united states coast guard

R 201509Z SEP 22 MID200080219297U

ALCGENL 171/22
1. The Coast Guard’s first Enlisted Career Advisory Branch (EPM-4)
will begin offering career advisory sessions to the Active Duty
enlisted workforce on 03 October 2022.
2. EPM-4 will focus on mitigating professional development and
retention concerns addressed in recent studies, including but not
limited to “Improving Gender Diversity in the U.S. Coast Guard” and
"Improving the Representation of Women and Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Among U.S. Coast Guard Active Duty Members." While available to all
Active Duty enlisted members, EPM-4 will proactively engage with members
serving in paygrades E-4 thru E-6 who are exactly one year out (to the month)
from their Expiration of Enlistment (EOE).
3. Comprised of four Enlisted Career Advisors (ECA), EPM-4 will seek
to enhance transparency in assignment, advancement, evaluation, separation
and career retention processes and policies. ECAs will capitalize on
relationships with Assignment Officers (AO), Rating Force Master Chiefs,
Rating Knowledge Managers, Command Senior Enlisted Leaders (CSEL) and
affinity groups, and the creation of Enlisted Career Guides, to educate
members on career enhancing opportunities and tools available to mitigate
personal challenges that sometimes complicate the achievement of
professional desires.
4. A career advisory session provided by an EPM-4 ECA is one of many services
available to Active Duty enlisted members to help guide their career
progression. ECAs will compliment, not replace, these existing services,
including career counseling sessions provided by AOs assigned to the
Enlisted Assignments Branch, EPM-2. All Active Duty enlisted members are
encouraged to utilize services provided by EPM-4 while continuing to seek
guidance from their Chief Petty Officer Mess, participating in unit-level
and CG-sponsored mentorship programs, and engaging with their respective
AOs when considering future assignments or professional development
5. The EPM-4 Scheduling Tool will open today, 20 Sep 2022. Active Duty enlisted
members serving in paygrades E-4 thru E-6 exactly 12 months out (to the month)
from their EOE will receive an e-mail from EPM-4 directing them to the EPM-4
Scheduling Tool and encouraging them to schedule a career advisory session
with an ECA. Each month, EPM-4 will generate a new list of Active Duty enlisted
members exactly 12 months out from their EOE and proactively engage with those
members via e-mail. Any Active Duty enlisted member may schedule a career
advisory session with any ECA year-round, but priority will be given to those
in the targeted paygrades and proximity to their EOE.
6. In an effort to improve services provided by EPM-4 and capture measures of
effectiveness, Active Duty enlisted members who schedule and complete a career
advisory session will be asked to provide feedback via survey. A Level 1 survey
will be administered at the end of each career advisory session and a Level 3
survey will be sent to members via email 6-8 months after each career advisory
session. Participation in either survey is voluntary.
7. To access the EPM-4 Scheduling Tool and schedule a career advisory session,
visit the EPM-4 SharePoint Site at EPM-4 SharePoint Site. Members are also
encouraged to join the EPM-4 TEAMs page to access resource material at
EPM-4 Microsoft Teams Page.
8. Upcoming events:
a. 20 Sep 2022: Scheduling Tool opens. Initial e-mails sent to members in
paygrades E-4 thru E-6 who are 12 months out (Oct 2023) from their EOE.
b. 21 Sep 2022: EPM-4 meeting w/ CSELs.
c. 03 Oct 2022: Open for Business. Begin Career Advisory Sessions.
9. Your ECAs:
a. ITCM Nia Stemley, D13, D14, D17, and E9s, (202) 795-6569.
b. CSCS Adam Shelton, D8, D9, D11, and E8s, (202) 795-6367.
c. OSC Jenna Coffey, D5, (202) 795-6373.
d. ETC Shameal Green, D1 and D7, (202) 795-6368.
10. Calls are always welcome, but general questions regarding EPM-4 should
be directed to the EPM-4 Shared Inbox at
11. Released by CAPT Jonathan C. Carter, PSC-EPM.
12. Internet release authorized.