united states coast guard

R 171822Z MAR 22 MID600051619887U
ALCOAST 092/22
SSIC 4050
A. The Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
B. Defense Transportation Regulation Part IV (DTR), DTR 4500.9-R
C. Coast Guard Supplement to the Joint Travel Regulations (CGS-JTR),
COMDTINST M4600.17 (series)
1. The 2022 HHG transportation season will soon be upon us, and with
it comes the importance of HHG counseling. To ensure all members
have the most success with their movement of HHGs commands are
highly encouraged to provide each transferring or separating member
with a copy of this ALCOAST and include HHGs counseling on PCS
check-out sheets. The transportation industry's peak season runs
from 15 May to 31 August with the busiest time being between 15 June
and 31 July. We realize that many decisions must be made prior to
booking shipments and requesting a packing and moving date. Booking
your shipment needs to be made at the earliest opportunity to ensure
a smooth transition and successful outcome. Trying to schedule a
shipment during the busiest times (between 15 June and 31 July) may
be challenging, and avoiding these peak times is highly recommended
whenever possible. Members should not cancel or enter into a rental
agreement, lease, or buy/sell a home until they have verified with
their local Transportation Office (TO) that the requested dates have
been confirmed by the Transportation Service Provider (TSP).
2. HHG counseling may be conducted in-person by a TO, or members
may self-counsel through the Defense Personal Property System (DPS)
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

Members must register for a username and password with a valid
civilian email account. Registration may take up to 72 hours,
so members should plan accordingly. Once the member's HHGs event
has been requested in DPS, a copy of the signed PCS orders must be
provided to the origin TO to complete the shipment request.
Guidance on PPMs will be published in a separate ALCOAST.
3. If operational commitments prevent a member from scheduling their
HHG shipment or PPM, they should seek guidance from their local TO
legal assistance office to assign a trusted agent or grant a special
power of attorney to schedule the HHG shipment on their behalf.
4. Members must understand their weight limits and the consequences
of exceeding their maximum allowable weight. Exceeding the weight
limits will create excess costs for both shipping and storage that
must be paid by the member. Maximum HHG weight allowances are found
in Par. 051401 of REF (A),
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

or table IV-K1-5 PCS of REF (C),
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

and non-temporary storage (NTS) Weight Allowance (Pounds) to help
members calculate the approximate weight of their HHGs before
pack-out. An easy and usually dependable method for making this
estimate is to figure 1,500 pounds per room (not including storage
rooms or bathrooms), then add the estimated weight of large
appliances and items in the garage, storage rooms, basement, etc.
Weight estimates are not official and cannot be used to refute
excess weight charges. If a member disputes the HHG weight, they
may request a re-weigh via their DPS account, the TSP, or the
destination PPSO. It is NOT possible to reweigh HHGs after delivery.
5. A member married to another service member must ensure their
origin HHG counselor is aware of their marital status, as they may
request to combine their HHG weight allowances for one shipment.
Weight allowances may not be combined after delivery in an attempt
to offset HHG weight overages.
6. Professional books, papers, and equipment (PBP&E or pro-gear)
is limited to a maximum of 2,000 pounds per member and spousal
pro-gear is limited to 500 pounds. Member and Spousal pro-gear
may not be combined. Guidance and limitations on pro-gear are found
in 051304 and Appendix A of REF (A), Part IV-K1-8 para I (1-3) of
REF (C). Pro-gear cannot be claimed after delivery in an attempt to
offset HHG weight overages. Waivers are not authorized.
7. After delivery of each completed HHG shipment completion of
a Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) is required within 7 days.
The CSS is used for the Government to capture the electronic
feedback on satisfaction or non-satisfaction ratings of its
continued use of the TSP.
8. Full Replacement Value (FVR) protection is provided at no
additional cost to the member. For personal property lost, damaged
or destroyed while in the care of the TSP, the member can recover
the greater of $7,500 per shipment or $6.00 times the net weight of
the HHG shipment (in pounds) or the gross weight of the
Unaccompanied Baggage shipment (in pounds) up to a maximum of
$75,000 as compensation for loss. Submission of damage claims are
the responsibility of the member, and are a multi-step process.
Incorrect claims or claims submitted beyond the prescribed timeline
may result in reduced compensation. To ensure proper and timely
notification to the TSP and compliance with service requirements,
specific guidance can be found at:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

Members should consider purchasing insurance through a third party
for higher value shipments.
9. Members authorized to ship a privately owned vehicle (POV) to,
from, or between OCONUS locations must ensure all vehicle safety
recall notices are resolved prior to arranging shipment and review
the guidance found in Par. 053001 of REF (A) to determine
requirements, reimbursement, excess costs, and restrictions that
may apply to their respective vehicle, and VPC use. Specific
information on POV safety recalls is available at:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

10. Eligible Members who elect to ship a second POV at their own
expense in CONUS should review the guidance found in Par. 052902 of
REF (A), Par. 052902 of REF (C) to determine requirements,
reimbursement, excess costs, and restrictions that may apply to
their respective vehicle, destination, and dependency status.
Members shipping in CONUS are not entitled to reimbursement for
delivery to, or pick-up from the carrier. Member's orders must
reflect entitlement and maximum reimbursement to ship a POV. Proof
of POV ownership by member or lawful dependent must be provided.
Authorization to ship a POV by Government contract in CONUS when a
member is physically unable to drive, or there is insufficient time
in accordance with Par. 052901 of REF (A) and 052901 of REF (C)
may only be granted by COMDT (CG-133).
11. Short-distance moves for PDSs located in close proximity may be
authorized a HHG move and DLA through the Secretarial Process
(COMDT (CG-1332)). Members requesting a local move should review
051901 of REF (A), Par. 0519 and Figure 5-1 of REF (B).
12. COMDT (CG-1332) POCs are CWO Petrice Blanco and YNC Brittney
Gatewood at:
13. CAPT Thomas H. King Acting Director of Military Personnel
(CG-13), sends.
14. Internet release is authorized.