MK1 Raymond Bressingham 000364 045431
MK1 Antonio Scerra 038662 042632
MK1 Timothy Stoddard 009498 042822
MK1 Michael Perkins 000590 041675
MK1 Quinn Gagstetter 000566 002667
MK2 Grant Putala 038652 042191
MK2 Erik Rhyne 044220 038079
MK2 Justin Bohmert 000409 042191
MK2 Darren Apiag Ii 009477 007416
MK2 Darien Osberg 000249 042311
MK2 Austin Baldwin 000322 042030
MK2 Connor Meyer 049321 038079
MK2 Cheryl Machleder 000328 006420
MK2 Nicholas Clark 042636 042632
MK2 Ryan Dallavia 000212 042191
MK2 Scott Ball 048897 042312
MK2 Parker Brown 038642 042311
MK2 Samuel Tuttle 000319 042822
MK2 Jaimie Wyles 038363 046604
MK2 Michael James 038642 042311
MK2 Stephanie Aguilar 036066 042311
MK2 August Milewski 000552 041675
MK2 Victor Koval 044226 042599
MK2 Kyle Boeckmann 038611 045431
MK2 Megan Platsis 044220 038079
MK2 Alexander Saenz 000362 002667
MK2 Liam Stephens 038622 046734
MK2 Samuel Ashmore 038363 046604
MK2 Bryan Lineberry 000545 002420
MK2 Jackson Causey 038363 046604
MK2 Christopher Mcvicker 038652 042191
MK2 Ryan Pocaigue 000746 041675
MSTC Stephanie Daley 007644 046604
MSTC Ricky Ng 007289 045431
MSTC James Alter 007763 042312
MST1 Michelle Kosmo 007270 045431
MST1 William Poulos 007608 046604
MST1 Kristina Flores 007742 042312
MST1 Lucas Loe 007759 042311
MST1 Elizabeth Banham 007103 038079
MST1 Michael Saturnino 008355 042898
MST1 Samantha Smith 006416 046604
MST2 Nicholas Heiple 007865 042191
OSCS Nichole Mallory 007095 038079
OSC Christopher Mahoney-Manas 038674 042599
OS2 Jordan Roberts 038624 046734
PAC Lisa Ferdinando 008653 042822
SK1 Eric Brock 007433 042191
SK1 Danielle Boettcher 007856 042191
YNCS Stacy Reid 044640 042030
YNC Janette Clarke 007529 046604
YNC Jillian Sather 007535 046604
YNC Heather Hopkins-Chun 042256 042256
YN2 Amelia Ceresa 007060 042311
2. The Commanding Officer's (CO's) recommendation for advancement (Ready) must be maintained
for the period from recommendation to advancement. In addition, E-7, E-8, and E-9 candidates
must not have an unsatisfactory conduct mark on an enlisted evaluation for 24 months prior to
the terminal eligibility date. Personnel failing to maintain the CO's recommendation (Ready)
for this period shall be invalidated from the Reserve Service Wide Exam (RSWE) and Reserve
Master Chief Advancement Panel (RMCAP) in which they participated. Personnel who have been
invalidated must be recommended and qualify again through a new RSWE or RMCAP competition.
3. COs shall immediately notify those members eligible for advancement and take the appropriate
administrative action. Commanding Officers may withhold or cancel advancements of ineligible
personnel IAW Ref B and Art. 3.A.1 of Ref C. When an advancement is withheld or cancelled, the
Commanding Officer shall immediately notify Pay & Personnel Center (ADV) by email via AOIX at
CMD-SMB-CG-PPC and info CMD-SMB-CG-PSC. Please note C2OIX does not transfer to AOIX.
4. Per Article 3.A.10 of Ref A, personnel in certain ratings must meet security clearance
requirements for advancement.
5. COs shall ensure personnel advancing to pay grades E-7 thru E-9 obligate required service prior
to advancement per Article 3.A.21.c of Ref A.
6. The rank order number for each individual identified for advancement in the ERAA is no longer
indicated. The original rank order number may be found at the Pay and Personnel Center CG Portal site:
https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/units/ppc/SitePages/Advancements%20and%20Evaluations%20Branch.aspx, but is
subject to change. This ERAA, to include unit designations, will be available on PPC's CG Portal site.
7. Upon approved advancement, members are authorized to change their RANK as it appears in the Global
Address List (GAL) from the Self Service portal at https://EDMS.uscg.mil/SelfService. This can be done
as a standard user without requiring admin-privileges, does not require a call to CGFIXIT, and does
not require a CGFIXIT Ticket. See this self-help tech-tip for more information at:
8. POCs for this message are CWO3 Juan C. Deliz, email:
Juan.C.Deliz@uscg.mil, phone: 202-795-6506 or YNC Jeffree C. Craigwell, email: Jeffree.c.craigwell@uscg.mil,
phone: 202-795-6500
9. CAPT Michael W. Batchelder, Chief Reserve Personnel Management Division, CG Personnel Service Center, sends.
10. Internet release authorized.