CSMS# 14-000634 - Request for Participants: National Marine Fisheries Service(NMFS)Trade/PGA Working Group

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12/10/2014 04:47 PM EST

Air Manifest

Announcing the Formation of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Working Group


Attention: Seafood Brokers, Importers, and Software Developers: The International Trade Data System (ITDS) Committee of the Trade Support Network (TSN) needs your input and participation in our new Commerce, NOAA NMFS Import Working Group.

Working Group Purpose


The purpose of the NMFS ACE/ITDS Working Group will be to ensure that all stakeholders are invited to participate in a discussion of the technical solution and data elements that will be required by the NMFS in the new cargo release and control functionality of ACE/ITDS. Primarily the workgroup will focus on the IT related issues associated with implementing the ACE/ITDS. The working group will consist of members of the international trade community; including trade software developers, that offer [import] commodities into the United States and which are regulated by the NMFS. Officials from the NMFS and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that are working on the development and deployment of ACE/ITDS will be part of this working group. The engagement in ACE/ITDS will require electronic [entry] submissions of all NMFS required import data for cargo admissibility processing, in an XML format under a NEIM standard. Your involvement is needed to ensure that the transition to ACE/ITDS will continue to support efficient and timely cargo releases while in compliance with NMFS requirements.

Working Group Task


The working group is tasked with assuring that all technical and data requirements are transitioned to ACE/ITDS in a seamless, efficient, and timely manner, and in particular, that the ACE data assists the NMFS to execute its import processing and review duties. ACE/ITDS will allow more efficient government decision-making associated with goods arriving at the border, reducing the time for clearing goods from many days to, in some cases, seconds. This will dramatically speed the flow of legitimate commerce across our borders. Furthermore, coordinated and automated messaging about these decisions will increase predictability in the private sector and allow them to plan supply chain movements with greater confidence and less cost. ACE/ITDS once deployed will decommission the current system known as Automated Commercial System (ACS). The official “single-window” system of record will be known as ACE. ACE will require that all data related to ACE Cargo Release and Control to be submitted electronically under the Partner Government Agency (PGA) Message Set.

Working Group Commitment


Working Group participants should be prepared to commit to weekly conference calls typically of 2 hour duration over a six to eight-week period. A more definitive schedule will be determined at the Working Group’s first meeting. The teleconferences will focus on the technical data flows and business processes required for the above referenced NMFS Message sets in order to define the programming and operational guidelines to be implemented by CBP, NMFS, importers, and importer brokers when filing and processing entries for products subject to NMFS jurisdiction. Regulatory and policy issues are outside the scope of this working group.

To participate in the NMFS Working Group please send an email to:

Frank Korpusik at frank.j.korpusik@cbp.dhs.gov and fjktrade@verizon.net

Sandra Scott at Sandra.scott@sekologistics.com

Debbie Benish at Debbie_benish@ftn.fedex.com

PLEASE RESPOND BY COB Thursday, December 18, 2014

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