U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 07/02/2021 08:57 AM EDTR 021244Z JUL 21
ACN 064/21
SSIC 1000
B. Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements,
COMDTINST M1000.2 (series)
C. COMCOGARD Washington DC 03 Jun 21/ALCGRSV 019/21
D. Commandant's Guidance to AY21 Enlisted Selection Boards and
E. Leadership Development Framework, COMDTINST M5351.3
F. Military Personnel Data Records (PDR) System,
COMDTINST M1080.10 (series)
1. This message announces the implementation of the Reserve Master
Chief Advancement Panel (R-MCAP) for advancement to E-9 in the
Reserve Component. The R-MCAP will convene annually, beginning in
October 2021, to select eligible Senior Chief Petty Officers
(SCPOs) in the Reserve Component, including members of the
Selected Reserve (SELRES) and Individual Ready Reserve (IRR),
for advancement to Master Chief Petty Officer for all ratings.
The R-MCAP was established to be in concert with the Commandant's
Guiding Principles, detailed in REF (A). This new advancement
panel will serve as a talent management tool that will strengthen
the senior enlisted corps by incorporating qualitative information
found in a member's record, with a focus on professionalism,
leadership, and performance. COs and OICs must ensure dissemination
of this message to all Reserve SCPOs within their commands. SCPOs
must be aware of the eligibility requirements outlined below and
familiarize themselves with the contents of REFs (A) through (F).
2. This panel permanently replaces the E-9 Reserve Servicewide Exam,
outlined in Chapter 3.A.3 of REF (B), including this year’s October
test announced in REF (C). All other paygrades remain unchanged.
All members who have completed eligibility requirements for
advancement to E-9 will be reviewed by the panel, regardless of
intention to compete for advancement.
a. Current eligibility requirements, as outlined in REF (C) and
(D), remain in effect and will be used by CG PSC-RPM to determine
b. All eligibility requirements must have been completed by the
Servicewide Eligibility Date (SED) of 1 July 2021 which will now be
referred to as the Panel Eligibility Date (PED).
c. Members will be able to verify their eligibility utilizing
the Personal Data Extract (PDE) generated in Direct Access in
mid-July 2021.
3. Command and Candidate Responsibilities.
a. Command Responsibilities.
The most common reason for member ineligibility is a missing
Enlisted Employee Review (EER). Per Chapter 3.A.7 of REF (B),
each candidate must have a current EER with CO's recommendation.
(i) The EER must be dated after 1 July 2020 and NLT
1 July 2021. If an EER was not completed due to reasons listed
in Chapter 4.C.1.b(4) of REF (B), commands must complete a “SWE-EER”
with an effective date after 1 July 2020 and NLT 1 July 2021.
SWE-EERs must be submitted NLT the 1 September 2021 PDE correction
deadline date. SWE-EERs cannot be submitted to change a CO
(ii) If the CO wishes to change an advancement recommendation,
the command must submit a CO's recommendation change (CORC EER) and
it must be submitted IAW Chapter 4.D.3.i of REF (B). Changes of
CO’s recommendation must be dated after 1 July 2020 and NLT 1 July
2021 and must be received NLT the 1 September 2021 PDE correction
(iii) If a candidate on the R-MCAP eligibility list receives
a mark of Not Ready or Not Recommended between the 01 July 2021
PED and R-MCAP, commands must notify PSC-RPM-1 at The email must include R-MCAP
in the subject line and must include the candidates name, EMPLID,
rank, and date of EER that changed the candidates mark of ready or
recommended. As a result, the candidate will be removed from the
2021 R-MCAP. If a member is otherwise eligible for the 2021 R-MCAP,
but does not desire to be considered for advancement, they should be
given a mark of Not Ready.
b. Candidate Responsibilities. It is the candidate's
responsibility to ensure their online PDE shows a status of Eligible
in order to be reviewed by the R-MCAP. The PDE for the upcoming
R-MCAP must be verified. Candidates expecting extended time away
from their unit (e.g. extensive C school, deployments, TDY, maternity
leave, etc.) between the PED and the end of the correction period
should make alternate arrangements to verify their PDE. Report
incorrect PDE data to the unit Admin or Servicing Personnel Office
(SPO). After reporting incorrect data, candidates must verify PDE
corrections were made by reviewing their online PDE prior to the
01 September 2021 PDE correction deadline. If the online PDE was
not corrected, the candidate must submit a Trouble Ticket prior to
01 September 2021 to PPC by e-mail to
PDE corrections must be visible on the online PDE and completed
NLT 01 September 2021. Failure to report and verify online PDE
corrections by the deadline will result in a Not Eligible status
for the R-MCAP.
4. It is essential that all SCPOs review and update their personnel
records (EI-PDR, ESS, and EERs) in preparation for this advancement
panel. You should request your Electronically Imaged-Personnel Data
Record (EI-PDR) as soon as possible to allow for ample correction
5. Effective immediately, all Reserve E-9 billets have transitioned
from rating-specific to universal master chief leadership
assignments. The R-MCAP results will be published as an integrated
list of ratings, rank ordered by advancement recommendation.
Members will then be advanced to vacancies at any available E-9
position. Reserve Assignment Officers will play a key role in
determining best placement for the needs of the service, member
and unit. This significant change will allow for the advancement
of our best qualified Reserve senior enlisted leaders, regardless
of rating-specific limitations outside of the member's control such
as retirements.
6. Additional details, including how to request your EI-PDR, FAQs,
and reference material, are available on the CG PSC-EPM-1 Master
Chief Advancement Panel Portal site:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)
7. CG PSC-RPM-1 POCs: LCDR Erin Bennett, RPM-1 Branch Chief,
(202) 795-6525; and LT Marvi Rivera, RPM-1 Boards and Panels
Section Chief, (202) 795-6507.
8. This message is cancelled on 01 JUL 2022.
9. These changes will be incorporated into the next revision of
REF (B), which will be released within the next year.
10. Released by Dr. D. M. Navarro, Acting, Assistant Commandant
for Human Resources (CG-1).
11. Internet release is authorized.