united states coast guard



R 04 APR 18

ALCGOFF 016/18
1. The Officer Personnel Management Division is now soliciting units
interested in receiving OPM’s Officer Career Development Presentation in
preparation for Promotion and Assignment Year 2019.
2. Beginning in April 2018, the Boards, Promotions, and Separations Branch
(OPM-1), Assignments Branch (OPM-2), Officer Evaluations Branch (OPM-3)
and Career Management Branch (OPM-4) are available to deliver an Officer
Career Development Presentation.
3. CDR Kristina Lewis is this season’s Roadshow Coordinator. Commands
desiring to fund OPM’s presentation at their unit should submit an email
request to Requests should include the
following information:
A. Command point of contact.
B. Names of units expected to attend (if submitting a consolidated
C. Estimated number of participants.
D. Preferred and alternate dates for presentation.
E. Which OPM Branches or OPM Assignment Officer Specialties are desired.
4. As we plan our visits we will coordinate with EPM to maximize the
number of officers and enlisted members we reach in each community while
considering geographic and unit diversity. 
5. Our presentation will cover a vast array of topics such as officer
assignments, promotions, evaluations, and the officer specialty management
system. While we try to match the type of unit with the corresponding
requested Assignment Officer, this is not always possible. The information
we provide is meant to spark a discussion between OPM and the officer
corps so officers in the field are aware of the most current trends and
policies affecting their assignments, promotions, and evaluations.
6. We encourage all interested commands to submit a request to host our
team. The discussions generated from our presentation will benefit
officers at every point in their career.
7. For units unable to receive the Roadshow presentation, a webinar
version is also available.
8. CAPT Chris Glander, Chief, CG PSC-OPM sends.
9. Internet release is authorized.