united states coast guard

R 151850Z SEP 21
ALCOAST 341/21
SSIC 1000
A. ALCGPSC 054/21
B. Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2 (series)
C. The Federal Travel Regulations (FTR)
D. The Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
E. Cutter Training and Qualification Manual, COMDTINST M3502.4
F. Performance, Training, and Education Manual, COMDTINST M1500.10
1. To remain a Ready workforce, we must remain good stewards of
our training funds. Increased training costs, cancelled training
quotas, and adverse impacts to CG-wide training opportunities result
when policies and procedures are not followed. The intent of this
ALCOAST is to clarify "A" and "C" School TDY travel guidance, and
to highlight critical policy contained within REFs (A) through (F).
2. FY22 Financial Management System and Travel Management System
   a. PER REF (A), the new Financial System Modernization Solution
(FSMS) implementation will begin on 01 October 21, which will delay
capability to process travel reimbursements and cash advances.
Annew E-Gov Travel Services (ETS) travel system will also be
   b. All members anticipating travel during Q1 FY22 should obtain
a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) to mitigate risks associated
with this transition period. Instructions to apply are available
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

Additionally, all GTCC holders need to ensure compliance with DHS
Mandated Travel Card training available via the Coast Guard
Learning Portal in order to maintain an active account; this
requirement is mandated every two years.
   c. All cardholders without an existing past due balance will
be placed in a Mission Critical Status. This will allow continued
travel card availability without bills becoming past due because
travel reimbursements will be delayed. Members are expected to make
payment as soon as they are able to submit a travel claim using the
split disbursement feature on the travel voucher.
3. "A" and "C" School Orders Issuance. The Education and Training
Quota Management Command (ETQC) manages the quotas for all Class
"C" schools. "A" school quotas are managed by PSC-EPM-2. EPM-2
issues travel orders via Direct Access (DA) to members attending
a Class "A" school. ETQC issues travel orders via DA to members
scheduled to attend a "C" School. Commands are responsible for
reviewing orders on the Airport Terminal in DA for attached members.
Personnel and Administrative (P&A) Offices are expected to manage
temporary duty orders, to include providing travel and
transportation administrative support and counseling to members.
   a. It is the responsibility of the traveler and unit Approving/
Authorizing Official (AO) to read all order notes in their entirety,
ensure proper travel and entitlement counseling occurs before the
travel begins, and certify that the accurate reimbursement of travel
entitlements is paid upon completion of TDY.
   b. Members are obligated to exercise the same care and regard
when incurring Government reimbursable expenses as would a prudent
person traveling at personal expense.
   c. Members are expected to request and receive timely counseling
on authorized travel entitlements from the servicing P&A office,
typically within 5-7 business days after the issuance of orders.
   d. Members should schedule transportation and lodging as early
as possible, in an effort to maintain fiscal responsibility.
Unnecessary or unjustified delays in making reservations precludes
a traveler from using the least expensive transportation and/ or
accommodations available.
   e. Reservists on EAD, ADOS-AC/RC, Title 10 U.S.C. § 12301(d),
and/or 10 U.S.C. § 12302 (that are greater than 180 days) will be
issued funded "C" school orders via DA. All other reservists on
orders must be submitted and vetted through the Coast Guard Reserve
Training Management System (CGR-TMS) process and receive funding
through their benefiting unit and/ or CG District (dxr). For
questions regarding Reserve training and the CGR-TMS process,
contact the FORCECOM Reserve Training Manager, LT Corinne Powers,
4. Amendments to Orders. Unit AOs may amend "A" School TDY orders.
However, IAW REF (B), unit AOs may not amend "C" School orders
issued by ETQC to authorize rental vehicles or change course
training dates. If such a modification is required, ETQC will
provide an amendment to the orders on ETQC's letterhead, to be
signed by the unit AO. For all other amendments, unit AOs shall
not physically modify "C" School orders issued by ETQC within DA
or through the use of Adobe editing options. Changes to authorized
entitlements as issued by ETQC shall only be amended by the
travelers' unit AO via CG Memorandum.
5. Changes to Government Lodging. In an effort to travel in the most
fiscally responsible manner, travelers who are issued "C" School
orders directing government lodging are obligated to book their
lodging immediately upon issuance and receipt of orders (typically
