united states coast guard

13 OCT 20

ALCGENL 192/20
A. Military Assignments and Authorized Absences, COMDTINST M1000.8A
B. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Competency Qualification Instruction,
C. Coast Guard Weight and Body Fat Standards Program Manual,
D. Water Survival Training Program Manual, COMDTINST M16240.4B
E. Screening for Overseas Duty, PSCINST 1300
1. This message re-solicits for ashore and afloat assignments at Patrol
Forces Southwest Asia (PATFORSWA). Assignments for 110s and ashore
are for one year PCS deployments to begin in the Spring, Summer, and
Winter of 2021. Assignments for the FRCs will be for 18, 21, or 24 month
PCS deployments to begin in the Spring of 2021.
Personnel applying for PATFORSWA should expect high optempo duty in
support of a highly visible national defense mission. Those selected
for this opportunity will be required to attend pre-deployment training
(PDT), which lasts approximately 5 weeks in addition to any required
pipeline training. Actual report dates to Bahrain are set by the
PATFORSWA Admin Officer. The following positions are available:
00041872     043239   CS1      DDE-RELIEF WPB    Manama, Bahrain
19381549     048791   DC2      INDEPENDENT DUTY  Manama, Bahrain
00011001     000302   EM1      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
00015550     000478   EM1      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
00077290     007006   EM2      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
19381519     048791   ET2      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
00001503     000377   ET2      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
00005924     000478   ET2      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
00017169     007006   ET2      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
19380666     007006   GM2      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
00075876     007006   MEC      METT LEADER       Manama, Bahrain
00018585     000478   MKC      EPO               Manama, Bahrain
19379476     048318   MKC      EPO               Manama, Bahrain
19381477     048789   MKC      EPO               Manama, Bahrain
19381531     048791   MKC      EPO               Manama, Bahrain
00007867     043239   MKC      RELIEF WPB EPO    Manama, Bahrain
00010073     000302   OS1      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
00034373     000377   OS1      DUTY-OCO          Manama, Bahrain
19379483     048319   OS1      DUTY              Manama, Bahrain
00075883     007006   YN2      DUTY              Manama, Bahrain
00077304     007006   YN3      DUTY              Manama, Bahrain
2. This is a dependent restricted, non-isolated PCS assignment. For
additional information and benefits see our websites listed in
paragraph 8.
3. Assignment criteria: Applicants must be:
   a. 18 years of age at deployment date
   b. Tour complete in AY21, AY22, or AY23
   c. Suitable for overseas assignment per References B and F
   d. A United States citizen
   e. Maintain or be eligible for a Secret clearance
   f. Must meet obligated service requirements of 15, 21, 24, or 27 months
   from report date
   g. Must have completed and passed task 1-01, Physical Fitness Standards
   (PT Test), of Reference C, within the last 6 months
   h. Must meet Coast Guard weight standards per Reference D
   i. E-resume includes command endorsement for all positions. Additional
   command endorsements are required for independent duty afloat (DC, IT,
   OS) per Reference B if applicable
   j. Possess a driver's license valid through the entire tour of duty
   k. Able to pass Water Survival Training (Note 1)
   l. Prior to arrival at PDT, members should possess a basic and/or
   practical rifle qualification on the M16 or M4 rifle within the previous
   5 years. Previous qualification with a personal defense weapon (PDW) is
   also highly encouraged but not required. (Note 2)
Note 1: All members will be required to take part in 3 days of
intensive pool training as part of the Water Survival Training
Program (WSTP) at PDT. Students will be required to take and pass
the PT test in the first week of PDT in order to participate in
WSTP. Upon successful completion of the PT test, students will be
required to meet all tasks outlined in the WSTP Manual per Reference
D. Students should be comfortable in uniform treading water,
swimming, and jumping off an elevated platform. Members are
strongly encouraged to review WSTP requirements per Reference D
prior to attending PDT.
Note 2: Weapons qualifications are required for all shoreside and
afloat assignments. All E-7 and below assignments are designated as
anti-terrorism/force protection (AT/FP) watch standers.
4. Assignment Procedures: Members should complete reference E
requirements for overseas assignment, complete a PT test and minimum
weapons qualification requirements, and submit a command endorsed e-resume
for PATFORSWA positions by 26 October 2020. Those who are tour complete in
AY21, AY22, or AY23 can apply and should list PATFORSWA positions only. If not
selected, members tour complete in AY21 should follow published AY21
shopping list deadline guidance or rating specific guidance for submitting
updated e-resumes. Members tour complete in AY21 will be given priority
for these assignments.
5. Applicants should be aware that documented rated experience and
qualifications may take precedence over assignment priority when making
these assignments. PSC-EPM-2 will notify selected members or their
commands on a case-by-case basis.
6. Command endorsement criteria: All PATFORSWA endorsements should
address the following:
   a. Verify that member meets all assignment criteria in paragraph 3.
   b. List member small arms qualifications and most recent certification
   date. Again, verify that a passing basic and/or practical rifle
   qualification on the M16 or M4 rifle has occurred within the previous
   5 years along with passing of the physical fitness standards in the last
   6 months. (Note 1)
   c. Summarize previous law enforcement or AT/FP experience and
   d. Backfill concerns: When addressing backfills for members not tour
   complete in AY21, commands should keep in mind that receiving an
   immediate backfill is not always possible. Backfill requests will factor
   into the candidate selection process. Additional guidelines for command
   endorsements can be found at our websites.
   e. Due to current Restriction of Movement criteria, applicants should
   understand they may be in country for 12 consecutive months. The member
   comments shall include the following statement of acknowledgment:
   "Member understands and acknowledges they may be in country for a
   continuous 12 month period pending COVID travel restrictions."
Note 1: For members whose weapons qualifications meet the minimum
criteria, but have lapsed, basic and practical qualification courses on
rifle (among other weapons) systems will be administered at PDT.
Training, Entitlements, FAQs: All personnel selected for this duty will
be required to complete PDT and applicable pipeline training. Details are
available on the EPM PATFORSWA and SMTC Portal Pages below. Members are
reminded that dependents can be relocated to a geographical area of choosing
for the duration of the tour and members that volunteer for 24 month tours
will be eligible for consecutive overseas tours benefits.
7. For assignment questions, please contact the following Assignment
Officers (AO's) by Rate:
CS (E6): CWO2 William Wall,, 202-795-6570
DC: CWO4 Travis Lovvorn,, 202-795-6592
EM: CWO2 Bruce Reid,, 202-795-6586
ET (E4-E6): CWO4 Giovanni Wade,, 202-795-6581
GM: CWO4 Christopher Box,, 202-795-6613
ME: CWO4 W. Walper,, 202-795-6617
MK: CWO2 Aaron Boyette,, 202-795-6602
OS (E6): CWO3 Keith Moore,, 202-795-6583
YN (E4-E5): YNCM Kellie Dean,, 202-795-6590
8. Command representatives may contact LT Rachel Kent, (202-795-6616).
9. Questions regarding the operational nature of this assignment or
PDT should contact SMTC, YNCM Jessica Schroeder at, or 910-440-6002.
10. Released by: LT R. Kent.
11. Internet release authorized.