within 7-10 business days).
   a. If Government quarters are not available, the traveler is
required to obtain a non-availability confirmation number from the
government lodging registration process as supporting documentation
to justify reimbursement for commercial lodging and per diem. Unit
AOs are required to obtain and reference the non-availability
document in any amendment issued to travelers who were directed
to use government lodging.
   b. Purposefully waiting to book government lodging in an attempt
to secure commercial lodging is an abuse of government funds and may
lead to administrative action and/ or cancellation of orders.
   c. IAW subpart C, section 301-11.200, of REF (C), civilians
attending training at locations where government lodging is
available will be authorized a Reduced Per Diem rate equal to the
cost of the government lodging rate specific to the training
facility. ETQC issued orders will prescribe the authorized lodging
rate. Civilian travelers who choose to utilize alternate lodging
facilities (e.g. commercial lodging facilities) when on base lodging
is available will only be authorized reimbursement up to the on base
lodging rate as prescribed on the orders.
6. Meal Entitlements (military travelers).
   a. Specific meal entitlements for "A" school TDY orders will be
addressed in the orders notes.
   b. "C" School TDY Orders.
     (1) While TDY to a U.S. installation where adequate government
quarters and meals are available, the standard government meal rate
(GMR) or proportional meal rate (PMR) is authorized per REF (D),
table 2-17.
     (2) The standard GMR is the authorized meal rate for
installations where meals are served at "à la carte" prices.
     (3) Unit AOs shall not amend orders to authorize an increased
meal rate [PMR and/ or commercial (locality) meal rate] in lieu of
the standard GMR for "à la carte" prices at a U.S. installation
without the required written approval from the DoD Base/schoolhouse
     (4) Unit AOs are required to obtain and reference the written
approval for any amendment issued to military travelers whose orders
direct the standard GMR.
7. Meal Entitlements (civilian travelers).
   a. While TDY to a location where government meals are available,
travelers will be authorized a Reduced Per Diem rate equal to the
cost of the meal rate specific to the training facility. ETQC issued
orders will prescribe the authorized meal rate.
   b. The full locality commercial meal rate is the authorized meal
rate for installations where meals are served at "à la carte"
8. Training Cancellations/ Substitutions. Commands shall make every
effort to use quotas assigned by ETQC. Class "C" school Cancellation
and/ or substitution requests must be sent via Admin OIX message to
ETQC and the appropriate Program Manager within 10 days of receiving
orders, giving the Program Manager ample time to consider the
request, and giving ETQC the opportunity to reassign the quota.
For cancellation of "A" school orders, please email
   a. Per Paragraph 3.G.1 of REF (E) ETQC is only authorized to
cancel pre-arrival training quotas due to medical emergency, Red
Cross verified family emergency, unplanned contingency operations
(e.g. Deepwater Horizon), or program approved waiver.
   b. Training held at the Maritime Law Enforcement Academy (MLEA)
must comply with the cancellation and substitution policies set by
the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC). Commands
should be aware of these polices to maximize training quota usage.
These policies are:
     (1) FLETC requires a minimum of 18 students (or 75% of the
maximum class size) to hold a course. If a course has less than
18 students (or is below 75% of the maximum class size) 30 days
prior to the course beginning, FLETC will cancel the course.
     (2) Substitutions cannot occur within 1 week of the course
     (3) Substitutions within 30 days of the course convening must
be of same gender due to berthing limitations.
     (4) All courses are capped (no additions) 30 days prior to the
course commencing.
9. For questions and additional guidance, the following apply:
   a. For field level questions regarding authorized travel
entitlements, please refer to your unit AO.
   b. Unit AOs should contact ETQC course schedulers for rental
vehicle and actual training date amendments. ETQC course scheduler
contact information can be found at:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

   c. Direct all GTCC questions to your unit GTCC Travel Manager.
Members can determine who their supporting Travel Managers are under
the contacts page located at this link:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

   d. PSC-EPM-2's Point of Contact is LT Kim Jenish, (202) 795-6593
   e. ETQC's Point of Contact is CWO Jennifer Wilhite,
(757) 756-5337 or
10. Dr. G. Brignoni, Director, Force Readiness Command
(FC-C), sends.
11. Internet release is authorized.